would you consider this legal or illegal

There is no way into the Serpent's Hold Meeting due to all of these Candelabra and since there is no recalling on Siege unless you can gate there is no way out except by picking up all of these, increases your own weight issue and face four skilled PvPs. Anyone that was using the EM gate to attend this meeting was dumped just outside and would not be able to enter thus being an easy kill.
For me, I consider this blocking and if you were to consider the players that are coming to the meeting monsters then they are blocking the monsters which as far as I know is illegal.
Remove Trap = Bad News
Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters

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Treasure Hunters
I personally have no issue with it since they did it within the Devs coding and without changing anything.
In war, blocking your enemy's escape is a very sound tactic. IMO, doing this is not something that is violating or exploiting the game mechanics any more than stam-blocking is. However, I think the blocking issue falls into the ''griefing a player'' category that, in Trammel, can sometimes get a GM involved. On Siege... not so much. Here, it is war.
Then again, I also see nothing tactically immoral or dishonorable about gaining higher ground over your enemy and lobbing poison at their poorly secured roof, inducing a stampede, luring a powerful beast over to an area, or other things people claim are unfair. I do not do these things because I am not interested in interrupting some one else's fun, but nor do I become angry from it. To me, UO warfare is a chess match and quite frankly these unexpected things are why I play on Siege and not a prodo shard (as I nearly die at a wedding ceremony in a guard zone, victim of a conflag potion lol).
Unless I see official documentation stating otherwise I consider this legal.
To be honest it’s pretty funny. I bet the people doing it we’re laughing their asses off, and that’s what having fun is all about.
Not enough enforcement to enforce such actions anymore so no action is taken and players continue to do it freely.
This is a legal tactic, and of course you left out some parts of the story. If you took the em gate into the meeting you had a clear path to run to the guard zone which is all of what 2 screens away. Why did the Bo do that, hell gotta give you a chance. The best prey are the ones that run. As for being stuck inside; this is an em hall with a crystal teleporter in the corner. You don't need magery to use that.
The Bo cant believe the amount of crying that is happening on Siege. It is SIEGE!!! if you want Trammel go to it.
When I asked an advisor roughly a year ago about blocking the doors at shadowguard with crates I was told "illegal on prodo, fair game on Siege as long as the items can be picked up" by the advisor who claimed he had discussed the answer with you...
Now I was lucky to die inside from the multi-attacks as the full weight of the ambush was not completed, there was only the two, not four and the way in had not been completely blocked, but others that followed faced "four on one odds". Stratics "Ask me to remove their names from the article I did about the meeting", at the entrance to the palace blocked, Orcs one screen above. Had you allowed a way into the Governor's Palace then there would not had been any calls of foul play. And yes that char across the bridge is a mage and gated out of there.
Treasure Hunters
Treasure Hunters
Treasure Hunters
Its like some players call a bug a "trick" they sure well know its a bug yet feel better calling it a trick?