Give us some help for the Artisan Festival

I like the event, because its a community event, but its very time consuming, expensive and with every upcoming one more exhausting and somewhat boring. And without some dedicated Bod makers you wont get far. There are just a few shards that get the last stage on all trees and even some shards that dont event get any tree to the last stage. I would like to see any help asap, because Artisan Festival 2023 will come sooner as we want. So here are my ideas to give us some help:

- The most effective one would be to change the points needed for a tree from around 25k banking to about 100k-150k turn in points. This would save us from using valuable Large Bods and excessive bribing and people not very used to the Bod system can just do single Bods and still have an impact on the tree.

- Next one would be to have for any single Bod you can get there should be a Large Bod. Like Large Bod for Smith helmets and Shields, Strength, Agility, Greater Cure, Greater Heal potions, Inscription, Tinkering and Carpentry has a lot of Single Bods which dont have a Large Bod to put them in, etc.. Especially when the first point wont come, this would be a good help to have for Large Bods with good point value to turn in.

- Lets us decide what we want to bribe, quantity, exceptional or material. Its frustrating if you need an exceptional Bod and it always jumps in quantity or material. As if bribing is annoying enough.

- Would be cool if npcs would sell any item up to 500 and instantly restock. Its annoying when you need bulks of regs or blank scrolls and have to buy up the items from npc, it takes like forever and you dont even know when the npc might restock. Also when doing trade deals and the npc item is sold out it can be frustrating. There is already items like empty bottles that work that way.

- It would be cool when a Bod would take the amount it needs from a stack in your bagpack, so you wont have to split it to the exact amount it needs. A Potion Bod for example doesnt take 20 of a stack of 100 or 21.

- Last but not least STATIC RESOURCES. I dont want to buy resources from scripters cause there is no way to get the high amount of especially ingots I need or I would have to use an enormous amount of time to get them. I made a little 30 min mining test run and ended up with 1400 iron, 303 Dull Copper, 183 Shadow Iron, 195 Copper, 127 Bronze, 115 Gold, 66 Agapite 94 Verite and no Valorite. I probably will have used around 50k Valorite when the event ends, so even if I can get 100 Valorite in an hour, I would have to spend 500 hours mining additional to the time used for collecting Bods, turning in, bribing, sorting, etc. to get this amount of Valorite i need. Not to speak of Wood, where its even harder to get the rare ones. I want to use my mining and lumberjacking and go get the exact material I need. The scripters got the monopoly, because its not worth the time for honest players. Maybe static resources would even bring some pvp to Felucca. I dont see any bad point on bringing it back. It would mostly help honest players. Even if scripters would get more rare resources than now, honest players would have enough chances to get some as well. There wasnt any better solution brought up, so pretty please bring back static resources.


  • TheoTheo Posts: 224
    To get valorite use garg pick axes, prospecting tools and there are bods that give you a map for a val spot that will yield 1,000 ingots in tram and 2k in fel. There is also a reward from frog pool i think where you can convert verite to val.  

    But overall I agree - dont use bank points - use bod points and raise it so you can turn in a bunch of singles with higher ores and get good points vs only being able to get good points from larges.  

  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    Garg pick axe and prospectors tool help, but you will have to handle the elementals and even if i end up with around 500 Valorite in an hour with the tools, its still 100 additional hours, for the valorite map you need a 20exc verite plate and up Large Bod, so that would be about 2k Verite for a Valorite map and i dont want to fight the Void Pool to get convert iron or raid merchant ships. I want to use my mining, lumber to get the material I want.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,660
    Allow us fisherfolk to contribute feeding the trees no name's 
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    I just want Bod reward maps for the in-between ingots. 
    High ends ingots I get off pirate its the copper to gold that are a pain to get.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    Or maybe just not wait until the event is active and fill BODs for the 11 months you have until it starts??

    Just an idea....

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    Drowy said:
    Garg pick axe and prospectors tool help, but you will have to handle the elementals and even if i end up with around 500 Valorite in an hour with the tools, its still 100 additional hours, for the valorite map you need a 20exc verite plate and up Large Bod, so that would be about 2k Verite for a Valorite map and i dont want to fight the Void Pool to get convert iron or raid merchant ships. I want to use my mining, lumber to get the material I want.
    Do mining in fel Delucia.  You are in a city so guards kill the elementals. There are enough spots to mine continuously. You get the fel bonus.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    This ^^^
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Controlled bribing would be nice. Mostly to avoid making the bod turn exceptional too early.  I've gotten to the point that if a bod turns exceptional I just stop bribing it. I do not need the aggravation that comes with bribing a bod that is already exceptional.

    The price you bribe should not be affected by other players bribing activity.  Currently you can be DOSed by other players bribing the NPCs before you. 

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    The best I've found for resource gathering of high end metals is to go pirate. You can get 500 valorite ingots from a single merchant ship but still get 100 or so from pirate ships. This takes a lot less time IMO than trying to find ore spots.
  • My problem was that I thought you only needed to donate one BOD to get a gift so across two accounts, every toon donated but only one earned a gift. Which is it?  Do you have to contribute a certain amount of points or is it one and done?
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Depending on the value of the large bods contributed it takes somewhere around 250 to 400 large bods to complete a tree (25,000 bank points). Only when there is a star on the top is every contributor sure of a prize.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    RangeII said:
    My problem was that I thought you only needed to donate one BOD to get a gift so across two accounts, every toon donated but only one earned a gift. Which is it?  Do you have to contribute a certain amount of points or is it one and done?
    You are quaranteed a gift only when the tree has a star.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    Pawain said:
    Drowy said:
    Garg pick axe and prospectors tool help, but you will have to handle the elementals and even if i end up with around 500 Valorite in an hour with the tools, its still 100 additional hours, for the valorite map you need a 20exc verite plate and up Large Bod, so that would be about 2k Verite for a Valorite map and i dont want to fight the Void Pool to get convert iron or raid merchant ships. I want to use my mining, lumber to get the material I want.
    Do mining in fel Delucia.  You are in a city so guards kill the elementals. There are enough spots to mine continuously. You get the fel bonus.

    I did my test run in Fel and can handle elementals, it wouldnt change much if anything at all. Still I would not be able to get enough high end ore in a reasonable time. I know all the ways to convert, I even did the Thepem/Zosilem quest to convert Bronze to Valo or Copper to Verite. But the point is the main source to get rare Wood or Ore should be lumber and mining and not raiding merchant ships or anything else.

    Larisa said:
    Or maybe just not wait until the event is active and fill BODs for the 11 months you have until it starts??

    Just an idea....

    Well I started in June, collected, bribed and filled Bods for many many hours to have more than 700 Large Bods ready before the event. I dont want to use more of my playtime for Bods.I heard there is something else in UO than Bods ;)
    The main point is that the Artisan Festival was too tough from the beginning and with the decreasing player base and less people participating in the Artisan Festival, it gets tougher each year. I am just seeking for some help and gave some points for it.

    Btw. I forgot 2 points.

    - delete the special material (Mining gems, Brilliant Amber, White Pearl) from the bluerpint of the elven style Bows and ekven style carpentry weapons. Also delete the Nexus Core Bod, noone wants to craft those for a Bod.

    -adjust the Small Bod to Large Bod ratio. Blacksmith could use a little more Small Bods, Tailoring a lot more Large Bods, Tinkering way more Small Bods, Fletching more Large Bods, Alchemy more Large Bods, Carpentry More Large Bods, Inscription way more Large Bods, Cooking more Large Bods.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    Drowy said:
    Pawain said:
    Drowy said:
    Garg pick axe and prospectors tool help, but you will have to handle the elementals and even if i end up with around 500 Valorite in an hour with the tools, its still 100 additional hours, for the valorite map you need a 20exc verite plate and up Large Bod, so that would be about 2k Verite for a Valorite map and i dont want to fight the Void Pool to get convert iron or raid merchant ships. I want to use my mining, lumber to get the material I want.
    Do mining in fel Delucia.  You are in a city so guards kill the elementals. There are enough spots to mine continuously. You get the fel bonus.

    I did my test run in Fel and can handle elementals, it wouldnt change much if anything at all. Still I would not be able to get enough high end ore in a reasonable time. I know all the ways to convert, I even did the Thepem/Zosilem quest to convert Bronze to Valo or Copper to Verite. But the point is the main source to get rare Wood or Ore should be lumber and mining and not raiding merchant ships or anything else.

    Larisa said:
    Or maybe just not wait until the event is active and fill BODs for the 11 months you have until it starts??

    Just an idea....

    Well I started in June, collected, bribed and filled Bods for many many hours to have more than 700 Large Bods ready before the event. I dont want to use more of my playtime for Bods.I heard there is something else in UO than Bods ;)
    The main point is that the Artisan Festival was too tough from the beginning and with the decreasing player base and less people participating in the Artisan Festival, it gets tougher each year. I am just seeking for some help and gave some points for it.

    Btw. I forgot 2 points.

    - delete the special material (Mining gems, Brilliant Amber, White Pearl) from the bluerpint of the elven style Bows and ekven style carpentry weapons. Also delete the Nexus Core Bod, noone wants to craft those for a Bod.

    -adjust the Small Bod to Large Bod ratio. Blacksmith could use a little more Small Bods, Tailoring a lot more Large Bods, Tinkering way more Small Bods, Fletching more Large Bods, Alchemy more Large Bods, Carpentry More Large Bods, Inscription way more Large Bods, Cooking more Large Bods.

    The main point is that the Artisan Festival was too tough from the beginning and with the decreasing player base and less people participating in the Artisan Festival, it gets tougher each year. I am just seeking for some help and gave some points for it.

    Indeed, things have changed since the Artisan Festival started and less players are around and even less players doing BODs....

    Perhaps, given the circumstances, the easiest thing that the Developers could do could be to lower the Star requirement, say, down to 15,000 Bank points to compensate the lack of players and of BODs collectors ?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    @popps it is usually 1 to 4 players on a shard that put the BODs on that make the star.  A shards population rarely has anything to do with it. Atlantic rarely gets a star. So your easy button ideas are just a cop out.

    The devs are aware of the numbers they made, they can adjust them any time, but have chose not to.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    Yep, even on *dead*'s not about population, it's about dedication.

    Today was day 1 for Trinsic...

    Second tree for Origin

  • Larisa said:
    Yep, even on *dead*'s not about population, it's about dedication.

    Today was day 1 for Trinsic...

    Second tree for Origin
     it just takes dedication, preparation, and inspiration. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    edited December 2022
    Pawain said:
    @ popps it is usually 1 to 4 players on a shard that put the BODs on that make the star.  A shards population rarely has anything to do with it. Atlantic rarely gets a star. So your easy button ideas are just a cop out.

    The devs are aware of the numbers they made, they can adjust them any time, but have chose not to.
    It is not about an easy button idea but, rather, about some better game design (to my opnion) that would not waste players' time, and massively, in repetitive, alienating "same-like" tasks that eventually may alienate them from ever wanting to log in and play that game...

    I do not know about others, but my day is only of 24 hours and I need to fill in that time a whole bunch of many things to have to do... all pretty much more important then spending time in a game doing the same things over and over....
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    Most games are doing the same thing over and over. You ever play a board or card game?

    What game is not doing the same thing over and over? I played craps about 30 hours in the last 10 days. Was a lot of fun doing the same thing over and over.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • RinerRiner Posts: 379
    Pawain said:
    Most games are doing the same thing over and over. You ever play a board or card game?

    What game is not doing the same thing over and over? I played craps about 30 hours in the last 10 days. Was a lot of fun doing the same thing over and over.
    Even more fun when you win, I bet!  >:)
  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    Pawain said:
    @ popps it is usually 1 to 4 players on a shard that put the BODs on that make the star.  A shards population rarely has anything to do with it. Atlantic rarely gets a star. So your easy button ideas are just a cop out.

    The devs are aware of the numbers they made, they can adjust them any time, but have chose not to.

    Calling the lowering of the points needed for a star on a tree to 15k points an easy button, shows me you never have been really involved in growing the tree, cause 15k is still alot. Try gathering resources and collecting, bribing, filling Bods worth 15k points and then we may talk again. Popps idea would also be a big help and is a valid point.
    Also sometimes one or more of the few players growing the tree break and already broke away, with that alot of Bods are missing which like I said before makes it harder each year.

    Also it would be great to get a timer until when the presents appear at the tree, because you cant scedule it, because the time frame doesnt work like it should or maybe someone can explain why the Trinsic tree had presents at 9 am if not earlier. If the event started at midnight, presents for Yew should appear at midnight, for Vesper 17 hours later which is 5 pm and for Trinsic 17 more hours which should be 10 am. The later it gets, the harder it is to have an idea when the building time and the presents time is. So I would like to have an hourly timer, so you exactly know until when you have to finish the tree.
  • Being a crafter myself and doing my modest part every artisan tree festival, I fully understand your plight. On a shard with only a few dedicated crafters, it's a massive undertaking to put the star on every tree, and I applaud you for putting so much effort in it every year. On the other hand, it also means that those dedicated ones have the opportunity to grab some rewards which others cannot.

    Together with you, I hope that the devs hear you and it would already be very helpful if they lowered those 25.000 banking points to something a bit "kinder".
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,660
    Being a crafter myself and doing my modest part every artisan tree festival, I fully understand your plight. On a shard with only a few dedicated crafters, it's a massive undertaking to put the star on every tree, and I applaud you for putting so much effort in it every year. On the other hand, it also means that those dedicated ones have the opportunity to grab some rewards which others cannot.

    Together with you, I hope that the devs hear you and it would already be very helpful if they lowered those 25.000 banking points to something a bit "kinder".
    Or let fishermen contribute thier no names to help each crab/lobster worth 1 point
  • I think most of the people who are dedicated Artisan Festival contributors work towards this year round. It's a lot easier when bods are collected regularly throughout the year and large bods are done throughout the year. This waiting till the last minute to do bods when real life gets busy with the holiday preparations makes it too frantic. Procrastination in this suckeths. 

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,660
    I think most of the people who are dedicated Artisan Festival contributors work towards this year round. It's a lot easier when bods are collected regularly throughout the year and large bods are done throughout the year. This waiting till the last minute to do bods when real life gets busy with the holiday preparations makes it too frantic. Procrastination in this suckeths. 

    While I appreciate that it's geared toward crafters i think allowing everyone to participate fishers as I've described tamers like moonglow zoo etc..
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    edited December 2022
    Grimbeard said:
    I think most of the people who are dedicated Artisan Festival contributors work towards this year round. It's a lot easier when bods are collected regularly throughout the year and large bods are done throughout the year. This waiting till the last minute to do bods when real life gets busy with the holiday preparations makes it too frantic. Procrastination in this suckeths. 

    While I appreciate that it's geared toward crafters i think allowing everyone to participate fishers as I've described tamers like moonglow zoo etc..
    Maybe because taming and fishing can be done the other 11 months and have their own rewards.

    It is called Artisan Festival for a reason.

    As a poster would say, Leave as is, no reason to change something that works.

    I am up to 8 full containers of the rewards. 

    Maybe more...
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    edited December 2022
    next year will be the last year (unless someone else comes up with an idea of new items)
    doubt they would change that for just one more year.

    I started doing Large BODs a couple months ago
    and had enough for 3 full trees before the festival started
    (doesn't include what others have done too)

    I do have a massive amount of Large BODs that can be filled
    but having the time to fill them, is what is needed
    (all these back to back events, has made that hard to do)
    luckily I have a few friends that are now helping fill some of them 
    (maybe with their help I can get a very big head start on next years too)


    one thing I wish they would change is...
    let us choose which direction the BOD bribes up
    (do the DEVs know how hard it is to get an exceptional footwear BOD?
    you can't bribe them to exceptional... they always jump to the other resource type)
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    one thing I wish they would change is...
    let us choose which direction the BOD bribes up
    (do the DEVs know how hard it is to get an exceptional footwear BOD?
    you can't bribe them to exceptional... they always jump to the other resource type)
    Doesn't really matter though only thing is that you need to use coloured leather to fill them. They match the lbods just fine even if better material is used, you can also use exceptional items where normal is needed.
  • Looks like the Baja Bod drop in Moonglow will start tonight @ 9 Eastern, 6 Pacific.

    Anyone who has bods, large or small, or if you just want to see the tree pop please come!

  • RinerRiner Posts: 379
    edited December 2022
    On Great Lakes we are truely fortunate.  We have a dedicated player who spends her time during the year getting ready for this one event. She not only collects vast amounts of bods but fills them. Some for the rewards she sells to finance her main effort. By the time the artisan festival begins she has enough bods completed to complete every tree on Great Lakes. Others do contribute to the growth of the tree but really it only serves to ensure everyone gets rewards from the festival. Knowing how much work she puts in for this o can understand the frustrate faces on shards without a dedicated BOD maker, but changing this to make it easier isn’t the answer. Removing the challenge to allow everyone to win isn’t the answer with this or a dungeon or an event. 
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