VvV Horse and 16th anni horse fix

I think its time to make VvV and 16th anniversary horse "3" slot to stop the mass scripting of popping horses in pvp.  Make so people have to fight instead of this lousy non stop running crap they call pvp today!!! @Kyronix @Bleak


  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2022
    "stop dismount pet kill. You would be forcing everyone to run ninjitsu to escape gank.
    Not sure how making them 3 slot will aid anything. 
    can give a command 'a war horse release' before popping a new one.

    I don't have a problem with people summoning new VvV horse, they are char bound so people must do towns to get them. Encourages action, but maybe make 16th anni horse have delay like pet ball summon" 

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  • gaygay Posts: 406
    Nah, it's even easier to fix than bumping control slots.

    Make using items that summon a pet (VvV/Anniv/Tritons/Birds of Prey/etc) function the same as a pet ball or an ethereal. In that it forces a 3 second cast that stops the player's movement, and is interrupted by taking damage (Cannot be protected via the protection spell).
    Done, easy.

    The mechanic already exists, just re-purpose it.

    Also, make sure the cast cannot be gimmicked with alternate race stone shoes (human/elves using gargoyle stone boots to break the paralyze cast effect)
  • Need more Anni Horses; in fact, PVP is soo based around dismount ganking that its almost unplayable solo now unless you have VVV mounts or Horses, which cost 4 mil to buy btw. to be fair... The game should not be generated around dismounting and ganking someone. 
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited September 2022
    3 Slot is a worthless update.

    What they need to do is make the summoning of pets (anniv horses, vvv mounts, sakkrath birds, tritons, squirrels, vollems, etc.) follow the same rules as a pet ball, which has a cast time and can be interrupted, when their item is used to initially spawn them.

    The solution still retains a player's ability to summon a pet, just not in the currently abused, exploitative manner they are used, meaning it leaves opportunities on both sides of pvp to outplay opponents. And it makes the lore element of how summoning a pet pair up with summoning balls.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited September 2022
    “Dismount is a legitimate method to reduce the movement speed advantage of other clients.

    if you had to summon a vvv mount like a pet ball, there would be no point using vvv mounts, just attach normal horses to pet balls.. 

    No requirement for vvv horses means no reason to do vvv town.

    Giving vvv horses a timer will shift game balance towards more advantage to *** player. As normal player dismounted can’t teleport max distance (if you click one tile too far you lose spell, *** players can basically teleport on foot faster than normal players can move on mount even). Also *** players can just enter any building and use target relative tile up and mount, normal player cannot follow, and cannot perform this action to escape.

    I think it’s okay how it is now, maybe give vvv mount even more hp as they are still dying in 1 hit from frenzied whirlwind now”
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “Actually giving VvV horse higher resists would be better than more hp”
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  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I think making anything VvV better is absurd nobone really does VvV other than to get items the following changes are needed 
    1.not usable in tram ever
    2. Deterioration should take place aprons lose stats if VvV town not defended daily 
    3.fel cities should have their own governors and town buffs which should be strengthened or deteriorate based on VvV participation 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
  • The only use for dismounting someone is to gank them.. I am 100% open to more items to avoid dismount ganking; its not a slow mechanic; a slow mechanic would dismount you from your horse for 10 seconds and then saddle you back up.. dismounting is straight up a troll mechanic, 
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    Hard to even make a conversation with how stuck on stupid these mods are with their filtering now.

    There is basically no reason to do towns anyways, furthermore we should be getting points for killing each other while flagged VvV, points shouldn't just be limited to these dingy towns.

    McDougle said:
    I think making anything VvV better is absurd nobone really does VvV other than to get items the following changes are needed 
    1.not usable in tram ever
    2. Deterioration should take place aprons lose stats if VvV town not defended daily 
    3.fel cities should have their own governors and town buffs which should be strengthened or deteriorate based on VvV participation 

    1. Who cares if it's usable in tram, antique takes care of that pretty quickly.
    2. It'd be nice if there were any real goal orientated purpose behind fighting in towns, other than points which are basically a participation reward.
    3. Or maybe just allow reds to enter tram, or do the even more logical thing, and make town buff a personal selection regardless of the town someone chooses to support, accessible by either personal context menu, or directly from the stone. That way people can be rewarded for choosing to support their favorite town, and not be forced to support the town that has the buff they want.
  • AniAni Posts: 23

    Dismounts are in favor to larger guilds that just want to gank with 15+ players, which is a super disadvantage to smaller guilds or solo players. 

    Fel needs some kind of fighting system with more balance without Tram players interfering to try and prevent competitive play styles. 

    I don't understand why the old faction system was replaced by VvV.  It doesn't have a purpose other than to attract a bunch of trolls.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Ani said:

    Fel needs some kind of fighting system with more balance without Tram players interfering to try and prevent competitive play styles. 

    I don't understand why the old faction system was replaced by VvV.  It doesn't have a purpose other than to attract a bunch of trolls.

    Pvpers have to leave Yew and Luna for that.

    You must not have been around towards the end of factions. Guilds fielding any numbers at all were bringing in non faction blue alts to troll. 

    Factions was a better system but not many had the time to play it correctly. We complained and instead of shortening the timer they made a totally different super fast system. 

    Chaos Order served no purpose but it was the best system ever. 

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited September 2022
    “If they deleted 16th Anni horses and fixed the bug that allows everyone to get unlimited VvV points,
    The VvV towns would be way way more active cos people would need to fight to get points for mounts.

    I have no incentive to do the towns when I can get unlimited points afk
    also, for some reason I think VvV mount statues are not shard bound

    VvV towns are only supposed to be active when there are x amount of VvV players online, whatever x is at the moment is too low, needs to be 50 active fel VvV players.”
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  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Yoshi said:
    also, for some reason I think VvV mount statues are not shard bound
    Character bound so I don't think it would matter much. 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "some very simple tweaks to make to improve, no major overhaul needed"
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  • B_Magic69B_Magic69 Posts: 6
    I mean.... The change shouldn't be made, though I'm in half support of it so my tamer mage can be the best again.
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