Inscription BODs
Fulfilling Inscription BODs is incredibly time-consuming compared to other types of BODs due to the mana regeneration requirements. Alchemy, blacksmithing, archery etc don't have any sort of "cool down", just the resources and crafting time. But with Inscription, if you're filling a 20 count LBOD , you have to make 100 scrolls and most of the time you just sit there, waiting for mana to regenerate.
Can the mana requirements be removed when crafting scrolls? (I'm not talking about *using* scrolls, that's fine as-is, just the crafting time).
Can the mana requirements be removed when crafting scrolls? (I'm not talking about *using* scrolls, that's fine as-is, just the crafting time).
You don't have to have regs to use the scroll, becayse the regs were used making the scroll.
So why doesn't the same logic apply to mana?
Now, the LRC idea wouldn't work anymore (After all, it's now possible to make a 200% LRC suit), but having it to where someone that had 50% LMC had an effective 10% LMC for scrollmaking would be a suitable compromise. That way, scribes could theoretically put together a specialized suit that would give them roughly the same amount of LMC as a caster would. Say, an 80% LMC suit that would grant 40% when scribing.
Not to mention they could fix Inscription skill gains as well. Like just looking at magery scroll making the skill required from say Mark (6th level) and Gate (7th level) is huge (30%).
The inscription gump should have an option to auto meditate when you run out of mana then auto restart inscribing when mana is fully recharged. It will only end when the user says to or the character runs out of resources.
Wouldn't it be fare and work with game "logic" that you use regents to make the scroll then use mana to cast the scroll?
At he moment the same amount of mana is used to make the scroll as use it. That just doesn't seem right.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Get rings, bracelets, and spell books with mana regen, mana bonus, lower mana cost, and intelligence bonus. I was able to do 150 recalls in about 10 minutes.
step two, cast mana vamp
step three, I’ll let you figure out the rest.
Please, for the love of God, don't make inscription easier. It's one of the few skills that still uses reagents.
Plus, you're using a player character scribe, not a printing press, using the skill should use mana and reagents.
If anything, remove LRC from the game.
(That will be a popular opinion!)
As a test, I just logged in my scribe. I can make 59 recall scrolls (*make max*) before I get the "you don't have enough mana" message.
Then I pushed the meditate key, waited for not quite 15 sec, and ran off the other 41 blanks as additional recalls. Total time, about 3 minutes.
And this character is nowhere near maximized for inscription.
Just made 13 Earth Elemental scrolls in 2.5 min. That's three cycles of craft and meditate. No macro, all just me point and click.
So, ~104 scrolls in ~20 min.
That could be shortened significantly by a macro (EC) and by better organization on my part, so I'd guess 100 level 8 scrolls is probably a 12-15 min task.
Look on vendor search and buy +4 mana regen crap items. Theres some +9 weapons. Stand next to a mannequin and meditate when needed.
12 MR is not enough.
And why does your mage have such a crap suit. + Int + mana stuff drops all over the place.
What is the benefit of standing next to a mannequin??
You might also be able to find some nice pieces using vendor search.
On a different tack...
Got curious about mana regen and meditation and did some poking around. (150Intel, 120 Med, 120 Focus would make a nice scribe...)
If that calc is still accurate, 30 Mana regen on gear might not be necessary at all.
My scribe is running
168 Mana
150 Intel (125 + 25 from gear)
120 Med
20 Focus
28 Mana regen (15 from gear + 13 Lich form)
With this setup I'm running 3.01 passive and 4.41 active. So in 10 seconds I'm getting 30 mana back just standing there, and 44 back if I'm actively meditating.
If I bring on a 4x120 bard using the peacemaking mastery that's another 22 mana regen (50 total), which is a tiny increase to 3.07 passive and 4.47 active. In a 10 second block I'm getting the same amount, 30 for standing there, 44 actively meditating.
For my setup, not much point in going above 30 mana regen. I could gear up to 30 and use lich form to push to 43, or not worry about it, keep the 15 base from the gear and use lich from to take me to 28. Either way, the result is basically the same.
Seems like getting to 30 mana regen is the sweet spot, whatever the gear/skill combo used to get there. Pushing above that offers very, very little return.
Anyway, something to take into account when looking for gear with mana regen. Badass gear might not be necessary. You might effectively offset 13 points with lich form rather than use lich form to push from 30 to 43, which basically gives you nothing in return.
(Although, gearing to 30 MR, switching to Lich Form, and running a 4x120 peacemaking bard would be fun, just to see the 65 MR on the stat sheet!)
Cheers MissE
NM, wrong regen....but the chain of thought was close:)