What are colored eggs good for exactly?
I've been collecting them, and now have a fair pile of them on my vendor set for the lowest basic price I see on the server, and nobody seems to buy them. I know they are connected to this event being run, but I'm not sure where I'd turn them in or what I'd do with them.
Given the obvious easter analogy and the comments about oddly colored bunnies, I also wanted to ask if there was any use for the colored rabbits people are selling out of New Magincia (just found out about the animal sellers there). Do I need to get a rabbit to do something with the eggs? Is this connected to all the stuff I read about the event in Destard?
Sorry to be ignorant, I did see a long quest detailed about bringing an egg to I think it was Moonglow, but in skimming that it didn't really explain why I'd want a bunch of these or why anyone would really want bags of them.
That said if nothing else perhaps they will rot, and for Halloween I can run around throwing them at houses with players who don't put out candy. <span>
Given the obvious easter analogy and the comments about oddly colored bunnies, I also wanted to ask if there was any use for the colored rabbits people are selling out of New Magincia (just found out about the animal sellers there). Do I need to get a rabbit to do something with the eggs? Is this connected to all the stuff I read about the event in Destard?
Sorry to be ignorant, I did see a long quest detailed about bringing an egg to I think it was Moonglow, but in skimming that it didn't really explain why I'd want a bunch of these or why anyone would really want bags of them.
That said if nothing else perhaps they will rot, and for Halloween I can run around throwing them at houses with players who don't put out candy. <span>

At any rate, thanks a lot for the information.
I doubt I'm quite that talented, and I'd be content to make a fraction of that per hour. I don't mind a long grind for a decent pay off in an MMORPG. If I could pull down 250 eggs in an hour that would only be a 10 hour grind for what I want, real life commitments not withstanding, I can generally do a 10 hour MMO grind standing on my head.
When I next get on to play (4am for me right now, am becoming nocturnal again despite my best intentions) I will take the time to start marking locations where I see eggs and see if I can start harvesting them seriously enough to do this over the next couple of weeks.
That said, the very first egg I found spawned right outside of my house, I remember it because I had to figure out circle of transparency to collect it. It hasn't respawned again since that I noticed. I am thinking some eggs might just be purely random. I sat there waiting a few minutes just now (server reset not long ago) and even cast a bunch of reveal spells to see if there was some guy hiding there invisibly picking it up (would have been creepy to think I had a scripter setting up outside my house all this time) and I didn't find anything, so it doesn't seem that the egg respawns there reliably.
Thank you again for your time Mariah.
I think that was the page that I mentioned in my original post since it lists the big long quest about bringing one to Moonglow. I either missed it skimming, or had a different page though, because that does mention the Destard vendor at least that was just pointed out.
Still, good information, and I should spend more time on the official wiki I guess rather than asking dumb questions on the forums.
I am on Cheasapeake sadly, but thank you for the offer. That said I shall use this as an excuse to check out the Tokuno islands, I have not been there yet and I will go look around where you suggest and see if I have any luck.
If worse comes to worse I'll just have to hope I do better in the next event, I fully understand it's unrealistic to jump in at the very end and hope to nab a huge prize.
and the scavenger function!!!
visit all farms you see in the minimap (4 around Yew, 3 Moonglow, 8 britain... mark a rune to each even if u don't see and egg the first time, chances are that a player took em and haven't yet respawned.. and sometimes they dont spawn for a day or so, so keep going back once a day)
... eggs spawn inside farmhouses too, therein the crtl-shft need
Or, trade the eggs in for ingots and sell those instead. Or, trade the ingots you get from the curio collector for rewards, like the quiver, and sell those. I’ve sold a few ingots if priced right they take about a week to sell on my shard.
Recommend using one of those commission vendors that sells for about 25k and only charges a commission on your actual sales rather than the daily rate one.
you can take the shrine ankh to Compassion
they spawn in the sand area.
don't forget the dread wastes
What are the dread wastes ? Never heard about them.....
where the deathwatch beetles spawn
the eggs are found along the coast and out in the middle
i can find about 6 in the area usually