Easter egg hunt is up
Quest people found so far:
horticulturalist - new maginca
monk - lycaeum
parrot - eodon gate
happy hunting!
horticulturalist - new maginca
monk - lycaeum
parrot - eodon gate
happy hunting!
Where is Curio?
Good to know, but should put a spoiler alert as some of us want to actually play the game to find them lol. Just opened thread and answers are right there..
We have a street called Money Tree near us, I told my young son that the people on that street have trees that grow money. Every once in a while when he wanted something and I said ,No, he would says lets go get some money for it off those trees. He also asked why we dont buy new cars all the time since the commercial said you can get them for $5 (down).
The Town Cryer hints at Moonglow Zoo as the place to start the quest. On Pacific, the new quest giver(s) are at the zoo, but neither gives a quest. One is marked as a quest giver, but says no quest available.
Also, they are both on the same tile, making it difficult to click on one or the other. Could you space them apart by a tile? And maybe also initialize that part of the quest so we can follow along with the story?
Has anyone found him??
Treasure Hunters
Not posting spoilers here but I have a WHOLE thread on stratics.
Ok, I understand it now. Take a Curiously Adorned Egg to the Moonglow Zoo. Drop the Curiously Adorned Egg on the Assistant Zoologist. Follow the story by typing the CLUES. Ok.
Treasure Hunters