ressing store-bought 1 slot rideables with bandages
in the latest newsletter the devs have mentioned that 1 slot rideables from the UO store will be resurrectable with bandages reguardless of skill. I like this but I would ask if this feature could be extended to the 16th anniversary mounts.
so this is the end of war horses and VvV then?
So there will be less people joining VvV, this will mean more people will need to go red to kill opposing guilds, but will not have an advantage over blues as will have the same mount but -1 Faster Casting.
I can see a lot of bitterness coming from this when some people who don’t want to play a red feel they have to stock up on forged pardons cos nobody in opposing guilds is orange.
this is very bad.
(Doesn’t bother me as I have over 2k murder counts on all my chars but not everyone is like me)
Mervyn-Dear, reading IS fundamental. My I direct you to the bold and italicized portion of the above quote.
Bought from the UO STORE as in the Lasher (aka the My Little Pony Mount) and the Windrunner(aka the Warg Mount).
This doesn't count the Charger of the Fallen because its an ETHEREAL and there for it does not take damage.
Bought in the UO Store doesn't include VvV or Faction mounts as those are bought from AN IN GAME NPC VENDOR not in the store.
Also you do know the Store Bought Mounts are NOT trainable.
Please Mervyn do keep running around screaming the skying is falling! the sky is falling! Mesanna is killing PvP and VvV! You do realize the people who ride those mounts DO NOT SET FOOT IN ICKY FEL! period. These are the bank-sitting, bling-bling clothes wearing, OMG-I'd rather quit than PvP types.
So you can rest your pointed little head that Mesanna isn't killing PvP or VvV. In case you were stoned, hospitalized, or out of touch with reality factions were removed September 25, 2014 with publish 86 !
Mervyn please stop trolling the UOForums. Mariah has better things to do than delete your silly posts.
I must not be understanding it correctly then...
or you can only res/ride them in trammel?
I do stand corrected that they are trainable up to three slots but they are so weak that they are not worth wasting the power scrolls. I know someone who trained a Lasher. At three slots if you SNEEZED on it, it woulld promptly keel over and die. I doubt it will give anyone a PvP advantage unless you LIKE running on foot! LOL
They give no bonus or anything. They "look good" that is it. Total bank-sitting fodder.
The VvV horse/ozzy/llama do give some sort of bonus, the down side is it disappears after 8 deaths.
If you want Mervyn buy yourself a Lasher, and PvP on it. I'm telling ya it's REALLY HARD to take a PvPer red, blue or otherwise seriously riding a Unicorn with a Rainbow mane and Tail.
even if they had 1hp, it doesn’t matter as vvv horses die in one frenzied whirlwind too, the ability to res it is why people use it.
as long as you can only self res it in trammel, it shouldn’t affect the bank sitters as you say that never come to Fel.
if you played my shard, you would also know that my online reputation is not one that would be affected by choosing one mount style over another.
What difference does it make?
I found this: But not any more info on them.
War Steeds (500 silver)
I do not see a requirement to be red or blue to buy this. I do not see a + 1 benefit from them.
Can't all players use the store?
If I were in VvV, I would want a cool colored horse.
Or are you saying that ppl join VvV just to get the horse that resses and now they wont join VvV because they can just buy one?
The point being that it was supposed to be something Unqiue to VvV/Factions. It was one of the reasons players would join, to get a mount they could ressurect in the heat of combat, and remount.
Maybe if they removed the ability to ressurect in the heat of combat with bandis?
The colored horse is still a nice perk.
come to Siege Perilous then and meet the Bo...
VvV is already forced on everyone and giving store mounts the benefit of self res will not change this. Also it has been mentioned one of the next content patches is going to be a VvV update which will hopefully do its job and give players further incentive to participate.
I complained that when they release shard transfer shields, it would ruin the market for powerscrolls. And I was right, fel became dead for years and powerscrolls were being dumped in the trash for cleanup points.
I’m still waiting on a thread for everyone to congratulate me on correctly proving everyone wrong...
Publish 100 is supposed to be a bug fixing patch, and now they are adding game breaking features????
Thanks. No wonder ppl are complaining about VvV if the incentive is a colorful horse and not gameplay.
Is the selling point of the system really a crappy horse that I can res myself when I could just ride an Ethy?
No, you are just making a mountain out of a mole hill and playing another "Fel players are victims waaaaaaaaaaaah" card.
Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars.
If this were not the case, everyone would pvp as a gargoyle. (which is quicker to fly than an ethy)
You think people keep buying new horses and resetting their macros (on 2d) everytime it disappears after 8 deaths just to look cool? When in some battles the horse dies like 8 times a night, you carry a spare in your bag just to look cool?