Decorating Bits and Bobs
Been trying to put together a buckboard and a carriage, trying to create what looks like a seat for a driver and a roof on a carriage. Meh...
The Elvin loveseat looks sort of ok for a driver's seat but there's a lot of placing components on lower diagonal tiles and jacking them up to get things aligned properly. Most particularly problematic is the most forward on the screen front "wagon wheel". The only way I've found to make the wheel stand proud of the other components, and not get buried under the seat, is to jack it up from a diagonal lower tile. But in turn this makes it difficult to place items that will cover the bottom of the spinning wheel. And of course, unless you're building out in the open with no floor above, jacked up items will go through the floor.
Other difficult bits are trying to put lanterns on the front of the carriage. I was excited when I placed the most forward lantern. It lined up just right to look like a carriage lantern. But no good on the background one.
And I think the ingots used for a carriage step are a no go. Need to find something else or use nothing at all. I can't suspend my disbelief with the ingots. They just scream ingots to me.
I've been staring at these too long. I can't tell anymore if they look half decent or look too flat or what. Or if that "carriage roof" looks sort of like a carriage roof or if it just looks like a green table stacked on top of another table. Neither of these are where I'd ultimately place them. They're just jammed in where I was working on them.

Anyone have any ideas on how to improve? Or other examples of wagons they've built?
The Elvin loveseat looks sort of ok for a driver's seat but there's a lot of placing components on lower diagonal tiles and jacking them up to get things aligned properly. Most particularly problematic is the most forward on the screen front "wagon wheel". The only way I've found to make the wheel stand proud of the other components, and not get buried under the seat, is to jack it up from a diagonal lower tile. But in turn this makes it difficult to place items that will cover the bottom of the spinning wheel. And of course, unless you're building out in the open with no floor above, jacked up items will go through the floor.
Other difficult bits are trying to put lanterns on the front of the carriage. I was excited when I placed the most forward lantern. It lined up just right to look like a carriage lantern. But no good on the background one.

I've been staring at these too long. I can't tell anymore if they look half decent or look too flat or what. Or if that "carriage roof" looks sort of like a carriage roof or if it just looks like a green table stacked on top of another table. Neither of these are where I'd ultimately place them. They're just jammed in where I was working on them.

Anyone have any ideas on how to improve? Or other examples of wagons they've built?
Yes, Dryzzid! I have discovered that! Sweet!
I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I'll no doubt tinker with it more.
Used one regular lantern and one from begging to get them to land as well as I could.
The Fish Bushel and Crab & Lobster Bushel will be fun addition to this someday.
Great advice about the begging lantern. Thank you again.
The painting turned to look like it's hiding a wall safe came out pretty well. You do have to jack the painting to line it up in a way that has it poking through the ceiling. I turned it into part of a pile of loot to be divvied up by the pirates who frequent the place...
Still a ways to go with the pirate den but a few things turned out pretty well. The defiler's hand reaching for the key ring. The scales statue with the base hidden under the table. But I think my favorite is the little animation of what looks like a fuse burning on top a powder keg (under the wood ship carving).
The little celebration wizard and the chicken from the farm set, sitting on top the cabinets below, look like cookie jars to me. The sparkling wizard's wand pokes through to the room above. Combine it with a void orb and it animates to look like a mad bomber has paid a visit.
I need pirate's den ideas!
A few ghouls and goblins remain from Halloween. Who knew they like to bathe?
I love UO's artwork. :-)
Edited to address Dryzzid - Heck yes! Steal it...make it better. And share it!
Dryzzid, I've always wanted to do a place that looks like it's part of the landscape. That "hole in the wall" spot you're creating is wicked cool. Thanks for sharing it!
Don't tread behind Rosina Leckermaul's bakery. Stick to the path. Speaking of Rosina, I was going to name the place Rosina's Baked Goods. Rosina wasn't seen as an acceptable name. I thought that was odd.
Almost everything I wanted to decorate the Gingerbread Hag's house with landed on exactly the same spot on a tile. That was a little frustrating. I think there are probably a hundred different bits and bobs that I didn't try that would go well into trying to make a gingerbread house. I'd love to see what others might come up with.
The little cave isn't finished. Well, is anything ever really finished? But you can get the idea. I like that you can't really tell there's a cave unless you walk into it. The whole thing sort of fools the eye into thinking it's all at ground level.
The walls inside the cave are meant to look like an old ruin of something that was carved out long ago and abandoned.
Fun stuff. :-)
Edit: P.S. If you hide a BBQ smoker to the left of a garden shed, you can make it look like the wind is blowing chimney smoke to the west. Hard to see it because of all the grey stone behind it but it's easy to see the animation in person.
It is a rare set made up of 3 pieces, each called "boulder".
UORares .::. Rocks
But it doesn't say if they're still attainable. And I don't see anything on how they ever were obtainable. What am I missing?
Thanks for the help, you guys.
Or, if I couldn't turn a design into a deed I'd come visit and go into custom mode on your house if there were a safe way to do it from the house sign.