Mount disappeared

XdotXXdotX Posts: 20
edited July 2021 in Bugs
hello, i already sent u a ticket but no one answer me so far, yesterday my mare just disappear when i was training him, it was bonded, no idea why, i already use the help in game but nothing, how do i speak to a gm or someone who can help me out?


  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited July 2021
    More info needed.
    What kind of pet was it?
    Where were you?
    What were you fighting?
    Did your pet go wild?
    Did your pet go wild and die or just disappear.
    Were you constantly ordering your pet?
    Did you lore your pet during training.
  • XdotXXdotX Posts: 20
    the pet was a nightmare as i write, didn't go wild, was bonded, he died, but no ghost or anything appear, i was fighting lich, i was not ordering my pet constantly, i lore him some time of course.
    again why no gm contact me? no one of the stuff as well, are u a gm?

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Not a GM.  Was there a body where the pet died.  Honestly sounds like it went wild and died right after.  Sorry to say but UO has a no replace policy for lost items.  
  • XdotXXdotX Posts: 20
    No he died and the body was in front of me, it was not wild, and was bonded, he should have spawn as a ghost. I was training him, and with lore I was checking so I know it was happy. I didn’t lost an item but a bonded pet, and this shouldn’t happen
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    Are you sure it didn't spawn as a ghost and the ghost just wandered off?

    If you have no others pets out of the stables and you are not on an ethereal mount, does your follower count say 1/5 or 0/5?
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “Had this pet ever died before?  If you were training the pet it sounds like it was new, how can you be sure it was bonded?”
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  • XdotXXdotX Posts: 20
    Ok guys, I’m a returning player, this nightmare have been with me for years, I started to play in 1999. I have more mare, dragons and other pet all bonded, but obviously untrained because back then this was not a thing. I repeat All my pet are bonded.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2021
    "is there maybe a chance you tamed the pet before you left, put it in the stables to bond, and never took it out to use it or feed it again to bond? 
    it's why i asked if the pet has died before, it's possible to own a pet for many years in the stable without actually bonding it.

    Just out of interest, was it a paragon lich your pet was fighting?"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • XdotXXdotX Posts: 20
    no, it was bonded, it was bonded already when I left the game
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2021
    "so it has died before and appeared as a ghost before yes? may i enquire how long ago this was"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • XdotXXdotX Posts: 20
    probably the day before or 2 day before. but there is any way to speak to a gm? lol i can give all the info you want but i don't think any one of us can do anything anyway. someone of the stuff can check the log maybe?
  • XdotXXdotX Posts: 20
    the lich was not a paragon, i cannot face him with a 2 slot mare
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    No matter how or what happened you are not getting your pet back everyone asking so many questions to try and find out what and why so mo one else has to lose..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2021
    “When I ask when did this happen, I meant when was the last time it died, you mentioned it was pre pet training so it sounds like this was a long time ago. I would not be able to remember this far back. It’s surprising you can.
    you were training it killing liches? you were training it to train to increase the slots or you were training its skills?, (it’s just a little odd because there are a lot more efficient ways to increase a pets slot) there will be a point to these questions I will assure you.

    was the pet 100 wrestling?”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited July 2021

    The only way to speak to a GM is to page one. It's highly unlikely the Dev's will respond.

    Since you posted on the bug forum, you're getting responses from other players. It doesn't seem anyone here is questioning your knowledge of UO, just asking questions to get a better understanding of what happened.

    There is at least one known and reproducible bug with pets, especially mounts, disappearing. Been in the game for a long time now. As McDougle said, you won't be getting the pet back. Unless you're follower count still shows the pet, then you may be able to find the ghost. That's why I asked if you were sure the ghost hadn't just run off somewhere.

    Let me take a wild were riding another pet when the mare you were training died and the ghost didn't show? 
  • XdotXXdotX Posts: 20
    yes, i was with 2 pet, but i did before and after, and never happen something like this, i just got the ghost and ress it back, but the ghost always spawned.
    i just don't get the point to have a forum for bug, under CUSTOMER SERVICE, and just speak between player....
    customer service we should be able to speak with someone, i mean we pay for a service, whats the point?
  • XdotXXdotX Posts: 20
    Yoshi said:
    “When I ask when did this happen, I meant when was the last time it died, you mentioned it was pre pet training so it sounds like this was a long time ago. I would not be able to remember this far back. It’s surprising you can.
    you were training it killing liches? you were training it to train to increase the slots or you were training its skills?, (it’s just a little odd because there are a lot more efficient ways to increase a pets slot) there will be a point to these questions I will assure you.

    was the pet 100 wrestling?”
    yes, i remember because the last time i played the bonded pet was already a thing, so i remember. I did for all my pet, and i double check before to start play with all my pet in the stable.
    i was finishing some skill, it was not maxed out but was pretty close, wrestling was already gm.
    i know there is other spot better than this, but i wasn't confident to go, and i was checking my old runebook.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    XdotX said:
    yes, i was with 2 pet, but i did before and after, and never happen something like this, i just got the ghost and ress it back, but the ghost always spawned.
    One last question. At any time during your training were you forcibly dismounted from either pet? In other words, you were riding somewhere, entered a dungeon or area where the game dismounted you and you had to either get a mount back out of the stable or use an ethereal mount.
  • XdotXXdotX Posts: 20
    One last question. At any time during your training were you forcibly dismounted from either pet? In other words, you were riding somewhere, entered a dungeon or area where the game dismounted you and you had to either get a mount back out of the stable or use an ethereal mount.
    Not at all, everything was normal, nothing like that happen
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2021
    "I have no idea what happened here, i have never heard of a bonded pet dying and a ghost not appearing, i doubt it will ever happen again.

    What is your animal taming and animal lore skill at? and do you use any jewelery with + taming/lore skill? where were you?"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • XdotXXdotX Posts: 20
    i have 120 120 taming and lore, my basic is 115 lore, gm taming, i was hunting lich.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2021
    “Long shot- any chance prior to this event you were reskilled by another player over 5 times, as there is a bug that makes your +skill animal lore jewellery have a negative effect if reskilled by a player”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • XdotXXdotX Posts: 20
    Yoshi said:
    “Long shot- any chance prior to this event you were reskilled by another player over 5 times, as there is a bug that makes your +skill animal lore jewellery have a negative effect if reskilled by a player”
    LoL no it doesn't happen
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    XdotX said:
    LoL no it doesn't happen
    Agree and have no idea what he is talking about
  • XdotXXdotX Posts: 20
    so guys, just to let you know what happened.
    after 10 or more days a gm appear out of no where on a different shard. He told me that is a known bug and they are really sorry.
    I love UO but those people are a joke, no customer service, no service at all lol! so basically they told me it was not my fault, is a bug, but they cannot doing anything about it.
    EA should pay for someone actually able to do this job.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,942
    edited July 2021
    Yoshi said:
    "I have no idea what happened here, i have never heard of a bonded pet dying and a ghost not appearing, i doubt it will ever happen again.

    What is your animal taming and animal lore skill at? and do you use any jewelery with + taming/lore skill? where were you?"
    I think we have all heard before, but in my case it was a pet from the store. 
    Skeletal Cat Dies No Ghost - Ultima Online Forums (

    As Cinderella said:
    "There has been instances of pets going wild while fighting..."

    I also saw my pets failed to follow consecutive commands that I spammed. E.g. when it was surrounded and about to get in trouble, I would Spam "All Stop" and "All Follow Me".

    What if the consecutive commands failed so many times, that the pet turned wild and then died in the process... One of my pets turned wild while fighting Travesty years ago. It did not die but I had to re-tame it back on the spot. 

    So, I am just guessing, that this pets turning wild could have happened so fast and suddenly in the midst of event that we did not notice, and then it died. This could be the reason why the Dev never replace my pet, even when its paid in cash $$$. 

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • XdotXXdotX Posts: 20

    Seth said:
    I think we have all heard before, but in my case it was a pet from the store. 
    Skeletal Cat Dies No Ghost - Ultima Online Forums (

    As Cinderella said:
    "There has been instances of pets going wild while fighting..."

    I also saw my pets failed to follow consecutive commands that I spammed. E.g. when it was surrounded and about to get in trouble, I would Spam "All Stop" and "All Follow Me".

    What if the consecutive commands failed so many times, that the pet turned wild and then died in the process... One of my pets turned wild while fighting Travesty years ago. It did not die but I had to re-tame it back on the spot. 

    So, I am just guessing, that this pets turning wild could have happened so fast and suddenly in the midst of event that we did not notice, and then it died. This could be the reason why the Dev never replace my pet, even when its paid in cash $$$. 

    man I'm rly sorry this happened to you, or anyone else, but those are just bullshit.
    they are not doing the job properly. IIf, as the GM said, this is a well known bug why don't fix it?
    there is too many problem that are not being addressed, that's all. many bugs, many exploits, scripters etc etc they do nothing
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,942
    XdotX said:

    Seth said:
    Yoshi said:
    "I have no idea what happened here, i have never heard of a bonded pet dying and a ghost not appearing, i doubt it will ever happen again.

    What is your animal taming and animal lore skill at? and do you use any jewelery with + taming/lore skill? where were you?"
    I think we have all heard before, but in my case it was a pet from the store. 
    Skeletal Cat Dies No Ghost - Ultima Online Forums (

    As Cinderella said:
    "There has been instances of pets going wild while fighting..."

    I also saw my pets failed to follow consecutive commands that I spammed. E.g. when it was surrounded and about to get in trouble, I would Spam "All Stop" and "All Follow Me".

    What if the consecutive commands failed so many times, that the pet turned wild and then died in the process... One of my pets turned wild while fighting Travesty years ago. It did not die but I had to re-tame it back on the spot. 

    So, I am just guessing, that this pets turning wild could have happened so fast and suddenly in the midst of event that we did not notice, and then it died. This could be the reason why the Dev never replace my pet, even when its paid in cash $$$. 

    man I'm rly sorry this happened to you, or anyone else, but those are just bullshit.
    they are not doing the job properly. IIf, as the GM said, this is a well known bug why don't fix it?
    there is too many problem that are not being addressed, that's all. many bugs, many exploits, scripters etc etc they do nothing

    This issue has been going on and you are not the first player to voice such concerns. If the game still mean anything to you, then just play those safer part for nolstagia.

    Not meant for this thread alone but @Yoshi I am not even sure all the bugs you raised will ever get fixed.

    No one in the Dev team will even bother to keep track of the Bug Log.
    - How many bugs were solved each month?
    - How many new bugs were reported each month?
    - How many bugs remain open?

    Maybe the team need to put this KPI (Key Performance Indicator) in the newsletter.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • XdotXXdotX Posts: 20
    Seth said:

    This issue has been going on and you are not the first player to voice such concerns. If the game still mean anything to you, then just play those safer part for nolstagia.

    Not meant for this thread alone but @ Yoshi I am not even sure all the bugs you raised will ever get fixed.

    No one in the Dev team will even bother to keep track of the Bug Log.
    - How many bugs were solved each month?
    - How many new bugs were reported each month?
    - How many bugs remain open?

    Maybe the team need to put this KPI (Key Performance Indicator) in the newsletter.
    @ Mesanna

    I play for nostalgia as well, but i pay for a service as well,and I didn't pay with memories.
    They have to fix the bugs, and if they made a mistake we are not the one who have to pay, they have to fix it.
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