Skeletal Cat Dies No Ghost
This is the second time I have an issue with items purchased from the UO store. The previous times it was a pet bonding potion that did not work, the pet died after bonding and there was no ghost. One pet bonding potion wasted and it is hard to prove, maybe.
Now I just lost the only Skeletal Cat that I purchased in my entire account.
There are simply too many bugs with the game now and while losing an in-game item isn't a really major issue (unless it is a super rare item like Cameo and it is blessed), I don't think I can accept a 1000 sovereign virtual item that cost around $10 equivalent.
There are simply too many bugs with the game now and while losing an in-game item isn't a really major issue (unless it is a super rare item like Cameo and it is blessed), I don't think I can accept a 1000 sovereign virtual item that cost around $10 equivalent.
Please don't tell me you don't have a way to track this lost? It is not as if I purchased an item for use in my own Real Life home. The item that I purchased can only exist in your Ultima Online server under your control.
Feel free to scan my account and server records - if any.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I have the Windrunner and it tends to get hungry quite often.
(he gets hungrier twice as fast as my other pets do)
your cat may have needed to be fed more often.
I'm not sure how often you fed it or if that is the cause this time...
There has been instances of pets going wild while fighting...
My husband has had it happen before with a giant beetle.
I’ve read several times people losing pets who have used them.
It happened once to my pet when fighting Travesty some time back. There was repeated commands that failed and it went wild. I cannot remember exactly how, but it was different from the haven training.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
*pet name seems very unhappy*
each time a pet drops down a happiness level.
(Mounted pets would show the message as a system message like when VvV mounts get low battle readiness levels)
The one above that I mentioned became wild was at least level 4 if not level 5 trained pet.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
It is not a trained, level up pet. This is a fact.
It requires feeding like any other pet, only if it loses loyalty. For my Windrunner I have not fed it for a long time and it never turn wild. This is a fact.
I did not spam command, and resulting it not listening to several commands in a row and losing loyalty, like my level 5 pet. This is a fact.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
The server should have such records of purchases. If not, then I would suggest that they develop a simple tracker. After all, we are talking about a purchased item using rl money, and not items acquired in the game.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Back in the day, didn't they give the messages? Before everything started gettng new and improved? I can remember Sir Paco's WWs in front of the house 'looking around desparately' and such...
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
It is also "a total lack of Customer respect", as the many possessors of the non exactly cheap Britannia Ships lost to a WELL KNOWN Lighthose bug can testify...
This is just a virtual product, just made up of 1 and 0. Not sure what they lose? Need to order production, packaging, shipping?
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
And that, in a nutshell, is WHY and by WHO today real world is totally scr*wed too...