Suggestion: Make the UO store work in all areas where vendor search works (guard zones)
Especially now with EJs running around who obviously can't go to owned/co-owned/friended houses to to open the UO store. It would make it more pleasant for everyone and have the UO store work in all areas where vendor search works. I wouldn't be surprised if this boosts revenue as well.

A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
the page says: go to a guard zone or safe-log out area (House/Inn).
No, it works only in safe log-out locations...inns and houses. It's rather annoying. Especially for EJs!
Hmm I suppose that would be annoying.
There are reasons you cant use it everywhere. Vendor search does not hide you.
Also a good idea to pay cash for an item that could get stolen just as you got it if you are not in a safe location.
1) Logging out mid-combat to avoid death is an exploitable flaw in many games. Ultima Online has never had that exploitable flaw because the "safe log-out" zones have been around since Beta.
2) Even if you are "safe" in the Guard Zones of Trammel or Malas (non PvP) a treasure-hunter might end up digging up a chest close enough for the spawn to kill you. Guards are not always attentive and "safe"does not mean your character is Invulnerable.
3) Safe log-out was essential when the whole game was Felucca (PvP) ruleset. My characters lived in the wilds and rarely went into town for fear of Red PKers. Does anyone run Camping skill and carry a bedroll these days? The first days of UO were a diifferent world....
Blacksmithing, Carpentry and Inscription services offered through afilliated subcontractors.
Exotic beasts available with proper authorization from the Crown.
Gate those EJ players to an Inn if you are concerned.
Have purchased store items appear in the bank "Your purchase has been delivered to your bank box"...character safety won't be an issue...