EM Events for August 2020
in Siege

Please note : I am actually away from the 5th to the 8th, hunting for that much needed R&R.
15th : The usual council meeting, complete with unwanted monsters.
22nd : What to call this.... how about "experiment time"? As you probably heard, I have some new toys... come and help me try out a new champ spawn! NOTE: No rewards other than the normal stuff that monsters drop, but it should be fun all the same!
29th : The bear necessities. Yes, you all get to run around the jungle in red loincloths singing to the local wildlife! Not your scene? Oh, ok - it would have been fun, but I'll give you something to fight instead. Happy now? Great.

Treasure Hunters
Level 1 : Doom Dark Fathers and Harrowers
Level 2 : Exoduses
Level 3 : Zombie King Blackthorns
Champ : the whole dev team
And set the whole thing off in the middle of Luna.
For some strange reason, it didn't get approved. I can't imagine why. So, we'll go with something lighter. I think you'll enjoy it!
Who knew 100 blackrock elementals would be such a challenge?
*hears everyone on Siege shouting "we did you idiot!"*
Ahem. Anyway, I won't be making that mistake again. Other mistakes, sure, but not that one.
For those who wondered, here's what the boss would have been:
Thanks to everyone who helped with this little experiment. Lessons were most certainly learned!
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.