a quick question for the powers that be regarding a game mechanic
i have a quick question for the powers that be regarding a game mechanic.
years ago there was something added into the game to stop tamers from being hidden for hours on end and letting their pets just randomly kill everything in the dungeon and the hidden tamer get the drops.
they made it so that if you where hidden you would chance to get a drop was reduced to like 1%.
is that game mechanic still in effect?
if so what triggers it?
if you pop a quick invis to break agro on a mod will that trigger it?
or do you have to be invised when the mod dies?
how does it work.... IF it still is in there?
thanks for your time and help.
praise be upon the Dev's and their awesomeness.

Some were invised some were auto attacking.
Yes as to what ?
To my understanding, the OP was asking :
1) - If that mechanics is still operative which supposedly the "yes" might refer to...
2) - How it works in the sense of what triggers the lower chance at a drop.
Everyone knows that often a tamer needs, for one reason or another, to have to get inviso whether to stop being aggravated and have the mobs focus on the pet to then be able to heal the pet and direct its targeting and all that.
And this, can happen VERY frequently during a hunt. But really VERY frequently.
So, it would be beneficial to know whether this "mechanics" is time based, like, for it to trigger, it depends on how "long" overall, as compared to the length of the fight, the tamer goes into invisibility mode, or whether just 1 inviso to stop an aggro would all of a sudden drop the Tamer's chances at a drop to 1% only or in whatever way this might work and get triggered.
I would add, a 3rd question, though, is it a mechanics that ONLY applies to Tamers or does "any" Template that goes into hiding, however it is handled, all of a sudden can see their chances at a drop be lowered to 1% ?
This could explain also, why many players have a perception that dexers, who hardly go into hiding, may seem to have a higher drop rate as compared to other Templates, ranged characters included....
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Poor popps will never get drops.
''Update 1 Publish 47
On October 3, 2007, the following was published:
When the monster dies.... it was put in the game for the 10th anniversary dungeon drops ( katrina crook, jaanas staff etc https://www.uoguide.com/Publish_47 )
I'm pretty sure they spreaded this rule to alot more content with any kind of drops involved
It is also interesting to see that there is a max range of 16 tiles associated with drops :
''You will get no credit if you are more than 16 tiles away from the monster when it dies.''
Thank You! I've been looking for that.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
I just dont get why they won't tell us any numbers, like it would change anything... once again the silence of the devs and hidden formulas , nothing new in this game
Cheers MissE
@Kyronix , if you are looking at ways to "further improve in the coming implementation of our Dynamic Treasures of... system that's coming in Publish 109 "you might want to well keep in mind the heavy investment in skill points which some players make on their Templates with Hiding and Stealthing...
I mean, say that one Template was to go with 100 Hiding + 120 Stealth, that is 220 skill points out of the 720 total available... that is about ONE THIRD of the available skill points going away into Hiding and Stealthing.... it is not possible to nerf the hell out of Templates who invest so many skill points in Hiding and Stealthing, me thinks....
Indeed, @Kyronix , if you guys do not want players to use Hiding and Stealthing just take those skills out of the game, entirely, but nerfing them when they can be so much a HIGH investment of skill points into a Template seems not right to me.....
This, especially because a whole lot of players are not aware of the "fine tunings" to game mechanics which over time are done and often, a lot of players put skills on their Templates "thinking" to get some good out of their usage, but then, instead, get their gameplay greatly hurt because the usage of those skills often brings attacked some heavy penalties which are not even "that" much visible or evident let alone "known about"....
If you guys do not want players to use Hiding and Stealthing, just say it flat out and everyone will make a Sampire or variations of it, and be done with it, rather then think out some creative way to use skills which then bring on more penalties then good attached to them....