Looking to have high end custom PVM suit made.
Looking for a PVM suit to add to my collection. Need a craftsman who can integrate/maximize skills, stats, and play style into a suit for this old Sage.
Credit to my old friend @Finley Grant who has been my absolute go to suit builder over the years. He is the quintessential master at this. Enjoy your retirement my friend
If you had some references that would be great if we do not have history together.
Credit to my old friend @Finley Grant who has been my absolute go to suit builder over the years. He is the quintessential master at this. Enjoy your retirement my friend
If you had some references that would be great if we do not have history together.
Lord Nabin
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
Looking for a good PVM hunting suit.
The basic stats are as follows.
Str 125
Dex 10
Int 125
120 Focus
100 Inscription
120 Evaluate Intelligence
120 Magery
20 Meditation
120 Mysticism
120 Spell Weaving
Looking to Maximize damage output and overall effectiveness.
Plays with Protection spell on so Physical damage would need to be at 80 to start
Usually holding a 50% sdi invasion spellbook.
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
Not bad for a starter set for my warriors and all from VS and every piece was less than 1M max
I also have a mage suit
Int 71, mana 76, MR47, resists suck, LMC 88, LRC 135 this is a MAX Regen suit for scribes but works great for casting spells non stop for training
I am working on a Mage suit with all the Mage stuff and 70+ resists in everything and yes both of these suits are brittle and so will my Tamer/Bard/Mage suit to run mastries nonstop while killing stuff with my pet
Head: Scholar's Halo
Neck: Pendant of the Magi (or a good gorget if you want resistances here)
Chest: Protector of the Battle Mage
Gloves: good legendary with whatever stats you're missing (lmc/lrc), 4 mana regen, int, mana, maybe an eater
Legs: Kelp Woven
Back: Jumu's
Robe: Hawkwind's
Sash: Spell focusing or Lieutenant
Belt: Tangle
Feet: Minax's Sandals
Weapon: 50 SDI spellbook
Shield: Vesper Chaos Shield
Ring: Crystalline
Bracelet: 18 SDI, 3 FCR, int
Earrings: 2% to a resist if you need to cover something like physical to have 70 even with protection
Talisman: Wizard's Curio or any other 5 SDI talisman
127 / 10 / 150 str/dex/int
118 / 10 / 212 hp/stam/mana
151 SDI (164 with reaper, 189 with reaper + arcane empowerment)
3/6 fc/fcr
40 lmc
110 lrc
28 mana regen
67/70/70/70/75 (with protection, maxed without protection, maxed with reaper + protection)
770 skill points (120 lore taming eval mage med weaving, 50 focus)
27% poison eater
I could probably find slightly better gloves/neck to eek out the last 3% phys, but I'm often in reaper form, so it doesn't matter.
Since I use protection, FC is useless. The str requirement is less for these.
FCR is cheap on jewelry. MR 4 is sweet.
do you want antique jewels or much more expensive and most likely not as powerful clean jewels?
are you wanting to maximize SDI only, or sacrifice a few points of sdi for other stats?
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
This is what I consider Next Level. I tried really hard to get 250 mana but I just couldn't make it happen with the 150 HP. Has Halo, Slither and Minax Sandals along with a few no names. I have not died in PVM is over a year with it. The suit also has 18 MR and 12% Casting Focus.
I go with 30MR and have 120 mag and eval. I die often because I make bad choices.
Could you please provide a break down of the various pieces of your suit and which are artifacts and which imbued ?
I see that you have no luck on it, does it means that you have then a luck suit that you swap for the kill ?
Thanks !
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
Head: Dr Spector's lenses
Neck: Pendant of the Magi
Chest: Protector of the Battle Mage
Gloves: Grey Mist (Mi 2, SDI 2% pr 7 dr 7 cr 3 pr 4 er 4)
Legs: Enchanted Kelp Woven Leggings
Back: Jumu's Sacred Hide
Robe: Hawkwind's Robe
Sash: Lieutenant of the Britannian Royal Guard
Belt: Crimson Cinture
Feet: Minax's Sandals
Weapon: 50 SDI spellbook (MR 3 SDI 50% FC 1 LRC 10%)
Shield: Arcane Chaos Shield of Sorcery ( SC 30% INT +5 MI 5 MR 4 LMC 5% pr5 fr 4 cr 3 pr 4 er 1
Talisman: Mana Phasing Orb MR 1 HC 5 SDI 5 LMC 6
Ring: Compassion's Eye
Bracelet: open
Earrings: open
Suit Stats are as follows
Dex Bonus 5
Intelligence Bonus 38
Hit Points Increase 15/25
Mana Increase 30/25
Hit point Regen 2/18
Mana Regen 29/30
Physical R 47/70
Fire R 67/70
Cold R 57/70
Poison R 59/70
Energy R 62/70
Damage Increase 20
Hit Chance Increase 5
LMC 52/40
FC 1/4
FCR 1/6
LRC 125/100
SDI 137
Soul charge 30
Casting 7/12
Night Sight
Resisting Spells +15
The basic stats are as follows.
Str 125
Dex 10
Int 125
120 Focus
100 Inscription
120 Evaluate Intelligence
120 Magery
20 Meditation
120 Mysticism
120 Spell Weaving

Now Bracelet is another 18% SDI when made that gets me to 155 with room for another 5%I would like to get this to an all 70's suit if possible while protection is on. Max out the mana to 250 and the hit points.
Seems like I would adjust the stats to 150 int and 150 str with whatever else I can to Dex?
Ok thoughts everyone! Thank you!
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
Also look at gloves for more phy resist.
You also have the cuffs I think.
When I die it would not matter if I had high hitpoints or not.
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
Head: The Scholar’s Halo
Ears: Nocturne Earings
Neck: Pendant of The Magi
Chest: Protector of the Battle Mage
Arms: Cuffs of the Archmage
Legs: Enchanted Kelp Woven Leggings
Feet: Minx’s Sandals
Hands: Mystic Gloves of Defense Int +6 MI +6 MR +1 luck 40 PR 30 FR 5 CR 24 PR 9 ER 21
Shield: Arcane Chaos Shield of Sorcery Soul Charge 30% Spell Channeling INT +5 MI 5 MR 4 LMC 5 PR 5 CR 3 PR 4 ER 1
Ring: Crystalline Ring
Bracelet: Vicious Bracelet of Wizardry Magery +15 SDI +18 FCR 3 Poison Resist 11
Tali: Wizard’s Curio
Cloak: Jumu’s Sacred Hide
Robe: Hawkwind’s Robe
Sash: Lieutenant of the Britannian Royal Guard
Waist: Tangle
Spellbook: Invasion 50% SDI
STR 125 Total 294 Focus 120 Total 785
DEX 19 Inscription 100
INT 150 Evaluate Intelligence 120
Magery 120
Meditation 85
Mysticism 120
Spellweaving 120
212 SDI total with Reaper Form and Arcane EmpowermentLast steps I would like to add another +15 meditation to the ring, 5% LRC so I could change the sandals to detective boots, and the 11% Poison Resist off the ring to make room for the Meditation.
Tested the suit this morning seems like plenty of casting power and WoD hit for 937
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
So med 120 focus 120 and MR 30, yet I still run out of mana by the time I wish to strike with WOD.
Before arcane empowerment and reaper form, item max sdi can achieve 156, but resist is bad. This is mainly due to Pendant of the Magi.
Swap that for a legendary and should be able to get 70s resist.
So I have 3 configuration:
1) Max SDI 156 + arcane emp + reaper form = 216
2) Max resist 150 - 151 SDI before arcane emp + reaper form. Should be about 210 SDI in total.
3) Swap to max luck suit at 2500+ and statue.
Then 7 superslayer spellbook keys with SDI >= 25 and all lesser slayers on standby in pack.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
When you carry all the slayers do you have some macro to switch them out or do you have to do it manually?
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
The above are fixed, just like my 6 cameos and certain slayers are fixed on my sampire.
Then the keys "9", "*", "+" are for 3 slayers depending on the quest.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Wish there was a like button!
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs