Treasure Chest - Remove Trap Info (Stash, Supply, Cache)

Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
edited January 2020 in Skills and Stats
Been messing on TC some more with RT. Found the results interesting, so thought I'd share. 

It appears the internal timer on each chest applies to all RT attempts. In other words, if you have 70 RT and start RT at 120 seconds on a Cache, Explosion 1 will occur at 130s, Explosion 2 at 140s, RT will finish -and fail, with another explosion and AG- at 150s. However, with 70 RT starting RT at 151s on a Cache, Explosion 1 at 161s, Explosion 2 at 171s, RT finishes and succeeds (if no AG's present) at 181s. 

It looks to me like there might be a sweet spot with RT skill at 80.0. At least for lower chests. That would allow for 20 skill points to be placed elsewhere in a template.

I can't see any difference between 90.0 RT and 100.0 RT other than a slightly less damaging explosion. 

Haven't had time to go through Hoard/Trove yet. The Explosions with 0 RT on Trove are going to be a nightmare. Think I'll use a 2nd toon to heal/hide the T-hunter.


  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
    edited May 2020
    So, I finally got on TC and gathered some data about Hoard Chests. I'll share here so that it is in one forum thread. I will also add this to the t-hunting RT table on UOGuide when the site is editable again.


    RT Skill # of Explosions (10 sec. intervals) Final Explosion (s) RT Completes (s) ~Damage (60 Resist)
    0 9 90 100 80
    10 8 80 90 69
    20 7 70 80 68
    30 6 60 70 65
    40 5 50 60 57
    50 4 40 50 53
    60 3 30 40 52
    70 2 20 30 51
    80 1 10 20 40
    90 1 Minimum if 1st RT completes before
    0 if 1st RT completes after
    420 10 39
    100 420 10 38

    I have also now personally completed a Trove chest with 0 RT. Ouch! Nine explosions at an average damage of 88 per exp (60 Resist). When/if I get complete Trove info, I'll post it here as well.
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    Very interesting stuff.  Thanks for the extensive analysis!
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • RockRock Posts: 567
    After my subconscious chewed on this a while, it occurred to me you did not mention the race of the tester.  If he is human, he has 20 RT skill via Jack of All Trades even when the skill gump reports 0.
    Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
    edited May 2020
    All posted data is from a human character. However, I have tested a bit with an elf and the results are almost identical. 

    1. Humans/Elves both have 9 explosions at 0 RT, 8 explosions at 10 RT, etc. Thus, the explosion cycles appear to be determined by real Remove Trap skill. No JOAT bonus.  

    2. Neither race nor RT skill appear to affect the chest timers. Timers appear to be internal to the type of chest.

    3. Damage numbers per explosion are similar between the human/elf characters. My suits weren't exactly the same, but both had ~60 Fire Resist. Therefore there does not seem to be any human JOAT RT bonus lessening the damage per explosion. To determine this definitively would take data for 100's of explosions, which I'm just not going to collect.

    Everyone has the RT data I've posted for a human. If someone is using an elf/garg hunter with <=20 RT and you are seeing markedly different damage per explosion numbers, or different RT mechanics overall, feel free to let the community know!
  • could you tell me how on this uo do you find the chest.   do you still use the brit map that you go to internert and pull up, do you use uosa maps and load it and find maps or do you just kinda use both figure out where the location is and go get a sexton and just start walking?  i have  done this on uo secondage but i am not sure here how to find  the spots.  can you point me in the right way? 
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
    edited August 2020
    shonnie53 said:
    could you tell me how on this uo do you find the chest.   do you still use the brit map that you go to internert and pull up, do you use uosa maps and load it and find maps or do you just kinda use both figure out where the location is and go get a sexton and just start walking?  i have  done this on uo secondage but i am not sure here how to find  the spots.  can you point me in the right way?
    Honestly I just open the treasure map, look at it, and go find the spot. I'm normally on the spot on my first or second digging attempt. Once in a great while I have to hunt around for 30 sec or so to find it. I'm using the EC with both the t-map and atlas open, so I can see exactly where I am.

    The "Finding the Treasure Chest" section of the following link might help:
  • AragornAragorn Posts: 293
    very useful analysis, thanks a lot
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    To find the chest I use the hot bars: one horizontal and one vertical.  I put the treasure map on the left side of the screen and the in game map on the left.  I also make the hot bars as long as possible. I then line the vertical hot bar along side the middle of the x and identify a landmark that lines up with it. Then, I take the hot bar to the game map and line it up with the same landmark.  I do the same thing with the horizontal hot bar.  Where the bars cross that's where the treasure is.  I have cartography of 100 so I can be up to 4 squares away and still dig up the chest.  About 70 to 80% of the time I dig the chest from the initial spot.
    If I don't have good horizontal and vertical landmarks, for example if I am in the southern jungles, I'll work my way along which ever hot bar has the most identifiable landmark.  This method works quite well for me.  Just take you time lining up the hot bars to insure you have them in the right place.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    In the above comment I put the game map on the right side of the screen.  Sorry for the proofing error.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    Also, at 90.1 remove trap I don't get any explosions on stash through cache chests.  Thanks for the charts.  I really enjoyed looking at them.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
    Arnold7 said:
    Also, at 90.1 remove trap I don't get any explosions on stash through cache chests.  Thanks for the charts.  I really enjoyed looking at them.
    You're welcome for the data, glad you enjoyed it!

    Not having explosions above 90 skill is expected if your first Remove Trap attempt is completing after the internal timer on the chest.

    A more detailed explanation can be found here:

  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    Thanks for the link.  Did not know about the internal timer.  Don't have to worry about it too much.   Takes me a just a little longer than it runs to clear the spawn.
  • HosteenHosteen Posts: 15
    Arnold7 said:
    To find the chest I use the hot bars: one horizontal and one vertical.  I put the treasure map on the left side of the screen and the in game map on the left.  I also make the hot bars as long as possible. I then line the vertical hot bar along side the middle of the x and identify a landmark that lines up with it. Then, I take the hot bar to the game map and line it up with the same landmark.  I do the same thing with the horizontal hot bar.  Where the bars cross that's where the treasure is.  I have cartography of 100 so I can be up to 4 squares away and still dig up the chest.  About 70 to 80% of the time I dig the chest from the initial spot.
    If I don't have good horizontal and vertical landmarks, for example if I am in the southern jungles, I'll work my way along which ever hot bar has the most identifiable landmark.  This method works quite well for me.  Just take you time lining up the hot bars to insure you have them in the right place.
    I use the EC client with Pinco's UI.  Pinco's adds a cross on the t-map like what you're getting with the hot bars.  I can then just eyeball it on the atlas and usually get it on the first or second try. It takes longer getting to the spot than finding it.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    Hosteen said:
    Arnold7 said:
    To find the chest I use the hot bars: one horizontal and one vertical.  I put the treasure map on the left side of the screen and the in game map on the left.  I also make the hot bars as long as possible. I then line the vertical hot bar along side the middle of the x and identify a landmark that lines up with it. Then, I take the hot bar to the game map and line it up with the same landmark.  I do the same thing with the horizontal hot bar.  Where the bars cross that's where the treasure is.  I have cartography of 100 so I can be up to 4 squares away and still dig up the chest.  About 70 to 80% of the time I dig the chest from the initial spot.
    If I don't have good horizontal and vertical landmarks, for example if I am in the southern jungles, I'll work my way along which ever hot bar has the most identifiable landmark.  This method works quite well for me.  Just take you time lining up the hot bars to insure you have them in the right place.
    I use the EC client with Pinco's UI.  Pinco's adds a cross on the t-map like what you're getting with the hot bars.  I can then just eyeball it on the atlas and usually get it on the first or second try. It takes longer getting to the spot than finding it.
    also if you look at the round circle at the top of the map, click it, and then you can zoom in on it.
    it shows all the flowers and rocks on the ground.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    Does the circle show up on maps in the enhanced client?  That would be really helpful as my maps are pretty small making them hard to read sometimes.  But I don't see anything on them that I can use zoom.  Thanks
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
    Arnold7 said:
    Does the circle show up on maps in the enhanced client?  That would be really helpful as my maps are pretty small making them hard to read sometimes.  But I don't see anything on them that I can use zoom.  Thanks
    Sounds like that is a feature of Pinco's UI for the EC, but is not available with the default EC? Am I reading that correctly?
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,799
    Arnold7 said:
    Does the circle show up on maps in the enhanced client?  That would be really helpful as my maps are pretty small making them hard to read sometimes.  But I don't see anything on them that I can use zoom.  Thanks
    Sounds like that is a feature of Pinco's UI for the EC, but is not available with the default EC? Am I reading that correctly?
    yes, you are correct. It is a feature with Pinco's UI
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
    edited September 2020
    Finally got around to doing Trove data for RT.

    RT Skill # of Explosions (10 sec. intervals) Final Explosion (s) RT Completes (s) ~Damage (60 Resist)
    0 9 90 100 88
    10 8 80 90 80
    20 7 70 80 75
    30 6 60 70 66
    40 5 50 60 63
    50 4 40 50 62
    60 3 30 40 52
    70 2 20 30 52
    80 1 10 20 51
    90 1 Minimum if 1st RT completes before
    0 if 1st RT completes after
    540 10 38
    100 540 10 33
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,100
    edited September 2020
    Here is all the data in one chart:

    Stash 20(s)* Supply 60(s)* Cache 180(s)* Hoard 420(s)* Trove 540(s)*
    RT Skill # of Explosions (10 sec. intervals) Final Explosion (s) RT Completes (s) ~Damage (60 Resist) ~Damage (60 Resist) ~Damage (60 Resist) ~Damage (60 Resist) ~Damage (60 Resist)
    0 9 90 100 46 60 71 80 88
    10 8 80 90 42 55 64 69 80
    20 7 70 80 38 50 57 68 75
    30 6 60 70 34 45 54 65 66
    40 5 50 60 30 40 50 57 63
    50 4 40 50 26 35 44 53 62
    60 3 30 40 22 30 42 52 52
    70 2 20 30 18 25 37 51 52
    80 1 10 20 14 20 35 40 51
    90 1 Minimum if 1st RT completes before
    0 if 1st RT completes after
    * 10 10 15 33 39 38
    100 * 10 6 10 30 38 43


    The 100 RT skill Trove average is 43. I mistyped it as 33 in the previous post.

    The 90 RT skill Trove average is 1 point less than the Hoard average. This is probably due to limited sample size and the streakiness of the RNG producing a series of low numbers. The average Trove explosion damage at 90 RT is likely a few points higher.

    I'll update the chart on UOGuide if/when the site can be edited again.
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