Our apology to that lone red at the Blight Grove. I am sure you were not expecting that freight train of PAS people to run you over last night. We fully expected you to call your buddies but we never saw them. Either they were not around or you are really a lone red in Felucca.
Remove Trap = Bad News
Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters

not because you rolled a red but using freight train and PAS in the same sentence!
When we finished the trammel side we discussed going back to the felucca side and all went again, no reds but that one red was there as a ghost, seems he was waiting for a resing or healer but we had already entered the dungeon.
Leaving was a carbon copy of our last visit, I was first out casting gate to trammel once more we all exit felucca done for the evening. Our red ghost was nowhere to be seen this time, we assume he was running to get a resing from some location.
Treasure Hunters