Kirthag's Custom Buildings (Contest and Non-Contest)
Decided to bring my custom homes here for ppl to see.
Will add other builds over time as I make them. I won't tear down my castles on the prodo shards - put too much work into them - but I do love to go onto TC and tinker around. Sometimes I'll enter into the contest, so the builds will NOT show up here until the second round of voting starts. I will make a note if a structure is contest or not.
Although I do make homes with spiral stairs, or stairs with landings, I won't do them with contest houses. I believe an entry should be "turn key" - meaning if someone wants to have a prefab home, they shouldn't have to buy goza or pavers to finish a set of stair. Granted, it is all part and parcel to the design of the building - but short of ladder access to a roof, people shouldn't have to go buy or make something to be able to use the home, these are PREFAB after all. Access to the flat roofs (much like the classic castle or keep) can be gained by a ladder and doesn't mess with actual function of the building. A spiral stair without landings (which a goza or paver is for) is just plain silly.
Now, if the devs come up with pieces on the custom house tool to make spiral stair or landings without having to chop things up... then awesome! Some things will definitely be done differently.
House Contest Entry: Stronghold (Keep size)
South of Trinsic at "Tandy's Point" (because Tandy just needs to have something named after her sometimes).
((puts on realtor hat))
This keep-sized property is perfect for your Lighthouse (upon the tower) right at the water's edge. A fortified structure with natural bedrock at the base to support the finely chiseled granite walls. Slate roofing prevents fire from marauders, and crystalline sunroof panels allows for natural lighting. String ladders hoist your ladders to access the top battlement where you can customize a garden high up and away from wandering wildlife.
The entrance way is a unique form for design as well as protection, with areas outside of the wall for your trees and other decor. A solitary block is ready at the front-center of this property for your custom mailbox if you so wish it..
This keep is designed with the Feluccian Resident in mind - with security, access, and protection at the top of the design priorities. Strict access points to the interior with the ability to block the bottleneck entry point to the courtyard will make for fun times in the blasted lands.
((Clicky for bigger view (100% CC size) of all pictures.))

First Floor
Just inside the entrance is a small, cobblestone courtyard with a stable area which sports a "secret door" - lockable for your security - with easy access into the large, open floor basement area of this keep. A perfect place for your own private torture chamber, dungeon, workshops, or storage. Large floorplan supports additional building with your very own masonry walls.

Second Floor
With one entry point and the ability to secure your doors, you can keep your home public, even in the blasted lands, and still protect your riches from vagabonds. Battlements over the courtyard gives easy access for fireballing any intruders stuck within the courtyard - simply cast then duck back into the tower, or teleport to the enclosed room on the next level. An elevated dirt patch for gardening or vendors or some other bit of decorating - or you can place some stone pavers for a quaint little porch.
The open floor plan is an excellent way to customize the main room, and even the hall has enough space, and protection, for your decorating pleasure.

Third Floor
Complete with two balconies, the open plan for this floor allows the fresh sea breezes access to circulate the air. Use curtains for privacy, or simply build an interior wall to create a long room with patio. Each balcony is large enough to view the west and eastern areas around the keep for spotting intruders.
The tower room on this level is accessible only by teleport pads, which aids in protection during raids. A "panic room" of sorts, none can access without your permission. Access to the very top of the tower is gained here, which is why it is the perfect place to secure your most treasured items.

Will add other builds over time as I make them. I won't tear down my castles on the prodo shards - put too much work into them - but I do love to go onto TC and tinker around. Sometimes I'll enter into the contest, so the builds will NOT show up here until the second round of voting starts. I will make a note if a structure is contest or not.
Although I do make homes with spiral stairs, or stairs with landings, I won't do them with contest houses. I believe an entry should be "turn key" - meaning if someone wants to have a prefab home, they shouldn't have to buy goza or pavers to finish a set of stair. Granted, it is all part and parcel to the design of the building - but short of ladder access to a roof, people shouldn't have to go buy or make something to be able to use the home, these are PREFAB after all. Access to the flat roofs (much like the classic castle or keep) can be gained by a ladder and doesn't mess with actual function of the building. A spiral stair without landings (which a goza or paver is for) is just plain silly.
Now, if the devs come up with pieces on the custom house tool to make spiral stair or landings without having to chop things up... then awesome! Some things will definitely be done differently.
House Contest Entry: Stronghold (Keep size)
South of Trinsic at "Tandy's Point" (because Tandy just needs to have something named after her sometimes).
((puts on realtor hat))
This keep-sized property is perfect for your Lighthouse (upon the tower) right at the water's edge. A fortified structure with natural bedrock at the base to support the finely chiseled granite walls. Slate roofing prevents fire from marauders, and crystalline sunroof panels allows for natural lighting. String ladders hoist your ladders to access the top battlement where you can customize a garden high up and away from wandering wildlife.
The entrance way is a unique form for design as well as protection, with areas outside of the wall for your trees and other decor. A solitary block is ready at the front-center of this property for your custom mailbox if you so wish it..
This keep is designed with the Feluccian Resident in mind - with security, access, and protection at the top of the design priorities. Strict access points to the interior with the ability to block the bottleneck entry point to the courtyard will make for fun times in the blasted lands.
((Clicky for bigger view (100% CC size) of all pictures.))

First Floor
Just inside the entrance is a small, cobblestone courtyard with a stable area which sports a "secret door" - lockable for your security - with easy access into the large, open floor basement area of this keep. A perfect place for your own private torture chamber, dungeon, workshops, or storage. Large floorplan supports additional building with your very own masonry walls.

Second Floor
With one entry point and the ability to secure your doors, you can keep your home public, even in the blasted lands, and still protect your riches from vagabonds. Battlements over the courtyard gives easy access for fireballing any intruders stuck within the courtyard - simply cast then duck back into the tower, or teleport to the enclosed room on the next level. An elevated dirt patch for gardening or vendors or some other bit of decorating - or you can place some stone pavers for a quaint little porch.
The open floor plan is an excellent way to customize the main room, and even the hall has enough space, and protection, for your decorating pleasure.

Third Floor
Complete with two balconies, the open plan for this floor allows the fresh sea breezes access to circulate the air. Use curtains for privacy, or simply build an interior wall to create a long room with patio. Each balcony is large enough to view the west and eastern areas around the keep for spotting intruders.
The tower room on this level is accessible only by teleport pads, which aids in protection during raids. A "panic room" of sorts, none can access without your permission. Access to the very top of the tower is gained here, which is why it is the perfect place to secure your most treasured items.

If I were to build a keep for myself, this would be it.
Two ways to enter (south and east) with room outside the manor's walls for more decorative trees or gardening. There is also space within the courtyard for decorating. This house sports 2 towers, a short one with a flag pole, and a taller one perfect for a lighthouse.
The entire bottom floor has no windows, for security and privacy - and yet the construction reminds me of the way my celtic ancestors would build upon the foundations of older buildings that have withstood the tests of time - hence the heavy stone walls on the main building giving way to the plaster and stucco.
Interior, first floor. Shop area with no secrets. An open stable with room for several stalls if desired, or can make it a smithy. The main room has a sectioned office, perfect for an alchemist or even just as a counting room. Plenty of space for chests if you want to make it storage. This is also a great area for a shop - set up your vendors and have the privacy of the room for inventory.
There is a cobblestone area to the north-east of the manor for butchering, tanning, or simply storage. And the cobblestone area at the base of the large tower is another place great for storage containers.
The main living floor is complete with parquet designed floor and a privy room - or closet - or storage. The double doors do not hamper egress when they are open, yes, you can go AROUND the two open doors. This leads to the towers and covered battlement which is pillared to keep people from falling. A great place to have growing vines, or strings of holiday cheer - your pick. A teleport pad in the small tower goes to the top, and stairs in the larger tower allow for egress up.
Privacy Floor - perfect for the lady of the manor (or lord, if you wish) to have their private library and a comfortable suite. Boxes at the southern window allows items to be stacked directly upon them - great for seasonal plants or decorations. The top of the small tower also sports a flagpole upon which you can hang your personal favorites (get creative).
This private level of the large tower is perfect for storage and hosts another teleport pad that goes to the top of the large tower.
While on Napa I ran several inns and taverns while hosting "story nights" with judging and prizes for story tellers. It was great - while it lasted.
This is a custom 18x18 decorated for the season.
Location is outside of Cove. Yes, it really is a llama!!!
Llama Head Wholesalers (2009, Luna Mall)
To generate the funds for prizes of the story competition, I did have a Luna Mall house. Sadly, these are the only pics I have left of it.
Made a "bridge" with the tatami flooring to go over the "pond". To give the pond more depth, I layered leather over the water tiles which made it easier to put things on top. I really liked this effect.
Spiral Staircase made with wood and goza!
If you'd like to see it decorated with masonry-wall demo custom, you can visit my blog post for CC pictures which are really big as well as an explanation of the design and such.
There are 3 secret doors, a double spiral stair, split stair with landing, and small stairs with a landing. East-side exit can accommodate a double door, or single with a masonry wall. I also made sure there are no "holes" for using masonry customization in certain places.
Roquer DiOrsae
Location:Test Center (pub 106 Castle Contest)
Trammel, Dagger Isle, near shrine entrance
Exterior & Rooftops
First Floor
Second Floor
Third Floor
Thank you m'lady!
Only posting the exterior views, so do come and look at them (opens tab for
The Five Points (#19 during round one)
A sandstone with moat & balconies. Also, feature spiral stairs and total security for the upper floors.
Inspirovany Oravou (#39 First Round)
This one is different. Inspired by the Orava Castle in Slovakia (hence the name - means "Inspired by Orava").
There are MANY secret doors, quite a few levels, large "yard" for deco, and some other features (but no spiral stair this time). There are places to close off areas with your crafted walls and doors.
Can place 2 Lighthouses, one is shown, the other can go where the Holiday Tree is located. I did this so the lighthouses wouldn't obscure other buildings in crowded areas.
I had fun making this, so I will most likely choose other IRL castles to build in UO for future contests.
I adore the spined leather fish ponds! Hope you don't mind that I copy those