How long after you dig up a treasure chest before it goes poof?
How long after you dig up a treasure chest before it goes poof or becomes publically accessible?
I would like to maximize my hour of luck from the 10th anniversary luck sculpture by digging up as many treasure chests as I can within that hour before I need to revisit the chests and loot them.
I would like to maximize my hour of luck from the 10th anniversary luck sculpture by digging up as many treasure chests as I can within that hour before I need to revisit the chests and loot them.
When I finally got it and logged my t hunter back in the chest was nowhere to be found.
While I still treasure hunt quite avidly, because I find it a fun thing to do, I usually just dig a map, take what I want from the chest, remove it and then put away what I've taken from it before moving on to the next one.