The new bukutos needs a serious nerf insanely OP
in PvP / VvV
With 120 swords 60 tactics and an 100% ele bokuto you can easly do 50+dmg on a cursed target with 60 all resists, more and more of these new (20%splint 100%eledmg 50%hit/light) bokutos are popping up, and its insanely OP with so low skills points.
Pic below 11dmg from nova rest are from the nervstrike while cursed , resists are 70 65 60 60 63
Pic below 11dmg from nova rest are from the nervstrike while cursed , resists are 70 65 60 60 63

I know You can’t hit like that with the skills mentioned. Thanks
Nerf this shit asp
Cursed 60 resist 100 ele dmg bok, with 60 tact, 100 di will cap at 14 dmg. Nerve spread is 15-25. So 39 dmg before hit lightning. With gm tact u could push the base to up over 16 with mastery, before you start factoring in anat.
Bash/glenda thats 480skill points
Fact is no other wepon comes close to a 100% ele bokuto 120swords/60tac = 50+dmg + splint and PARALYZE rofl
Some solutions would be to tweak the speed of the bokuto but the problem if they want to keep the base damage proportional , they would need to up the base dmg of bokuto which would negate the nerf itself, so IDk maybe a nerve strike damage penalty when spammed, for exemple diminushing returns on nerve strike dmg if casted again within the immunity cooldown on paralize.
1: No other 1 hand can do 50+ dmg hits
2: its a 2s wepon(fastest)
3: Only need 60tac
4: It stuns
5: It splints
And dont give me that crap you need bushido cuz everyone class use it , even the non bokuto users.
Even if the stun was removed and swinging speed increased it would have that highest dmg burst on a 1 hand wepon for only 60tactics.