The new bukutos needs a serious nerf insanely OP

With 120 swords 60 tactics and an 100% ele bokuto you can easly do 50+dmg on a cursed target with 60 all resists, more and more of these new (20%splint 100%eledmg 50%hit/light) bokutos are popping up, and its insanely OP with so low skills points.
Pic below 11dmg from nova rest are from the nervstrike while cursed , resists are 70 65 60 60 63


  • PaithanPaithan Posts: 120
    Can you make a video and show skills with a wep hit like that? 

    I know You can’t hit like that with the skills mentioned. Thanks
  • PaithanPaithan Posts: 120
    AI does 35 each hit with less skills involved and no curse needed. To hit 38 (what was hit in that picture) you need a cursed target and a lot more skill investment for 3 extra damage.  
  • Paithan said:
    Can you make a video and show skills with a wep hit like that? 

    I know You can’t hit like that with the skills mentioned. Thanks
    even with 120 swords/bush 100 tac +50dmg+paralyse + splint is a joke , im talking about these new 100%ele dmg splint boks 
  • The new bokutos are insane 50+ damage paralyse/splint all in one hit LOL 
    Nerf this shit asp
  • Magicman said:
    The new bokutos are insane 50+ damage paralyse/splint all in one hit LOL 
    Nerf this shit asp
    thats my point its insane
  • The_Great_Marko_The_Great_Marko_ Posts: 22
    edited January 2020
    but it costs shit lots to of buy one of these wepons, so only the ones with lots of $ can use em, unbalanced as hell it is 
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    edited January 2020
    I don't see it as a big problem, more that  iwish other specials did more dmg, but you can absolutely hit like that with the skills mentioned.

    Cursed 60 resist 100 ele dmg bok, with 60 tact, 100 di will cap at 14 dmg.  Nerve spread is 15-25.  So 39 dmg before hit lightning.  With gm tact u could push the base to up over 16 with mastery, before you start factoring in anat.
  • Cetric said:
    I don't see it as a big problem, more that  iwish other specials did more dmg, but you can absolutely hit like that with the skills mentioned.

    Cursed 60 resist 100 ele dmg bok, with 60 tact, 100 di will cap at 14 dmg.  Nerve spread is 15-25.  So 39 dmg before hit lightning.  With gm tact u could push the base to up over 16 with mastery, before you start factoring in anat.
    You have to remember thats 50+ dmg + splint and paralyze, no other wepon even comes near this sort of dmg, and you only need 60tac on a fast wepon. comepare it to armor ignore about 45dmg cursed but 100tac is needed for that and it doesent have paralyze
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    can do same thing on a necro with target corpse skinned and a high dmg wep i dont see the issue could use a mual ornate yumi regular bow whatever high dmg elemental wep you want maybe it wont stun them but whatever you're running a shield bash glenda toon putting out more dmg than that with a stun from the shield bash and complaining about this? common man you want them to nerf everything?????????
  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    hunter11 said:
    can do same thing on a necro with target corpse skinned and a high dmg wep i dont see the issue could use a mual ornate yumi regular bow whatever high dmg elemental wep you want maybe it wont stun them but whatever you're running a shield bash glenda toon putting out more dmg than that with a stun from the shield bash and complaining about this? common man you want them to nerf everything?????????
    true ,they all hit hard but all your exemple need more skill ,more timing and cost more mana. 50+ dmg + splint and paralyze on a single special move and low cost in mana
  • The_Great_Marko_The_Great_Marko_ Posts: 22
    edited February 2020
    hunter11 said:
    can do same thing on a necro with target corpse skinned and a high dmg wep i dont see the issue could use a mual ornate yumi regular bow whatever high dmg elemental wep you want maybe it wont stun them but whatever you're running a shield bash glenda toon putting out more dmg than that with a stun from the shield bash and complaining about this? common man you want them to nerf everything?????????
    Now your talking about necros with elementals that 200skills points  just for necro/ss.
    Bash/glenda thats 480skill points
    Fact is no other wepon comes close to a 100% ele bokuto 120swords/60tac = 50+dmg + splint and PARALYZE rofl
  • Funny thing is if you compare other wepons with bokotos on 60 tac they make no dmg at all 
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    glenda does about that with 60 tactics no? and takes away stam?
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 321
    edited February 2020
    its the fact the bokuto is 2s fastest swing rate , and does as much dmg as any other OP combo, your ornate axe has a base speed of 3.75s and base damage of 17-20, how do  you even compare that with a 2s speed weapon with base damage of 10-12 that paralize and does about 50+ dmg ? glenda cant be 100% elemental and if you want hit lightning or spell chann on it you need enchant mystic, its not even comparable to some OP prepatched bokuto or new splint ones with all the mods you can imagine. Ive been saying in previous post that bokuto needs a nerf and I,m glad im not the only one thinking that also. 
    Some solutions would be to tweak the speed of the bokuto but the problem if they want to keep the base damage proportional , they would need to up the base dmg of bokuto which would negate the nerf itself, so IDk maybe a nerve strike damage penalty when spammed, for exemple diminushing returns on nerve strike dmg if casted again within the immunity cooldown on paralize.
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    and youre not just using swords and 60 tactics to do that kind of damage you need magery and bushido possibly eval if you want your curse to stick so high skill template to do that kind of damage 
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    no different than a yumi archer useing curse scrolls 
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    edited February 2020
    you can do about 47 dmg with just an armor ignore with hit lightning hitting max  dmg plus add in a splinter bleed tick youre doing a lot of dmg with any armor ignore weapon with hit lightning going off
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 321
    with a kryss 2s speed , you can reach 33 AI damage with 30 tactics and 80 anat , at 100% DI. But  it doesnt paralize like nerve strike... 
  • hunter11 said:
    you can do about 47 dmg with just an armor ignore with hit lightning hitting max  dmg plus add in a splinter bleed tick youre doing a lot of dmg with any armor ignore weapon with hit lightning going of

    To do that with armor ignore you will need  much higher tactics and a slower wepon and it dosent stun , no 2s wepon can do that.

    An easy fix would be to remove the stun and make it atleast a 3s wepon even so it would be OP.

  • Its kind funny if you look at it like this:

    1: No other 1 hand can do 50+ dmg hits
    2: its a 2s wepon(fastest)
    3: Only need 60tac
    4: It stuns
    5: It splints
    And dont give me that crap you need bushido cuz everyone class use it , even the non bokuto users.

    Even if the stun was removed and swinging speed increased it would have that highest dmg burst on a 1 hand wepon for only 60tactics.

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