commision vendors

NorryNorry Posts: 537
Will these be able to set up as rental venders as well?


  • NorryNorry Posts: 537
    so to answer my own question... no. but i feel like they should be. not everyone runs multiple accounts, but we do play on multiple servers. it would be nice to be able to have a guild house setup where we can rent these out (either for an additional commision, or for
  • I’m not home to check myself. Are you saying that you must own the house to use this type of vendor? @Norry

    My house is in Fel and I don’t imagine many people trusting a vendor there. My guild mate has a house in Tram/Malas and I was really hoping to use this new vendor there. 
  • NorryNorry Posts: 537
    Yes, cannot rent out this type of vendor, so i cant let guildmates use this on my vendorhouse on atl, and like you said, my castle in fel will eventually sell things.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    edited August 2019
    So, the problem has been that on smaller shards or with slow moving items, even tho they might be necessities they dont sell fast or for lots, we lose money paying vendor fees.

    Now we can save the fees by giving up precious house storage slots.  Won't be happening, not for this homeboy.  Storage is an issue.

    Time to sell down and get out of the merchant business.  Not sure what else I like to do in UO, can't kill beacons now without repairing my ship over and over, cant run vendors, t-hunting now is the suck and the loot still bites cause it's always all mixed up mods...and if ya do find something and go YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  a winner!!!  upon second look it requires 125 str or else it weights 50 stones..  *le sigh*

  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    So, the problem has been that on smaller shards or with slow moving items, even tho they might be necessities they dont sell fast or for lots, we lose money paying vendor fees.

    Now we can save the fees by giving up precious house storage slots.  Won't be happening, not for this homeboy.  Storage is an issue.

    I would have preferred it not to take up storage space. This will affect professional shop keepers who otherwise could have kept a "supermarket" on a slow shard. This would go a long way to reverse the damage done by the shard shields. 
    But, IMO, even the proposed system is a huge improvement over what we have now. Let's see if it's enough to revitalize the economy on smaller shards.
    On Atl it is likely to have the effect of moving high value transactions out of the chat and forums back into the game.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    So cannot use it for a rental vendor?

    So.... vendor spots rented in Luna (or anywhere else) will not take away from the house owner's storage as it is the old-style vendor. Only their own stuff (which would take storage count anyway if it wasn't on the vendor)... seems to be an ok trade-off. Basically, if you want to sell your hi-end stuff, put it on your own vendor at your own house where the item would have taken storage slots anyway until you got rid of it. Gonna be a whole lot of traffic on the VS in the near future (@Kyronix you guys might wanna tweak that as its been buggy lately - page arrow missing, glitchy results, etc.).

    Personally, I have been waiting for this, but I won't be able to test it as moving my inventory to TC would be such a PITA. I'll have to wait until it is live. :(

    A thought though...
    I sell bundles of items, x10 SOS, x10 Fishing Nets, Stacks of 10 various plant resources, etc. etc. - things you wouldn't see on a NewMag Resource vendor. I sometimes max out the item count on my vendors for these items. I think I'll be keeping the old-style vendor for that type of inventory, and hi-end stuff will move to the new vendor.

    Again, not gonna move stuff from my home shard to TC for this though. *sigh*
  • TimTim Posts: 841
    It looks to be exactly what I was hoping for.  :)

  • Kirthag said:
    So cannot use it for a rental vendor?

    So.... vendor spots rented in Luna (or anywhere else) will not take away from the house owner's storage as it is the old-style vendor. Only their own stuff (which would take storage count anyway if it wasn't on the vendor)... seems to be an ok trade-off. Basically, if you want to sell your hi-end stuff, put it on your own vendor at your own house where the item would have taken storage slots anyway until you got rid of it. Gonna be a whole lot of traffic on the VS in the near future (@ Kyronix you guys might wanna tweak that as its been buggy lately - page arrow missing, glitchy results, etc.).

    Personally, I have been waiting for this, but I won't be able to test it as moving my inventory to TC would be such a PITA. I'll have to wait until it is live. :(

    A thought though...
    I sell bundles of items, x10 SOS, x10 Fishing Nets, Stacks of 10 various plant resources, etc. etc. - things you wouldn't see on a NewMag Resource vendor. I sometimes max out the item count on my vendors for these items. I think I'll be keeping the old-style vendor for that type of inventory, and hi-end stuff will move to the new vendor.

    Again, not gonna move stuff from my home shard to TC for this though. *sigh*
    You don't have to move stuff, there's plenty of things in a test center bank box that you can use to test with. Ideally transfers would be up for this so we can test more items, but we can definitely start.
  • NorryNorry Posts: 537
    it works. bought 50 bandages from my vendor for 80k... got back 75ish k... or something like that.

    i am ok with it(you know... cause i spent all of 60 seconds testing this). 

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Won't be using them as they take storage.  No major vendor house will be able to use it is only suitable for those with 1-2 vendors or pop up vendors that last for 10 seconds and then get bored and close down. It will do nothing to assist large vendor house owners on small shards, of which I am one, running a dozen vendors on Oceania and Siege.  Can't afford to give up a quarter of the house storage at a minimum to run vendors. 

    The guy that rents us vendors on Atlantic will also not be able to use as these are NOT suitable for rental vendors again due to them taking storage. 

    And as for the 5.25% commission, what are you thinking?   Do you like to make stuff complicated for complications sake? 

    Why not a straight 5% for goodness sake so you can instantly go 10% of 90,000 = 9,000 / 2 = 4,500 or some such. 

    What on earth would possess anyone to make the commission a decimal point calculation.  ABSOLUTELY  NUTS.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MissE said:
    What on earth would possess anyone to make the commission a decimal point calculation.  ABSOLUTELY  NUTS.

    I totally agree here.  Please just make it a straight, easy to calculate 5%.  Thanks.
  • Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
    edited August 2019
    MissE said:
    Won't be using them as they take storage.  No major vendor house will be able to use it is only suitable for those with 1-2 vendors 
    I frequent your vendor on Siege.  Nice shop BTW.

    I see where you would/could use a vendor like this for very high-end items that would otherwise eat up a lot of gold in hourly/daily fees if left on the vendor for long.  Thus pretty much nobody does and now predominately use the auction safes.

    With one of these you could put your very high-end items on it and they won't incur ANY fees until sold.  They don't take up 125 items automatically.  Only what you put on it.  So if you have five or six high-end items you want to sell, this would be where to vendor them.
  • Maximus_NeximusMaximus_Neximus Posts: 380
    edited August 2019
    I had a longer post typed up but I lost it, so here's what I can recall...

    I was unable to use vendor search so I will try to test that in the future. I'm also leaving items on my vendor to see how it handles server down.

    The commission charge appears to be working as it should. I tried several of the posted examples and they all worked as expected. Even random amounts appear to be good. I was only able to try up to 2mil though, as I don't have enough gold to keep going higher. But this is the type of vendor that myself and others have waited years for!

    If you put a container (I used "bag") on the vendor, you cannot have it set to "not for sale". You must sell the container and the contents inside of it as one lot. After hitting escape, you get a message saying, "Only the following items may be not-for-sale: books, containers...." then it follows up with "To be not for sale, all contents of a container must be for sale".

    If this is intentional, it will make it difficult for organization unless you put up multiple vendors for different things. You also cannot re-organize the inside of a container once it is on the vendor without removing the entire container.

    Price limit is 175mil. A higher gold limit would be nice. As it is now, anything that costs more is sold through other means that don't charge a commission fee.

    Auction safes have a 5% buyer's fee if someone uses the "buy now" option. As others mentioned above, why not just use the same 5% for the new vendor? This wouldn't make auction safes less attractive and it makes estimating profits a little easier.

    I tried placing items on the vendor above the 175mil limit. Somewhere between 2.14 and 2.15 platinum, the item will remain the base price and the seller's description will take on the amount you were trying to sell it for. Anything above that magic number and it does this.

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited August 2019
    MissE said:
    Won't be using them as they take storage.  No major vendor house will be able to use it is only suitable for those with 1-2 vendors 
    I frequent your vendor on Siege.  Nice shop BTW.

    I see where you would/could use a vendor like this for very high-end items that would otherwise eat up a lot of gold in hourly/daily fees if left on the vendor for long.  Thus pretty much nobody does and now predominately use the auction safes.

    With one of these you could put your very high-end items on it and they won't incur ANY fees until sold.  They don't take up 125 items automatically.  Only what you put on it.  So if you have five or six high-end items you want to sell, this would be where to vendor them.
    Yeah but if you use my vendors on siege you will know that I don't stock high end items (only on one vendor which I agree I can swap over).

    HOWEVER the idea of this change was to allow for vendors to stock things on small shards so that people actually run them to provide the basics. You are not gonna stock one runebook and one bod book etc, you are gonna fill a spellbook/runebook vendor up with 125 items if you are running any kinda shop that is worth the bother.  If that is gonna use 125 items of storage then you will not bother, I know I won't.   This change in vendor does NOT assist in that regard at all. 

    ALL it does is allow for those wanting to sell high end goods that sit for ages due to low pop and cost stupid amounts in fees hence why small shards don't bother selling them.  It wont account for the basics that people also lose money on and dont stock due to slow sales and little -no profit.  

    But if you look at my Oceania shop that is pretty much the same as my Siege one, again only 1/12 vendors is high end stuff, the rest is basics.  No-one is gonna waste 125 lockdowns to sell runebooks for 450gps per, not worth it.

    As for the high end goods, maybe I will run one on Oceania but it still comes down to turnover and sure I can have say a garden shed sit on a vendor on Oceania for 75,000,000 which will cost me at 5.25% (ffs has to get out the damn calculator) 3.937,500 in fees, 1 lockdown, and sit there for 2 months OR I can do what I currently do and ship to Atlantic flog it there within a day or two pay less fee and not use a lockdown.

    This only caters to high end goods on small shards, or pop up vendor operator owners who run one vendor for a while then close, not major shops/merchants.

    But seeing it is on TC now I do not expect to see any quantifiable change to what they propose, same as there was no real quantifiable change to t-map loot so there is little point in discussing it now.  Once something hits TC is it pretty much a done deal.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum

  • Well the next step would be to convince them devs to just get rid of vendor fees all together.  Actually,the way vendors used to be long ago.  Does anyone even remember why vendors were changed?  Was it all about a gold sink and/or players abusing them as storage?  I don't remember.

    Unfortunately, I certainly wouldn't place any bets on this current dev team eliminating vendor fees.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    If you put a container (I used "bag") on the vendor, you cannot have it set to "not for sale". You must sell the container and the contents inside of it as one lot. After hitting escape, you get a message saying, "Only the following items may be not-for-sale: books, containers...." then it follows up with "To be not for sale, all contents of a container must be for sale".

    I tried placing items on the vendor above the 175mil limit. Somewhere between 2.14 and 2.15 platinum, the item will remain the base price and the seller's description will take on the amount you were trying to sell it for. Anything above that magic number and it does this.

    Not sure what you did for your bag not to be set not for sale but I had no problems when I set mine up earlier in the night for testing.  You must have had something in the bag when you tried to set it not for sale?

    Regarding your bug, that works the same way on prodo shards with normal vendors.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,142
    About the "New" Vendors, is it possible to place them also on a House set to be "Private" or does the House have to be set to "Public", mandatorily ?

    Personally, I would love to see them being possible to also be placed on doorsteps of Houses set to be fully Private and only whenever a player wanted to have Vendors inside of the House then the House should be set as Public.

    This way, BOTH players' preferences would be covered and both players wanting to keep their House as Private or not minding to make it as Public could be equally able to have Vendors....
  • Violet said:
    If you put a container (I used "bag") on the vendor, you cannot have it set to "not for sale". You must sell the container and the contents inside of it as one lot. After hitting escape, you get a message saying, "Only the following items may be not-for-sale: books, containers...." then it follows up with "To be not for sale, all contents of a container must be for sale".

    I tried placing items on the vendor above the 175mil limit. Somewhere between 2.14 and 2.15 platinum, the item will remain the base price and the seller's description will take on the amount you were trying to sell it for. Anything above that magic number and it does this.

    Not sure what you did for your bag not to be set not for sale but I had no problems when I set mine up earlier in the night for testing.  You must have had something in the bag when you tried to set it not for sale?

    Regarding your bug, that works the same way on prodo shards with normal vendors.
    Yep that’s it. I tossed the bag of treasure maps on there. I’ll recheck later but that’s probably it. 
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    On main board is a question about the price cap on the vendors. (

    Want to really think about that price cap and how it works with the Vendor Search as well.

  • MiaYuuriMiaYuuri Posts: 16

    I tried placing items on the vendor above the 175mil limit. Somewhere between 2.14 and 2.15 platinum, the item will remain the base price and the seller's description will take on the amount you were trying to sell it for. Anything above that magic number and it does this.

    This seems to be because numerical management is done with singed int32.
    The upper limit is 2,147,483,648.(Capped 175,000,000)
  • Good catch, I can’t believe I missed that. My programming teacher would kill me! It seems double would be the way to go. 

  • to the people complaining about the new vendors counting against house storage:

    please keep in mind that the reason for this is to prevent people from abusing vendors as cheap extra storage (has been an issue in the past).

    I personally think that both the old and new vendors will be used and have their purpose. I'm looking forward to them.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    Thank you, Devs, for this. I am very excited!

    The auction safe ''buy now'' commission fee is 5%. A fee equal to or less than that runs the risk of devaluing the veteran reward.

    While Auction Safes do avoid vendor fees, they cannot auction containers or a group of items (like a suit for example), and are not a part of the Vendor Search system. 125 auction safes to equal a single vendor takes up rather a lot of space. This new vendor is something I am really looking forward to. I am a little disappointed that they are owner-only, but I can live with it.

    The Walmarts of Sosaria can keep operating as they always have, while peons like me can sell my handful of slower-moving items without being drowned out in fees. If some one wants to devote an entire house worth of lockdowns for a fee-less vendor mall, they have that option also. The requirement of taking lockdowns is an absolute must or they would be horribly abused for free storage that would cause lag and also bog down the already buggy Vendor Search.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Planted one of the commission vendors and yea, i believe this will be of use for me. I may wind up removing my rental vendor in Luna though... I have to do some comparative things later. 

    • I play on Pacific
    • I have 2 vendors at my Yew Castle selling mostly items for young players and returning vets, and one Rental vendor in Luna at a friend's house for hi-end stuff, rares, and legendary sets (gleaned from loot and/or imbuing - which I rarely do)
    • "Low End" equipment (artifacts, m-arties, and some legendaries) goes on Yew Vendor 1 at very basic prices
    • Hi-end loots stockpile until I have "plenty" to shuffle over to my rented vendor in Luna
    • Yew Vendor 2 sells resources (imbuing resources, spell books, plant resources, etc) that are stacked, or crafted stuffs - I tend to max item count on this vendor

    • high-ticket items on Vendor Search instead of Auction Safe, which may lure buyers to explore other vendors at my house as well as explore and see what my community center offers. :D
    • Save gold! I can pile on the hi-end stuff I don't want to keep anymore instead of stockpiling in my banks. If is gonna take up space at the castle, may as well be advertising for sale!
    • Functions like existing vendor, so can customize, changes clothes, and manage with a minimal learning curve
    • having the hi-ticket items on Vendor Search will make it easier for the "shard skimmers" to find things and drag them to the Mall Shard of Atlantic.
    • More competition in the Vendor Search.... (possible market upset for smaller shards? only prodo will tell - is this the end of the Luna Mall???)
    • What do I need Auction Safe for now? Another wasted Vet Reward? (or maybe this will act as a lure so ppl actually see the auctions - again, gotta wait for prodo)

  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    Auction safes would still be useful for auctions. Start with a price you don't want to sell LESS than, and so if it sells for that amount then good. No different than a vendor. But if more than 1 person wants the same thing at the same time, the price can go higher than if you just popped it on a vendor for a set value.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Thanks @Tanager

    I know how it works; I've had auction safes on the stoop of my castle for a long time as a lure to get people to check things; being near the gate is helpful. Made some good gold that way for a while. 

    Too much to research which cannot be done on the TC due to the nature of the TC. I'll just have to wait until it goes live to all shards. I'll buy one of these new vendors, put it in my castle, and watch it for a while... will decide what to do then.

  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited August 2019

    It might not be a bad idea to have a spot in the House Storage Gump that shows how much is used by Commission Vendors. Or at least an item count on the Commission Vendor Gump itself. Ideally, both would not be a bad way to go. Or even a hover over the Vendor's pack (with paper doll view) - which currently doesn't show anything.

    I can see where people who start hitting max house storage would be interested in having the counts displayed. I can only test on castles right now, but I do remember owning a classic small tower, and knowing storage counts was crucial to good vendor management.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    I can;'t get on TC to test (can only place castles, couldnt find a spot)  so would someone that has one placed please place a new vendor, and let us know:

    1.  If you price an item, then pull it off to reprice it, are you charged for it?

    2,  If you pull an item off (maybe because it's been there a while and hasn't sold) do you get dinged for that?

    3.  I am sure he only holds 125 items, is there a weight limit?

  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited August 2019
    1. The fee is taken only when the items sells, so there is no penalty at all for removing and repricing items.

    2. There is no penalty for removing an item. There is no fee or anything to be paid later.

    3. If there is a weight limit, it must be rather high.

  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited August 2019
    oh, forgot to add @Kyronix (seeing Tanager's post made me realize it)
    I'm using the CC, so don't get to see container information as they do in the EC.

    For those who cannot test (aka responses to questions I've been asked)
    • max price on the vendor is forced to 175m 
    • if you try to price something higher, you will get a system message and item auto-priced to max
    • new Commission Vendor is similar to a storage container that sells and uses NPC artwork
    • Commission Vendor is just like a regular vendor in all other respects (change clothes, custom hair, etc.)
    Here's the one I set up (and yes, all the stuff is priced to sell - feel free to buy and deco your TC home!)

    • Bag w/teleport tiles is a lot
    • Personal Attendants token (announce your house!)
    • Yes, I use the CC
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