Remove Trap Fails



  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I really don't understand why you're faffing about with timers to avoid the ancient guardians, just kill them and be done with it. I've never had more than 2 on a Hoard map, and Trove guardians take me so long to kill I don't get any. 
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    yep that's exactly what I was planning to do once I got a decent stock of hoard/trove maps.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    I really don't understand why you're faffing about with timers to avoid the ancient guardians, just kill them and be done with it. I've never had more than 2 on a Hoard map, and Trove guardians take me so long to kill I don't get any. 

    Some of us need more than a 16 tile radius to move about to avoid getting killed on the higher end chests.  Personally, if an ancient wyrm is spawned I am toast if I can't move more than 16 tiles away because of the restart penalty.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    What's your template?  Any character able to cast a summons, or tamer with pet, and able to cast invis, can avoid the ancient wyrm hitting them with the right tactics.

    Here's how I do it:
    Step one - cast a summons or station pet by the chest - I use a summoned reaper, mages I would suggest earth eles, tamer is obvious
    step two, initiate the remove trap process
    step three, move a few tiles away, the other side of the pet/summons
    step four, pre-cast invis and hold the cursor over your character's lifebar
    step five, when the text appears for the ancient spawning, drop the invis on your character. 

    You can see this in action on my youtube channel if you wish to.  Being a mystic, I also use gift of renewal, but there's an earlier video that I made on test center where I didn't.

    The mistake I've seen people make is to invis when they cast remove trap, the blast from the chest then reveals them and the guardian instantly targets them. With precast invis the invis drops after the blast. You still take damage from that, but the guardian will lock on the pet, not you, giving you time to heal up without running all the way offscreen.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    What's your template?  Any character able to cast a summons, or tamer with pet, and able to cast invis, can avoid the ancient wyrm hitting them with the right tactics.

    Here's how I do it:
    Step one - cast a summons or station pet by the chest - I use a summoned reaper, mages I would suggest earth eles, tamer is obvious
    step two, initiate the remove trap process
    step three, move a few tiles away, the other side of the pet/summons
    step four, pre-cast invis and hold the cursor over your character's lifebar
    step five, when the text appears for the ancient spawning, drop the invis on your character. 

    You can see this in action on my youtube channel if you wish to.  Being a mystic, I also use gift of renewal, but there's an earlier video that I made on test center where I didn't.

    The mistake I've seen people make is to invis when they cast remove trap, the blast from the chest then reveals them and the guardian instantly targets them. With precast invis the invis drops after the blast. You still take damage from that, but the guardian will lock on the pet, not you, giving you time to heal up without running all the way offscreen.
    "Being a mystic, I also use gift of renewal....."

    Gift of Renewal, I seem to remember, as being a Spellweaving spell, not from Mysticism....
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    yes, sorry, you're right, my character is a mystic weaver.

    Point is, I'm not an uber player, I can't solo peerless or roof. I'm old, I don't think fast and I don't move fast - therefore if I've found a tactic that works, most of the rest of the player base can probably use it, or adapt it, if I share it with them.  Try my tactics, they work.
  • DinoDino Posts: 27
    First i have to say that i like most of the t-hunt changes. But after digging lots of chests im not happy with the way remove traps works. There is no big difference between fighting the Ancient Guardians or just waiting till the timer is ready. For example when you wait about 7 minutes at a hoard map you have no spawn. When you begin to remove trap directly after defeating the guardians wich needs about 2 minutes for me i can do it between 5 and 7 minutes with fighting up to 6 ancient Guardians. So there seems to be a little bonus when you dont wait but the way it works now for me its just a useless timesink.
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