Remove Trap Fails
My character seems to fail 99% of the time the maximum numbers in remove trap on the chests with 100 Skill.
So once at Stash map chests, twice at Supply, thrice at Cache and four times at Hoard. Havent tried Trove yet.
Is this normal, did I trigger the fail somehow or is my character bugged?
@CovenantX you are saying that if I defeat the supply chest guardians within 10 seconds I should wait 50 seconds before using my 100 remove trap skill?
Cheers MissE
The devs said that RT will no longer be pass or fail, but a timed system. The Higher your RT, the less time it takes to actually remove the trap (and hence the less spawn).
I've not timed anything, but I have noticed that the higher RT my toon has, the shorter the time spent on that step of the process - and is no failure. The number of spawn are less as well.
Interesting about this pop-timer thing. Might try that out.
Cheers MissE
I am having a completely different experience than both of you. 100 RT/LP/Carto on character.
For Stash chests I drop an EV as I'm digging up the map. The EV takes about 7 seconds to kill the Guardians. I use RT on the Chest immediately and then LP as the RT timer is winding down. Open the chest, loot, and leave. Total time from chest appearance and initial guardian spawn to leaving is probably ~25 sec(?)
I think I've done around 50(?) Stash chests so far and have never had an Ancient Guardian.
Supply chests are the same process but I drop two EV's. With no Ogre Lord, the chest is looted and I am gone in probably 30-45 sec after initial chest appearance and guardian spawn. With an Ogre Lord, probably looted and gone in ~60 sec(?)
I've done close to 100 Supply chests (maybe more) and have only gotten maybe 10 ancient chest guardians. I might have gotten two ancient guardians from 1 Supply chest once.
Cache are again the same process, but here is where I started to notice the ancient guardians. I probably get an ancient guardian for 3 of every 5 Cache chests, with maybe 1 of those 3 chests having 2 ancient guardians.
@CovenantX, I'm not trying to diminish what you are saying, I just have not had that experience at all. It's like we are playing two separate games. I have looted most of my Supply prior to 60s and rarely seen an Ancient Guardian.
However, now that you've pointed this out, I'll pay closer attention and see if I can match the pattern you're seeing in any way.
I never get a guardian on a stash, I occasionally get one on a supply or cache, but mostly not. I get one or maybe two on a hoard, and when I tried to make a video of how I dealt with those guardians I had to use a hoard map because I wasn't getting any on trove maps.
Ah ok. I see what you're saying. That would actually explain something...
I kept track of the first 52 Supply maps I did in a spreadsheet, but that was the first 2 days of the Pub 105 release and I was only tracking loot, not guardians. However, I remember thinking "wow they completely turned down the ancient guardian thing". I don't think I saw a single Ancient Guardian during those first 52 supplies. Perhaps between tracking and just running around I was taking longer than I realized and so not spawning Ancient Guardians.
A few days later I did more Supply and I remember thinking "well, they turned the Ancient Guardians up". However, I was no longer spreadsheet tracking, and AG's were still pretty rare. I'll bet I was moving faster and therefore spawning AG's, but running into enough Ogre Lords to slow me down and eliminate AG spawn for most chests. Without tracking, I conflated the two sets of maps and didn't even notice the mechanic.
Nice Catch.
So, just did a couple more Supply. With 2 EV's preplaced I can kill off the Guardians, initiate RT, and then LP the chest all by about the 20 sec mark. However, as you state, at this speed I get an AG every time (at least so far). RT fails and the AG pops at about 30 sec. Restart RT immediately, AG dead at about 35 sec, 2nd RT success at about 40 sec. Start looting. I can have the chest looted and demolished by the late 40, early 50, second mark fairly easily. As long as: 1-no Ogre Lords, 2-only 1 RT failure.
I tend to loot guardian corpses during the RT cooldown, so really the whole map is taking about 50 or so seconds, if it's a "good" map. With Ogre Lords or multiple RT failures it's obviously longer.
Not sure if it's really necessary to move that fast though. Might be better just to take your time, kill off the guardians, loot their corpses, then do LP, and finally do RT. At that point you're probably past the 60s mark and won't even have to deal with an RT failure/explosion/AG.
Again, nice catch on that mechanic.
at 880 luck, on cache and hoard, I rarely get an ancient spawn.
If I use the luck statue (+900 at my account's age), or am doing a Fel map (with the supposed luck bonus for the loot), I get at least one.
If I use the luck statue WITH a fel map, I'm pretty much guaranteed 2-4 ancient spawn. And, this is even on a Fel Hoard map that took so long to kill the initial spawn (2 AWs, 2 balrons, 3 eles) that the first regular guardian spawn killed already had its corpse decay away.
That's with 100 RT. My understanding is less RT = increased time.
I had been bringing a second account to get through the guardians faster. However if I just solo, I finish the guardians right about the 5 or 6 min mark (most of the time). Gives plenty of time to loot corpses before making that first RT attempt.
Dug a Hoard and killed the Guardians in less then 2 min. Didn't want to hang out for 5 min, so looted Guardian corpses, LP'd the chest, killed the grubber, marked a rune for the chest, recalled home, dropped off loot.
Grabbed a 2nd Hoard out of my Davies, found it and dug it up. As I was finishing off the guardians on chest 2, the timer for chest 1 hit 7 min. Finished killing off chest 2 guardians, recalled over to chest 1, RT and looted it, then home again to drop off, then back to chest 2 which had just passed 7 min.
We can call this "Power Hunting" right? *nudge nudge, wink wink* C'mon, you know you want to.