Town Crier The Treasure Chase

Ok , so i have done a google search and cannot find any information about the new quest for the treasure hunters via the town crier aside from one post by tannager about it . I got the chest with the scrolls pots and the Treasure Seekers Lockpicks (blessed) . My question is do the lockpicks break or poof after the quest is complete im afraid to use it if they can break but if it's like a perma pick then woohoo. 


  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited July 2019
    The first time you 2-click the picks they show a number of uses and then eventually break when consumed. You get to keep them after the quest is complete, and you can use normal picks for the quest itself. You can get a new supply chest once a week (with new lockpicks), if you have not completed the quest. I like the artwork on them.
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    What town crier is this?  I looked at several and can't find that quest.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,576
    Me Either.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited July 2019

    Any Town Crier NPC (not a herald) or Sherry the Mouse will display a gump when you say News. The Treasure Hunter one is near the bottom. (Mine is greyed out because I have completed it.) Click the eye to read the news article.

    Several of the Cryer articles have an additional tag in the bottom right that offers a quest. Click that to begin. Most of the Cryer quests offer a unique item or title upon completion or somewhere along the way.

  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    I did not know about this. I will have to try to do it sometime, there is so much going on in game with all the new content I can hardly keep up. I am in Bliss lol.
  • fonsvitaefonsvitae Posts: 51
    +1 thanks @Tanager

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,787
    I knew about the quest... but didn't know you could get the box again, after a week
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,576
    Thanks. These should go in order of creation so you can see what is new.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited July 2019
    They go in order, with the articles at the top being most recent. The once a week box is only if you have NOT advanced the quest after getting the first box.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,576
    Tanager said:
    They go in order, with the articles at the top being most recent. The once a week box is only if you have NOT advanced the quest after getting the first box.
    Look at the screen shot you posted.  There are things  that are years old before the Treasure Trove article.  The newest things should be on top so you see them.   I have no idea what the once a week box is.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited July 2019
    Part of the treasure quest chain gives you get a chest from one of the quest givers  with "helpful" items within it. You can tell it is "old" because it includes magic-untrap scrolls - which do not work for removing traps anymore. If you do not complete this part of the quest chain, you can go back in a week and get another, then another chest the following week - so long as you don't complete his step in the chain.

    And really, that quest chain was implemented years ago.... don't remember exactly when. It is a separate thing from the current treasure hunting revamp (testament by what is contained in that given chest). [ETA: @Pawain visit the German UO wiki, the quest chain is there and states the old map levels as part of the quest, not the new map levels - another way of knowing this quest is much older than you think.]

    Many people didn't know about the Town Cryer quests because Sherry (and other criers) didn't work right. TBH I didn't even know about these quests until I serendipitously asked Sherry for the news a week or so ago - I thought it was still broken!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,576
    OK did it, dug up the first chest and got a second.  Nice quest for Noobs.  I thought I did all the town cryer quests.  I guess they already had Trove for Diabolical in mind years ago.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • AthenaAthena Posts: 1
    do you have to be legendary cartographer to take this quest? How do you get the glasses that take you to 105?
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    I think at the time the quest chain was made and the TC entry created, there was no thought to changing the map levels. Trove is just another word for a collection of valuable items. 

    Personally I think the name change is good, for "diabolical" leans toward a negative experience. Using the word "trove" is a bit more inviting... err... enticing. ;)
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    Oh, you mean the initial batch of articles. Yeah, those are kind of random. It would be nice if they were in chronological order. I also wish the first 2 quests (not pictured) were available on my shard, and I wish the Arrarat and Pet ones were not broken.

    They are in order after the initial GU tho, back in early 2018. The first article that was actually ''news'' was the Britain Commons, then the Khaldun quest for halloween 2018, then the current event of the Maritime Cargo, and now the Fellowship.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,388Moderator
    This quest was part of the major update to the Town Crier's function in publish 99
    In publish 105 the text of the quest was updated to the new map names.

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    So the quest doesn't actually clear once you go get the hoard map?  Still appears in the quest jnl once you have dug up both?  Or is there something i missed?

    Cheers MissE

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  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,388Moderator
    Unless there is a fundamental change I am not aware of, there is no Hoard map. The quest involves only 3 levels of map after which the character receives the title 'The Treasure Hunter'.  Only if you do not complete the quest can you repeat the initial steps.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,011
    Thanks for this thread! I've been missing out! 

    Yes, the quest only goes to Cache and ends if you complete digging the cache map up.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,576
    Thanks for the info everyone.  I love Titles!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Ya I did this on my tamer t hunter when it first appeared, it was a blast.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    I have done it, or tried to do it on 3 chars, one completely built thunter, one halfway done thunter and my archer each on separate accounts.  In every case, it gave me the quest and when I went to Vesper and entered the room with the Mapmaker it finished the quest (I guess) because it dinged and said quest finished but no chest no other info, just ding and message quest is completed.

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,909
    @Mariah, The quest's description still references mining.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,576
    Parnoc said:
    I have done it, or tried to do it on 3 chars, one completely built thunter, one halfway done thunter and my archer each on separate accounts.  In every case, it gave me the quest and when I went to Vesper and entered the room with the Mapmaker it finished the quest (I guess) because it dinged and said quest finished but no chest no other info, just ding and message quest is completed.

    Its the new system where you get a pop up when you enter the room and hear a ding. You have to get the quest from an NPC in the building.  Their title is in the description.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,909
    I have only got it to work if I enter through the door.  Recalling directly into the room has not worked for me.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,576
    TimSt said:
    I have only got it to work if I enter through the door.  Recalling directly into the room has not worked for me.

    Like the SS part of the Gumshoe quest. You have to get the pop up maybe.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    I opened the door on all 3 of my characters.  Nothing, ping, quest finished --- nothing in pack, no more instructions, quest removed from my quest journal, dunno what I'm doing wrong.  Oh well no biggie, just like to see things work.

  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,909

    Parnoc said:
    I opened the door on all 3 of my characters.  Nothing, ping, quest finished --- nothing in pack, no more instructions, quest removed from my quest journal, dunno what I'm doing wrong.  Oh well no biggie, just like to see things work.

    Have you gone back to the Town Crier and try to get the quest again? I do not know if this even an option.  But you might want to try it out just incase.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    If the quest was removed from your journal, then it did complete that stage. These quest chains do not ''continue''. Each step completes, and then you speak to the next NPC that the quest dialog told you to speak to in order to get a new quest for the next step.

    In this case, you are told to go to the legendary cartographer in Vesper. You go to the NPC shop in Vesper, by the docks, and thru the door. You get a ding and a pop up. Then you speak to the Legendary Cartographer and get a new quest that is the next stage.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,011
    Not sure what I did wrong. The only broken headstone I could find was in Britain, next to the mourners. I went to the other cemeteries, combing over everything numerous times. I found other headstones that highlight yellow when you hover the cursor but none were broken headstones that popped up with any info. I double clicked them all. Used DH on them all. And tried using Forensics on them all.

    I gave up trying to find them and went to the lyceum to look for the book. Found it, got the pop up where it tells me to go talk to the cryptographer to tell him I've located the cypher book (3x's). Went to cryptographer repeatedly. He doesn't engage beyond tell me to Shhh!

    I don't know if any of if matters in order to keep going because you can find the info online to decode and go through the trap doors. I went through one and left off there. I didn't want to keep going in case not completing the other tasks fully was going to ultimately mess up the rest of the quest.  
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