Town Crier The Treasure Chase
Ok , so i have done a google search and cannot find any information about the new quest for the treasure hunters via the town crier aside from one post by tannager about it . I got the chest with the scrolls pots and the Treasure Seekers Lockpicks (blessed) . My question is do the lockpicks break or poof after the quest is complete im afraid to use it if they can break but if it's like a perma pick then woohoo.
Any Town Crier NPC (not a herald) or Sherry the Mouse will display a gump when you say News. The Treasure Hunter one is near the bottom. (Mine is greyed out because I have completed it.) Click the eye to read the news article.
Several of the Cryer articles have an additional tag in the bottom right that offers a quest. Click that to begin. Most of the Cryer quests offer a unique item or title upon completion or somewhere along the way.
And really, that quest chain was implemented years ago.... don't remember exactly when. It is a separate thing from the current treasure hunting revamp (testament by what is contained in that given chest). [ETA: @Pawain visit the German UO wiki, the quest chain is there and states the old map levels as part of the quest, not the new map levels - another way of knowing this quest is much older than you think.]
Many people didn't know about the Town Cryer quests because Sherry (and other criers) didn't work right. TBH I didn't even know about these quests until I serendipitously asked Sherry for the news a week or so ago - I thought it was still broken!
Personally I think the name change is good, for "diabolical" leans toward a negative experience. Using the word "trove" is a bit more inviting... err... enticing.
They are in order after the initial GU tho, back in early 2018. The first article that was actually ''news'' was the Britain Commons, then the Khaldun quest for halloween 2018, then the current event of the Maritime Cargo, and now the Fellowship.
Cheers MissE
Yes, the quest only goes to Cache and ends if you complete digging the cache map up.
Treasure Hunters
Its the new system where you get a pop up when you enter the room and hear a ding. You have to get the quest from an NPC in the building. Their title is in the description.
Like the SS part of the Gumshoe quest. You have to get the pop up maybe.
Have you gone back to the Town Crier and try to get the quest again? I do not know if this even an option. But you might want to try it out just incase.
In this case, you are told to go to the legendary cartographer in Vesper. You go to the NPC shop in Vesper, by the docks, and thru the door. You get a ding and a pop up. Then you speak to the Legendary Cartographer and get a new quest that is the next stage.
I gave up trying to find them and went to the lyceum to look for the book. Found it, got the pop up where it tells me to go talk to the cryptographer to tell him I've located the cypher book (3x's). Went to cryptographer repeatedly. He doesn't engage beyond tell me to Shhh!
I don't know if any of if matters in order to keep going because you can find the info online to decode and go through the trap doors. I went through one and left off there. I didn't want to keep going in case not completing the other tasks fully was going to ultimately mess up the rest of the quest.