Rising Tide End Date & Final Rewards?



  • I dumped all my points so I assume they'll decide to add more rewards now.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,004
    I dumped all my points so I assume they'll decide to add more rewards now.
    I think that, whenever the Developers will decide to close down for good the Black Market, players should be informed of this change with a VERY AMPLE margin....

    I'd say of minimal 2 weeks, preferably more....
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Looks like they don't know either.

    Every other game: "Event X is running from 1st of May through 1st of June"
    UO: "Curious - How many doubloons do you have?"

    Must be real hard..
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    popps said:
    I dumped all my points so I assume they'll decide to add more rewards now.
    I think that, whenever the Developers will decide to close down for good the Black Market, players should be informed of this change with a VERY AMPLE margin....

    I'd say of minimal 2 weeks, preferably more....
    Good luck! xD
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • psychopsycho Posts: 311
    edited June 2019
    Does it really matter when it ends?

    World Wide Release – 3/19/2019
    Now in just a week the content has been out for 3 months, thats more than enough for a temporarily content.

    What really matters is that the towns got their Marine cargo to increase their city treasury.

    When I hear about people having(or had) 9million points, Id say the content been out long enough.
    Everyone had their chance of collecting a few rewards.

  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,769

    Curious - How many doubloons do you have?  

    Close to 2.5 million doubloons still left and I have over 10 of the slugs, got a few parrots, one of the ship signs, one of the statues, and the sailing master reward.  Also the city I am running for Governor once more has over 700 million for trade.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 352

    How many did you want with Sparrows name on it? I must have 4 or 5.

    Will they be in Splinter Form or Jigsaw Puzzle form?

  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400
    See no one believed me when I said soon the cargo was going to be worth only nice deco .. the guys who are selling the myst crates for a mill best sell off fast ..or your investment will be worthless trinkets worthy of deco only......

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,004
    edited June 2019
    See no one believed me when I said soon the cargo was going to be worth only nice deco .. the guys who are selling the myst crates for a mill best sell off fast ..or your investment will be worthless trinkets worthy of deco only......

    "See no one believed me when I said soon the cargo was going to be worth only nice deco..."

    Can any Developers PLEASE quantify that "soon" ?

    Is it June 30th ? July 31st ? August 31st ? Any other date ?

    Why on earth can't we get a PRECISE deadline by which players are supposed to turn in their Maritime Trade Cargo before the Black Market is shut down and goes out of business ?

    From this Post https://forum.uo.com/discussion/comment/28601/#Comment_28601 the words "You'll be able to collect cargo & destroy plunderbeacons at least through the next publish...." make me understand that the upcoming Publish will NOT stop the current collection of Cargo, PuldenBeacons AND the existance of the Black Market with its Rewards...

    So, Forgotten Treasures AND the current content WILL coexist, is my understanding....

    The question is, UNTIL WHEN ?

    To my understanding, the words chosen by Kyronix.... "Through next Publish" (which is Forgotten Treasures, to my understanding) can only mean until the Forsaken Foes content will be Published which, according to the Road Map, will be in September 2019...

    So, are we safe to conclude that the CURRENT content with Maritime Trade Cargo, Plunderbeacons, the Black Market with its Rewards will, AT THE VERY LEAST, be still ongoing until August 31st or sometimes in September 2019 when Forsaken Foes will be Published ?

    @Kyronix , is that so ?

    P.S. AFTER downloading the Patch, I logged onto Origin and, as the below picture shows, the Black Market Pirate is still there, open for Business....

  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited June 2019
    They just dont know either...

    What they know is that they are super busy though..
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,438
    Please popps, for everyone's sake, stop nagging.
    The market will undoubtedly be turned off when a publish goes through, not this one, Kyronix has said that. Publishes go through testing before they're live, there is no tied down exact date. It will probably be turned off when Forgotten Foes goes world wide and we will have the entire testing period to be aware of that fact. 
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited June 2019
    Aka, we will let you know one day up front ;) Not that hard to clearly state what will stay and what will go away and when, but I agree that popps is just wasting his time here as nobody will answer those questions.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Why worry about when?  You've been told there is no more rewards gonna be added (the way I interpret it).  So go turn in all the ones you got and claim what you want... If theres nothing new coming, no need to hold onto them.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Donate it to The Fellowship....
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    I took it as he was talking of points unclaimed on the pirate...yeah, if its the cargo itself, hold onto it for the next event

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,004
    Please popps, for everyone's sake, stop nagging.
    The market will undoubtedly be turned off when a publish goes through, not this one, Kyronix has said that. Publishes go through testing before they're live, there is no tied down exact date. It will probably be turned off when Forgotten Foes goes world wide and we will have the entire testing period to be aware of that fact. 

    Frankly, I cannot understand why players should not know, exactly, until when they will be able to collect Maritime Trade Cargo, convert it into Doubloons at the Pirate in Buc's Den, and then be able to claim Rewards depending on the Doubloons they have....

    "It will probably be turned off when Forgotten Foes goes world wide......"

    That's fine, that would mean that everything will keep being as it is now until at least August 31st if not sometimes into September 2019 when Forsaken Foes is supposed to be Published....

    I just think it as important to players to know it for sure, so that they can allocate their playing time in UO depending on their Schedule....

    Let me make an example to better clarify my point of view....

    Let's imagine, that there is players out there who would VERY MUCH like to play the new upcoming Forgotten Treasure Content BUT, they ALSO still have Maritime Trade cargo to earn and Rewards to claim at the Rising Tide Black Market after having converted it into Doubloons....

    Their playing time in UO is currently, unfortunately, scarce so, they must make a choice, they can EITHER immediately get into playing Forgotten Treasures content OR keep earning Maritime Trade Cargo/Doubloons to get whatever Rewards they still would like to get at the Black Market.

    They unfortunately do not have time, currently, to do both.....

    Now, "IF" the Maritime Trade Cargo drops, the turning them at the Pirate in Buc's Den for Doubloons and the claiming of Rewards will KEEP BEING ACTIVE until at least August 31st if not sometimes into September, THEN these players will safely be able to use their available time in UO, now, to immediately enjoy the Forgotten Treasures content and, thus, leave the earning for more Maritime Trade Cargo and Doubloons and claiming of the Rewards at the Black Market which they still would like to get, for LATER ON, like for example sometimes during July or even August.....

    But in order to make such a choice, that is, whether to play immediately the upcoming Forgotten Treasures content and postpone the completion of their Rising Tide Rewards to later on, OR skip playing the Forgotten Treasure content now and use their currently available playing time in UO to complete their Rising Tide Rewards now, before the Black Market is shut down, I guess they would need to know what the related timings are, right ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,004
    edited June 2019

    Now I just learned that the Town Cryer has some new News which start with these lines....

    "The Town Cryer is receiving unconfirmed reports that the leader of the Pirate's Guild of Buccaneer's Den is dead! While the Town Cryer cannot confirm these reports at this time, we can confirm the threat to maritime trade cargo remains."

    I surely hope that this does not mean that the Black Market shuts down.... and it should not have, since, AFTER downloading the Patch, I went to Buc's Den on Origin, as I mentioned in my Post above, and the Pirate was still there and the Black Market still open for business....

    So, perhaps, the lines in the new Town Cryer News hopefully refer to something else and we can still recover Maritime Trade Cargo and turn it into Doubloons at the Pirate in Buc's Den for Rewards ?
  • Thank the Ghods no one from BS ever takes 5 minutes just to clarify what they are doing. It would ruin the mystery of what the hell is going on lol I'm sure there's people still looking for the perfect Triton or whatever and if they get hosed, well, that's what makes the game fun right?

    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400
    From my reading of the publish and the in game posting on the in game news page is it is due at the publish.. now it does not say which...  and in the past I have seen 1 of the team say one thing and a few days later the boss does the complete opposite.  No offence to Kyronix  I do hope he is correct... id like to get a whip!  
  • fonsvitaefonsvitae Posts: 51
    I am just starting the Rising Tide content myself and I am not worried or perplexed regarding the devs and their communication.

    Right now, I know a) I have at least until this current, new publish (Forgotten Treasures, which should last through August), and b) possibly further into the future, to take advantage of Rising Tide content.

    The communication is not precise, but it is clear enough to set some parameters; parameters that even someone just getting into the content has ample time to explore. From the way some persons here are voicing their concerns, one would think the sky is falling and the devs are sacrificing children to the devil (again). We all know they stopped that already.

  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    ^^^^ What he said.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,851

    I am perplexed.  What benefit do people get from knowing the exact date for when the black market closes down? Are you trying to find that perfect slug? A wood carving with your boat's name?

    Or is it an anxiety thing?

  • Captain_LuckyCaptain_Lucky Posts: 556
    edited June 2019
    I don't think anyone is having a nervous break down lol. But it would be nice to know what the heck is going on with a little clarity. Even if things are still in flux it would be nice to know what the plan is even if it varies a little. And yes there are people that still have things out there they would like to get. For example I'm recently retired (Good work if you can get it btw). My wife often works 6 days a week, but she loves buying stuff and that's her call if she wants over time or not. But the point is I'm in a position that I can grind through it, I got the time. If it was her trying to get this stuff she would have a very hard time. So those with limited time I'm sure would appreciate knowing what the deal is. It's just the proper thing to do. My gut tells me they don't even know for sure so they don't want to talk about it. But it's fine to say something isn't cast in stone but here's the general plan. Maybe they think they're being clear but reading over this thread that's clearly not the case. I do find it difficult to accept the lack of communication here as I assumed that was the point of making these boards. But as is with the way these boards are set up we find ourselves on the "other forums" which are set up so much better. I mean not even a like button? Really? It's like they intentionally avoid feedback and communication. Bring it cheerleaders, I'm ready for ya lol
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,004
    TimSt said:

    I am perplexed.  What benefit do people get from knowing the exact date for when the black market closes down? Are you trying to find that perfect slug? A wood carving with your boat's name?

    Or is it an anxiety thing?

    Let me make an example to better clarify my point of view....

    Let's imagine, that there is players out there who would VERY MUCH like to play the new upcoming Forgotten Treasure Content BUT, they ALSO still have Maritime Trade cargo to earn and Rewards to claim at the Rising Tide Black Market after having converted it into Doubloons....

    Their playing time in UO is currently, unfortunately, scarce so, they must make a choice, they can EITHER immediately get into playing Forgotten Treasures content OR keep earning Maritime Trade Cargo/Doubloons to get whatever Rewards they still would like to get at the Black Market.

    They unfortunately do not have time, currently, to do both.....

    Now, "IF" the Maritime Trade Cargo drops, the turning them at the Pirate in Buc's Den for Doubloons and the claiming of Rewards will KEEP BEING ACTIVE until at least August 31st if not sometimes into September, THEN these players will safely be able to use their available time in UO, now, to immediately enjoy the Forgotten Treasures content and, thus, leave the earning for more Maritime Trade Cargo and Doubloons and claiming of the Rewards at the Black Market which they still would like to get, for LATER ON, like for example sometimes during July or even August.....

    But in order to make such a choice, that is, whether to play immediately the upcoming Forgotten Treasures content and postpone the completion of their Rising Tide Rewards to later on, OR skip playing the Forgotten Treasure content now and use their currently available playing time in UO to complete their Rising Tide Rewards now, before the Black Market is shut down, I guess they would need to know what the related timings are, right ?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679

    Dude.  It says it will last until the September publish.  Each publish has been about 2 weeks late.

    So, September 1st is the deadline.  You may get a few extra days if the publish is late.

    Why are you confusing other players just because you do not understand?

    I already told you this but you don't read.  The original announcement is quite clear.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • psychopsycho Posts: 311
    popps said:

    Let's imagine, that there is players out there who would VERY MUCH like to play the new upcoming Forgotten Treasure Content BUT, they ALSO still have Maritime Trade cargo to earn and Rewards to claim at the Rising Tide Black Market after having converted it into Doubloons....

    Their playing time in UO is currently, unfortunately, scarce so, they must make a choice, they can EITHER immediately get into playing Forgotten Treasures content OR keep earning Maritime Trade Cargo/Doubloons to get whatever Rewards they still would like to get at the Black Market.

    They unfortunately do not have time, currently, to do both.....

    Then you first do the maritime trade cargo/doubloons with the NPC in bucs den,
    THEN you do forgotten treasures which is the next upcomming event.

    The maritime cargo been out for 3months already, if people didnt have time to play it cuz of RL stuff in those 3 months, well then they probably dont have the time to play UO.

    Content been out for 3 months guys.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,004
    edited June 2019
    Pawain said:
    @ popps

    Dude.  It says it will last until the September publish.  Each publish has been about 2 weeks late.

    So, September 1st is the deadline.  You may get a few extra days if the publish is late.

    Why are you confusing other players just because you do not understand?

    I already told you this but you don't read.  The original announcement is quite clear.
    That is what I would be incline to think....

    That everything will continue as it is now, that is, that Maritime Trade Cargo and PlunderBeacons will keep spawning AND that the Pirate in Buccaneer's Den giving Rewards upon converting Maritime Trade Cargo into Doubloons would keep going on, unchanged, until the September Forsaken Foes Publish will be released WorldWide....

    But then, IF SO, why, on the already patched Shards (ORIGIN etc.) the Town Cryer has some new News which start with these lines ?

    "The Town Cryer is receiving unconfirmed reports that the leader of the Pirate's Guild of Buccaneer's Den is dead! While the Town Cryer cannot confirm these reports at this time, we can confirm the threat to maritime trade cargo remains."

    Since, at least on Origin (AFTER having downloaded the Patch), I did check, and the Black Market Pirate is still well alive and the Black Market open for business, WHO is this "Leader of the Pirate's Guild of Buccaneer's Den" that is (supposedly) dead ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,004
    psycho said:
    popps said:

    Let's imagine, that there is players out there who would VERY MUCH like to play the new upcoming Forgotten Treasure Content BUT, they ALSO still have Maritime Trade cargo to earn and Rewards to claim at the Rising Tide Black Market after having converted it into Doubloons....

    Their playing time in UO is currently, unfortunately, scarce so, they must make a choice, they can EITHER immediately get into playing Forgotten Treasures content OR keep earning Maritime Trade Cargo/Doubloons to get whatever Rewards they still would like to get at the Black Market.

    They unfortunately do not have time, currently, to do both.....

    Then you first do the maritime trade cargo/doubloons with the NPC in bucs den,
    THEN you do forgotten treasures which is the next upcomming event.

    The maritime cargo been out for 3months already, if people didnt have time to play it cuz of RL stuff in those 3 months, well then they probably dont have the time to play UO.

    Content been out for 3 months guys.

    Why couldn't it be kept going as it is, until the September Worldwide Release of the Forsaken Foes Publish thus helping out those UO players having less time to play UO to STILL be able to get all of the Rewards they want/need ?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    edited June 2019
    popps said:

    "The Town Cryer is receiving unconfirmed reports that the leader of the Pirate's Guild of Buccaneer's Den is dead! While the Town Cryer cannot confirm these reports at this time, we can confirm the threat to maritime trade cargo remains."

    The Maritime Black Market Merchant is "Random Name" The Pirate.

    He is not the leader of the Pirates guild!!

    Log into the game and look around before you speculate!  The dead Guild Leader is the beginning of the next event!

    Stop making up rumors!

    Just took a guy to Baja.  The Pirate Merchant is still there.  Do a little research.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited June 2019
    Pawain said:
    popps said:

    "The Town Cryer is receiving unconfirmed reports that the leader of the Pirate's Guild of Buccaneer's Den is dead! While the Town Cryer cannot confirm these reports at this time, we can confirm the threat to maritime trade cargo remains."

    The Maritime Black Market Merchant is "Random Name" The Pirate.

    He is not the leader of the Pirates guild!!

    Log into the game and look around before you speculate!  The dead Guild Leader is the beginning of the next event!

    Stop making up rumors!

    Just took a guy to Baja.  The Pirate Merchant is still there.  Do a little research.
    Pawain said:
    popps said:

    "The Town Cryer is receiving unconfirmed reports that the leader of the Pirate's Guild of Buccaneer's Den is dead! While the Town Cryer cannot confirm these reports at this time, we can confirm the threat to maritime trade cargo remains."

    The Maritime Black Market Merchant is "Random Name" The Pirate.

    He is not the leader of the Pirates guild!!

    Log into the game and look around before you speculate!  The dead Guild Leader is the beginning of the next event!

    Stop making up rumors!

    Just took a guy to Baja.  The Pirate Merchant is still there.  Do a little research.
    On Origin, the Maritime Black Market Merchant is selling these items:

    10,000 doubloons A deed for a reward title (Powder Monkey)
    15,000 doubloons Wood Carving of [ship's name]
    15,000 doubloons A deed for a reward title (Botswain)
    20,000 doubloons A deed for a reward title (Sailing Master)
    25,000 doubloons Blunder Cannon
    25,000 doubloons A deed for a reward title (Quartermaster)
    35,000 doubloons Mysterious Statue
    45,000 doubloons Pirate Wall Map
    100,000 doubloons Shoulder Parrot
    120,000 doubloons Decorative Dragon Cannon
    140,000 doubloons Triton
    180,000 doubloons Spiked Whip of Plundering
    180,000 doubloons Bladed Whip of Plundering
    180,000 doubloons Barbed Whip of Plundering

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