Just a few easy polls to let the devs know what's going on, on SP.

Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
edited April 2019 in Siege
I just thought I would take some of the issues that have been discussed lately on Stratics and in general chat and put it directly in front of the devs and hope for at least a response.
  1. Should the number of blessed items be increased?67 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2. Add VvV artifacts?67 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  3. Remove the daily limit on stat gain?67 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  4. Should the RoT timers be reduced?67 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  5. Should second houses on SP have to be periodically refreshed?67 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  6. Should ALL items (with mods), currently "Blessed" on SP, have the blessing removed?67 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  7. Should passive reveal work on SP?67 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
  8. Add a second character slot?67 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No


  • Mods please delete the other threads which the poll didn't work on.  Thanks.
  • BoBoBoBo Posts: 21
    100% yes!!!
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    What exactly do you mean by #4, reduced in what way
  • Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
    edited April 2019
    Bilbo said:
    What exactly do you mean by #4, reduced in what way
    Currently they are as follows;

    0-60, no timer
    70-80, 5 minutes in between a skill gain
    80-90, 8 minutes...
    90-100, 12 minutes...
    100-120, 15 minutes..., takes 150 minutes to gain 1 point.
  • MagichandsMagichands Posts: 141
    Well i think it's always very hard find the perfect solution for all,but anyway i'm sure everyone will find a way to adjust own playstyle in base the changes that maybe will be done... So i will accept all decisions but on one thing i'm really against it: the second char on Siege... The one char slot "force" people to interact with other people and that help a lot the comunity spirit... I really can't understand what is the problem with that... If you want play alone you can always buy Soulstones and swap skills when needed or make EJ accounts (oh true in that way you can't protect or get more PS soloing spawn -.-)... UO isn't a Single Player game and so i have problems understanding why people want solo everything, be able to crafting everything alone...  All complain always that people don't show themselves around and we try to take away the only thing that help comunity spirit?
  • # 1 meaning increasing the number of Siege blesses a character gets (so increasing this doesn't necessarily contradict removing bless tags from items with mods as requested in # 6), right?

    I voted yes on all but # 8 because I strongly believe in the 1 char per account rule.
  • NonelNonel Posts: 33
    Absolutely need passive reveal on Siege. However, it should require some level of detect hidden skill. Want to defend against mages? Get resist. Want to defend against dexxers? Parry. Thieves? Detect or tracking.
  • madmanukmadmanuk Posts: 3
    Given the number of soulstones held, the argument that the one character rule enforces community does not hold true in the way that it used to. I think a second character is just a more convenient way to use all those skills I hold on stones. It should be considered, and other arguments for and against discussed.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Bilbo said:
    What exactly do you mean by #4, reduced in what way
    Currently they are as follows;

    0-60, no timer
    70-80, 5 minutes in between a skill gain
    80-90, 8 minutes...
    90-100, 12 minutes...
    100-120, 15 minutes..., takes 150 minutes to gain 1 point.
    With that I would change my vote to yes
  • No to passive reveal/detect. And refreshing for houses only with a long timer like e.g. 120 days.
  • Max_BlackoakMax_Blackoak Posts: 657
    edited April 2019
    I use stealth myself and I am for adding passive reveal/detect because in it's current form stealth is completely overpowered. Not even the skills that are supposed to counter it work reliably (detect) or are broken (tracking).
  • No thanks
  • Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
    edited April 2019

    1. 4 - 5 items total would be nice.  Total meaning ALL blessed items equipped AND in backpack.
    2. Voted yes just from reading about it in Bo's thread.
    3. Yes.
    4. Something like 0-80 no timer; 80-100, 5 minutes; 100-110, 7 minutes; 110-120, 9 minutes.
    5. Absolutely Yes.  Should be every 60 or 90 days, but I'd even accept 120.
    6. No, as long as they count towards the TOTAL allowed blessed items.
    7. Yes.
    8. Yes.  I'd use a 2nd character like 5 Soulstones mostly.  Save $50.  I do appreciate the identity benefits of just one character, four of my characters are named Gouge, but how many players have more than one account with an alt anyway?  With Soulstones most have their own crafters too.
  • All in all many good ideas here and a good poll. Thanks for doing this. We should all make sure that changes do not favor certain playstyles. All players should benefit. Right now, I like most of them.
  • NonelNonel Posts: 33
    Why would you be against some form of passive reveal, DoctorAlzheimer?
  • It is fine the way it is IMHO (and most players share my view). I know why certain players want a change. And I dont like their motives.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    30 days on houses. Who goes on month long vacations?
  • Military service abroad? Severe illness? Hospital... And so on...
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited April 2019
    For the most part, I would adapt to whatever the majority decides. A couple points to consider, tho:

    Many folks rotate subscriptions just to keep a house and its contents. People midway through a cycle would lose their house(s) if the refresh was too short. UO needs all the paying subs it can get, even if it is only once every few months. Forcing a part time player on Siege to choose would most likely result in even fewer players. I am not saying I am for or opposed to refreshing, just that it would need to keep that in mind.

    If we had more than one character, I suspect even more Siege accounts would consolidate and close. There would also be less soul stone purchases. We would get 2x the number of holiday gifts, which would be good or bad depending on one's perspective. Crafters would get 2x the number of daily BODs (just swap the skills to the other char using SS).

  • Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
    edited April 2019

    I'm curious, why did they turn off passive reveal on SP?  I mean isn't SP supposed to be the "hard shard?"  Doesn't turning it off make it easier for stealthers to stealth around undetected?
  • BoBoBoBo Posts: 21

    There are a lot of things that don't make sense on Siege

    1.  You right about stealth if it was suppose to be the hard shard, smoke bomb/stealth away is the easy button without passive detect.  even with it turned on you can be very effective just takes a bit of luck, skill, and timing. 

    2. Self res and any form of self ressing like the seed from the abyss.  that is not in the spirit of siege

    3.  Blessed spell books with mods on them.  the blessing should be removed

    4.  Blessed pets, pets should take your blessed item slot. 

    5.  VVV arties!!!  this was voted out one day long ago by bout 8 people who showed up to a dev meet and greet..  Total BS!!  here is the really shitty part.  Most people say they want an increased drop rate for arties and stuff so people will use them more.  Well guess what the VVV system is?? a way to increase the drop rate on arties.   ahahhaha   People are afraid they will die faster to someone wearing them..  you gonna die anyways to a good pk, if they ever find you. 

    6.  The ROT timer most people voted to not shorten it, ya know why???  last time devs made it shorter they actually made it longer.  DOH

    That's enough for now.  Bo is frustrated at the low population of siege and the lack of certain to want to do anything about it..  Bo would love to hear from some of these negative nancys on how to increase the population. 

  • No thanks!
  • I like Siege like it is!
  • oh and by the way pay close attention in these kinds of threads to who actually provides explanations and reasoning behind their suggestions and who simply says no every chance they get...
  • DoctorAlzheimerDoctorAlzheimer Posts: 85
    edited April 2019

    Well, i say "no" to all changes that cater PKs. And I say "yes" to all playstyles which are good for everybody. Enough explanation? Better now?

    Pay close attention to the motives certain people have. Ya know ... ;-)
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Please keep the conversation on point.

  • Well, i say "no" to all changes that cater PKs.
    you seem to forget that PKs get affected by these changes just as much.
    Also let's for example take a look at the blessed invasion books. How does keeping those blessed benefit everybody?
    It creates a huge disadvantage for newcomers because they can't get these thus limiting their template choices. Voting no on that one is purely selfish.
  • DoctorAlzheimerDoctorAlzheimer Posts: 85
    edited April 2019
    nonsense. thats market. i had to buy mine, too. according to your logic, all unique stuff has to be removed. ToT is off, no way to get a tome other than buying. Abyss houses arent given out anymore. Shadowlords invasion is off. Rubble? You need to buy it. Tons off stuff unavailable. Rather than deleting/unblessing stuff I vote "yes" for giving it all out again. You guys are selfish because you pretend to care for newcomers while in fact all you care for is looting more stuff from other players. That is all PKs are interested it. 

    The moderator asked to stay on topic. I answered to the accusation of selfishness. I will shut up now, because I made my point. Enough said for my part.The voting is quite clear on these points.

    @moderator: is there a way to ignore other members? i am doing this on all other forums, too.

  • MagichandsMagichands Posts: 141
    Instead asking to take off bless property why we don't ask, all together , to add those books on cleaning points system? I'm not good with code, so maybe it's very hard to do, but maybe we can ask to add Spellbook blessed basic ( for example 10 SDI, 2 Lrc and 1 Lmc) for 50000 points... Then they can add a token that cost 50000 points each and each time you use it on the Spellbook it increase property (for example each token increase 10 SDI, 2 LRC and 1 LMC)... At the 4th upgrade when you will have 50 SDI, 10 LRC and 5 LMC you can't upgrade anymore.... Instead for slayer they will cost 150000 points and will be random ( and here noone can complain because also people that got them at event, had to farm a lot before getting the slayer they were looking for)... Instead if the discussion is about melee don't have any blessed weapons that is another thing :p
  • DoctorAlzheimerDoctorAlzheimer Posts: 85
    edited April 2019
    Very good idea! A pure and selfish "yes" from me! ;-)
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