I posted about the artwork of the new content on TC1 stating that the items stick up through the second story floor. @Kronix says it is working as intended. Why in the name of all things holy would you intentionally create an art item in game that defies the laws of physics and sticks through the floor? There is already PLENTY of items that stick through the floors. This has been annoying me for 21 years!
Honest question: Can any of you think up a good reason why someone would intentionally design an object that sticks up through the floor? Would you buy a china cabinet and cut out a section of your first floor ceiling and second floor floor to make it fit?
Honest question: Can any of you think up a good reason why someone would intentionally design an object that sticks up through the floor? Would you buy a china cabinet and cut out a section of your first floor ceiling and second floor floor to make it fit?
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Don't know if that was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek remark or not. But it is serious, they can't lay it off as a gift "just be glad ya got something". Because these are store items and people are paying for them.
So it should be right
Then again, non descript clickbait thread titles also annoy me.
It must be true or something would have been done to resolve the Hearth of the Home Fire and Stone Oven items, so we wouldn't have to build around them, hide the chimney on the Home Fire when it pokes through, or put them on the roof (the last place I want to place them).
I have such a love for the Hearth I've always wished devs would snag the bottom half of the artwork and somehow turn them into something we can easily put on lower floors. After all the hubbub, how we ended up with stone ovens we couldn't place on lower floors was beyond me.
On a more positive note...
I think the fireplaces we have are great. I'd like to see more options added. A big gothic looking fireplace that looks more like what players build with tile sets would be awesome. The woodstove coming out is sweet. An old world cook fireplace with swing arm and bubbling pot would be so great. We have the bubbling cauldron. I use that in a homemade fireplace. With lava tiles around it, it looks pretty good. But I'd be all for this type of deeded item.
The pie safe and china cabinet do indeed seem to work as intended, being modeled after armoire type containers. Love that you can leave the doors open and have two types of artwork with them.
That said, it would be nice if a couple pieces were created that were meant to be upper cabinets that hang on the wall. We've been building kitchens in the game since the dawn. We've come up with clever ways to create the look of upper cabinets for a long time. Why not offer us something meant for that purpose?
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)