The Harrower's tentacles can spawn outside the map, requiring a gamemaster to complete.

OkamiOkami Posts: 84
This is absolutely astoundingly ridiculous considering it's easily the top end permanent reward in the game. We went through the trouble going to the star room, going through the summon process, gating to Hythloth, fighting the first wave with a few losses but we were properly prepared.

Tentacle section pops, and one spawns outside the walkable map so it's unable to be completed. Check a wiki, find out this has been a known issue, page a GM, and wait. The issue of course is we -planned- this out ahead of time and did the attempt at roughly 2-230 AM EST, so no gm responded,

Eventually an hour+ after paging, some randoms started coming into the dungeon. No PVP ensued, because you won't actually -get- anything most times out of the Harrower fight as it destroys uninsured loot anyway. We left, they were probably more patient and got the benefit of our work.

The members of out team that kept their gm pages active eventually got a response 8 hours later.

"I'm sorry we couldn't get to you sooner. I assume this issue is no longer relevant. So I've closed the appeal. If there is still an issue, please page again.
Regards, GM.
Thank you for playing Ultima Online!
Ultima Online In-game Customer Support
Broadsword Online Games"

This issue is reasonably resolvable as well. The Harrower is already a "keyed" encounter. Have it have it's own custom map like Exodus/Shadowlords/ML Bosses and have the run to it still be the PVP pinata bait as the encounter is designed to be anyway.

I returned to the dungeon after waking up this morning, and saw a packhorse in the opening hallway, so I'm assuming got the benefit of the work and planning we put into the encounter.

This is the kind of frustrating thing that makes me want to cancel my account.

Corresponding feedback post by another guildmember:



  • JCtheBuilderJCtheBuilder Posts: 44
    edited March 2018
    The fun thing about the Harrower is it is different every time. Having it spawn in a pre-determined area would be less fun. A better solution would be a path finding check to see if you can walk from the Harrower to each tentacle. I don’t know how easy of a solution that would be. 

    At least now you know not to have the harrower stand in a location where the tentacles will spawn out of reach.
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    edited March 2018
    And how were we to know that it would spawn out of reach? Half of us had never fought it before, and the rest hadn't fought one in years. Why should it be on us the players to have to scope out the area to make sure this doesn't happen?

    The terrain should never have been designed to allow it to spawn out of reach, or fixed years ago to prevent it from happening. Instead it's been allowed to continue for years, leaving players at the mercy of GMs why may or may not show up to help, because it's not been deemed important enough to have one of the major encounters in the game working without issue.
  • OkamiOkami Posts: 84
    At least now you know not to have the harrower stand in a location where the tentacles will spawn out of reach.
    That's not a solution, and this is the bug forum, not the advice forum.

    @Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna

    Any chance this will be one of the upcoming bug fixes? However it's fixed?

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,208Dev
    Okami said:
    At least now you know not to have the harrower stand in a location where the tentacles will spawn out of reach.
    That's not a solution, and this is the bug forum, not the advice forum.

    @ Kyronix @ Bleak @ Mesanna

    Any chance this will be one of the upcoming bug fixes? However it's fixed?

    This is something we can look at in Pub 100.  Thanks for the report!
  • DJAdDJAd Posts: 290
    Kyronix said:

    This is something we can look at in Pub 100.  Thanks for the report!
    Along with a loot buff I hope!
  • Faeryl said:
    And how were we to know that it would spawn out of reach? Half of us had never fought it before, and the rest hadn't fought one in years.

    Bugs and Issues

    • The Tentacles may spawn in unreachable locations and have to be moved by a Game Master.
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