Can someone please explain to me the Jewelry Box ?

I cannot figure out how to see a given jewelry piece specifications while being in the box.

If I click on it it just drops onto my backpack main and if I hoover with the mouse on the piece it shows no specifications for it.

Furthermore, I cannot seem to do any searches for specific stats that I might be looking for...

For example, say that I was to see all of the Lower Reagent Count pieces of jewelry contained in the box to then further decide which to use, I do not see how I can do that....

I mean, I cannot seem to make any valuable and good use of this Box....

If I cannot see what is inside in details and search for specific pieces, what is the use of this Box ?

I do not understand....


  • There is no sort like you want.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    You can absolutely mouse over and see the piece, othewise the box wouldn't be worth having at all.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    Krinkle said:
    There is no sort like you want.
    Uhu ??

    So, to find 1 piece among 500 that a Box can have one needs to look at ALL of them to find it ?

    REALLY ??

    It is not possible to search for a specific stat that one wants ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    edited February 2019
    You can absolutely mouse over and see the piece, othewise the box wouldn't be worth having at all.
    Well, it does not work for me....

    I have the mouse pointer hoover onto the piece while in the box and no specifications for that piece show up.... nothing.

    If I left click the item, it drops into mhy backpack so, I can only hoover while the piece is in the box...

    I cannot left click on it....

    What am I doing wrong ?
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    I heard that if you use EC with Pinco's, that there is a search feature...

    sometimes it takes a few seconds for it to load the wording on it (in CC)
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    I heard that if you use EC with Pinco's, that there is a search feature...

    sometimes it takes a few seconds for it to load the wording on it (in CC)
    "sometimes it takes a few seconds for it to load the wording on it (in CC)"

    I use the Classic Client.

    I tried leaving the mouse pointer hoovering a piece of jewelry into the box for well a couple of minutes but no description showed up....

    And if I left click, then the piece gets ejected from the box and into my backpack where I can read what it is by left clicking on it.... but only once in my backpack, NOT while in the box....

    What am I doing wrong ?
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    Do you have tool tips enabled? And when you turn it on check what timer setting you have.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    I'd say that it isn't loading properly.
    have you tried patching it again?
    close client & then open it again... click on the box to perform full file check

    if it doesn't work after that, i'm not sure what the problem is
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    Chrille said:
    Do you have tool tips enabled? And when you turn it on check what timer setting you have.

    I do have Tool-tips enabled and the Delay is shown as 1,000.

    Is that how it should be or is that what is causing me to not see the items description ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    I'd say that it isn't loading properly.
    have you tried patching it again?
    close client & then open it again... click on the box to perform full file check

    if it doesn't work after that, i'm not sure what the problem is
    "close client & then open it again... click on the box to perform full file check"

    I did what you suggested but it still does not work and I have no idea how to get it fixed....
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Sorry Popp's all the jewelry box is is a container that reduces lockdowns.  It is the biggest FAIL ever when it comes to being functional.  It is less functional than a regular backpack in the EC, And because every time you take a piece out it shuffles everything inside so you can't put a piece back in in any sort of order it is again totally useless in either client. 

    After 20 years of waiting for this item what they made is next to useless and such a disappointment.  Obviously whoever designed it had absolutely no clue about what players needed and wanted so you would would have to assume they never played. 

    I am among a lot of others who loaded up their boxes, saw what a mess it was and unloaded them back into regular containers.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited February 2019
    Reduce the tool tips time to the minimum in options, I have no idea why it’s default is anything other than the minimum.

    and stop calling it hoover, it’s hover. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MissE said:
    Sorry Popp's all the jewelry box is is a container that reduces lockdowns.  It is the biggest FAIL ever when it comes to being functional.  It is less functional than a regular backpack in the EC, And because every time you take a piece out it shuffles everything inside so you can't put a piece back in in any sort of order it is again totally useless in either client. 

    After 20 years of waiting for this item what they made is next to useless and such a disappointment.  Obviously whoever designed it had absolutely no clue about what players needed and wanted so you would would have to assume they never played. 

    I am among a lot of others who loaded up their boxes, saw what a mess it was and unloaded them back into regular containers.


    Jewelry box is nothing but something to trick you into wasting a pick.  Nothing more
  • MissE said:
    Sorry Popp's all the jewelry box is is a container that reduces lockdowns.  It is the biggest FAIL ever when it comes to being functional.  It is less functional than a regular backpack in the EC, And because every time you take a piece out it shuffles everything inside so you can't put a piece back in in any sort of order it is again totally useless in either client. 

    After 20 years of waiting for this item what they made is next to useless and such a disappointment.  Obviously whoever designed it had absolutely no clue about what players needed and wanted so you would would have to assume they never played. 

    I am among a lot of others who loaded up their boxes, saw what a mess it was and unloaded them back into regular containers.


    Jewelry box is nothing but something to trick you into wasting a pick.  Nothing more

    And yet, we keep on playing and PAYING for substandard crap like this, devs that rarely listen, and insist they know better than us what makes the game better.  Unfortunately, despite the fact a lot of us do keep playing, the game is still declining in subs at a slow steady rate.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    MissE said:
    Sorry Popp's all the jewelry box is is a container that reduces lockdowns.  It is the biggest FAIL ever when it comes to being functional.  It is less functional than a regular backpack in the EC, And because every time you take a piece out it shuffles everything inside so you can't put a piece back in in any sort of order it is again totally useless in either client. 

    After 20 years of waiting for this item what they made is next to useless and such a disappointment.  Obviously whoever designed it had absolutely no clue about what players needed and wanted so you would would have to assume they never played. 

    I am among a lot of others who loaded up their boxes, saw what a mess it was and unloaded them back into regular containers.


    Jewelry box is nothing but something to trick you into wasting a pick.  Nothing more
    But I do not understand why the Developers do not perfectionate then the Jewelry box...

    It could be a great addition and a usefull tool if only it was made so that users could sort their pieces inside by wanted stats, have a search function by stats and so forth....

    The fact that anything is done does not mean it might not be further enhanced....

    Right ?
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited February 2019
    MissE said:
    Sorry Popp's all the jewelry box is is a container that reduces lockdowns.  It is the biggest FAIL ever when it comes to being functional.  It is less functional than a regular backpack in the EC, And because every time you take a piece out it shuffles everything inside so you can't put a piece back in in any sort of order it is again totally useless in either client. 

    After 20 years of waiting for this item what they made is next to useless and such a disappointment.  Obviously whoever designed it had absolutely no clue about what players needed and wanted so you would would have to assume they never played. 

    I am among a lot of others who loaded up their boxes, saw what a mess it was and unloaded them back into regular containers.


    Jewelry box is nothing but something to trick you into wasting a pick.  Nothing more
    I partially disagree:

    1) the JB as now can be obtained with at least two differen Holiday Tokens, that are plentiful on Vendors and cost only a few 100,000 GPs, so you don't vast "a Pick", as in "Veteran Reward";

    2) the JB saves a lot Secure spots in Houses (not everyone has Castles to use as wharehouses).

    This said, I totally agree that the JB should have come with a Search function as every other container type.

  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    MissE said:
    Sorry Popp's all the jewelry box is is a container that reduces lockdowns.  It is the biggest FAIL ever when it comes to being functional.  It is less functional than a regular backpack in the EC, And because every time you take a piece out it shuffles everything inside so you can't put a piece back in in any sort of order it is again totally useless in either client. 

    After 20 years of waiting for this item what they made is next to useless and such a disappointment.  Obviously whoever designed it had absolutely no clue about what players needed and wanted so you would would have to assume they never played. 

    I am among a lot of others who loaded up their boxes, saw what a mess it was and unloaded them back into regular containers.


    Jewelry box is nothing but something to trick you into wasting a pick.  Nothing more

    And yet, we keep on playing and PAYING for substandard crap like this, devs that rarely listen, and insist they know better than us what makes the game better.  Unfortunately, despite the fact a lot of us do keep playing, the game is still declining in subs at a slow steady rate.
    Well, actually, we didn't PAY for the JB, not directly anyway, as it came, correct me if I'm wrong, as an Holidays FREE GIFT from BS ...

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited February 2019
    Ivenor said:
    I partially disagree:

    1) the JB as now can be obtained with at least two differen Holiday Tokens, that are plentiful on Vendors and cost only a few 100,000 GPs, so you don't vast "a Pick", as in "Veteran Reward";

    2) the JB saves a lot Secure spots in Houses (not everyone has Castles to use as wharehouses).

    This said, I totally agree that the JB should have come with a Search function as every other container type.


    The problem with this is depending on shard they are not 'plentiful' on vendors. On siege where there is ONE char per account and no Atlantic Shopping Mall then the numbers are minimal.  Most people have only the one or two.  It would be impossible to have multitudes of them to facilitate searching.

    However, on Oceania I have HUNDREDS of tokens, the point is I may as well just put the jewelry in a backpack.  IF the item was a small colored box that you could sit in a corner and then stack 10 high you could make one with warrior jewels,bard jewels, tamer jewels, etc etc but even then you still have to mouse over every single bit to find one.   You still cannot order them as take one out and you can't put it back in the same spot. 

    As it is the ugly huge standing thing eliminates the possibility of stacking them neatly and the last thing I want is a huge row of those taking up real estate in my house, not to mention that you still can't find anything in them.

    With no search function the thing is basically unusable and useless.  The fact it saves on lockdowns is it's ONLY value, but I value my sanity more than lockdowns.  I do not want to spent an hour running over a hundred tallies looking for the ONE i need.  I prefer my regular chest where I can use the search function to find the bit I need in seconds, not an hour.

    I run vendors that sell jewelry, when restocking them I need to be able to see what mods are needed on the vendor and then search my stock simply, so ie type in +15 magery to find any magery jewelry for re-stocking, I do not wanna run my cursor over 500 pieces in that box to find them.

    Saving lockdowns is fine but without the ability to search it was such a wasted opportunity.  They could just as easily of increased the lockdowns in a house by 500 and given us nothing just said the 500 was so you could store more jewelry.  In my view that would of been better, at least then I could shove the things in a chest and search and got the lockdown bonus.

    And as for not paying for the JB as another said (as it was a gift),  I would say we all pay a subscription for new content and new items. How these are presented doesn't really matter we have PAID for them with our subscription, without new content and items we would all quit.  A bit of thought and understanding of what the players, who PAY for this game, want and need would be nice. It seems whoever designed this totally disregarded this philosophy.

    Sadly, after waiting 20 yrs for this item, I would be embarrassed to even put  this item up, even as a so called 'gift'  if I was game developer.  It was so far off the mark.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited February 2019
    As a classic client user, I use jewellery boxes, the grid view is way better than jewels getting buried(lost) in normal containers. 

    Plus you can dye the boxes different colours and use more than one. 

    Also it was free, how can people complain about free gifts?
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Nothing in this game is 'free' sheesh we all pay monthly for this game. A monthly fee means we get upgraded content and items. 

    If we paid for the game once and then played it over and over and over again for that one time purchase price we couldn't complain about no additional content. The fact it is subscription and we pay over and over and over again each month for years on end means it is not FREE.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited February 2019
    MissE said:
    Nothing in this game is 'free' sheesh we all pay monthly for this game. A monthly fee means we get upgraded content and items

    If we paid for the game once and then played it over and over and over again for that one time purchase price we couldn't complain about no additional content. The fact it is subscription and we pay over and over and over again each month for years on end means it is not FREE.
    Not true, at all, IMO.

    We pay (and a LOW fee, compared to other MMORPGs) to be able to play in Britannia.

    Any other item BS ***GIFT*** us (many time a year!) with is not mandatory, and we should be a little more respectful: e.g. I haven't read ANYWHERE a thanks for the last year Astronomy items, that were FREE and a very NEAT piece of graphical work, expecially the Orrery.

    On the other hand is our FULL RIGHT as a customers that items that ar NOT free (e.g.: the suff bought on the UO Store) were reasonably free of macroscopic bugs.
  • Ivenor said:
    MissE said:
    Nothing in this game is 'free' sheesh we all pay monthly for this game. A monthly fee means we get upgraded content and items

    If we paid for the game once and then played it over and over and over again for that one time purchase price we couldn't complain about no additional content. The fact it is subscription and we pay over and over and over again each month for years on end means it is not FREE.
    Not true, at all, IMO.

    We pay (and a LOW fee, compared to other MMORPGs) to be able to play in Britannia.

    Any other item BS ***GIFT*** us (many time a year!) with is not mandatory, and we should be a little more respectful: e.g. I haven't read ANYWHERE a thanks for the last year Astronomy items, that were FREE and a very NEAT piece of graphical work, expecially the Orrery.

    On the other hand is our FULL RIGHT as a customers that items that ar NOT free (e.g.: the suff bought on the UO Store) were reasonably free of macroscopic bugs.
    Dude, seriously!  We PAY.  Some of us PAY a lot.  Nothing about this game is FREE.  What we pay pays the developers salary and all the costs to run this game.  If we didn't PAY there would be no game period.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    MissE said:
    Nothing in this game is 'free' sheesh we all pay monthly for this game. A monthly fee means we get upgraded content and items. 

    If we paid for the game once and then played it over and over and over again for that one time purchase price we couldn't complain about no additional content. The fact it is subscription and we pay over and over and over again each month for years on end means it is not FREE.
    Coco, we get it. You're're quickly passing me on the Grump meter lately. One thing the Devs DONT do, is force you to log in.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    I don’t think it states anywhere when you’re paying your subscription that there will be continually new content.

    I thought I was just paying for them to run the servers and fix the bugs. They run the servers at least. 

    I’m not interested in new content. They “gifted” shard shields. Maybe they should stop with the new content and fix bugs.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    I love the jewelry box... 

    to make it easier to find the talisman I want for each of my crafting... I dyed each jewelry box the color of the BOD and placed in the area of the crafting... And imbuing I placed in my blacksmith area... And when someone asks for a alchemy talisman, I go straight to it & can tell them in a few seconds that I have what they need...

    As for the separate Mods on jewelry, I do have a separate JB for mana regen. 
    Until they do add a search, maybe it would be easier if you made a JB just for your items that do sell... maybe put one on top of it, that shows what you have inside.... 

    I've been thinking about doing one just for LRC & placing a LRC piece on top... And when I mouse over it, I would instantly know that's my lrc box...

    I don't use EC that often cause it hurts my eyes. And I never could get Pinco's to work. So instead I come up with other ways to be creative with the JB's...

    I love having the JB. It has saved me so much space & love having them where I can find them.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited February 2019
    Ivenor said:
    MissE said:
    Nothing in this game is 'free' sheesh we all pay monthly for this game. A monthly fee means we get upgraded content and items

    If we paid for the game once and then played it over and over and over again for that one time purchase price we couldn't complain about no additional content. The fact it is subscription and we pay over and over and over again each month for years on end means it is not FREE.
    Not true, at all, IMO.

    We pay (and a LOW fee, compared to other MMORPGs) to be able to play in Britannia.

    Any other item BS ***GIFT*** us (many time a year!) with is not mandatory, and we should be a little more respectful: e.g. I haven't read ANYWHERE a thanks for the last year Astronomy items, that were FREE and a very NEAT piece of graphical work, expecially the Orrery.

    On the other hand is our FULL RIGHT as a customers that items that ar NOT free (e.g.: the suff bought on the UO Store) were reasonably free of macroscopic bugs.
    Dude, seriously!  We PAY.  Some of us PAY a lot.  Nothing about this game is FREE.  What we pay pays the developers salary and all the costs to run this game.  If we didn't PAY there would be no game period.
    Again, I partially disagree. I have, at the moment, 8 active subs, mainly because I like to experiment with houses deco. For my 80 bucks of monthly fees I feel "entitled" to have a SANDBOX level of entertainment (i.e.: chances at various kind of play styles), as few bugs as possible in the game mechanisms, less lag than possible in the link to the server and as few cheaters/scripters/Contest landgrabbers/whatever other low life forms around Britannia as humanely possible. Nowhere in the TOS is written that my subs pay too for Holidays Tokens, EM Events and such.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited February 2019
    Mervyn said:
    I don’t think it states anywhere when you’re paying your subscription that there will be continually new content.

    I thought I was just paying for them to run the servers and fix the bugs. They run the servers at least. 

    I’m not interested in new content. They “gifted” shard shields. Maybe they should stop with the new content and fix bugs.
    For the second time this year I almost totally agree with you (new content beside). I'm starting to be SERIOUSLY preoccupied for my mental health...  :D ;)
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    Ivenor said:

     I haven't read ANYWHERE a thanks for the last year Astronomy items, that were FREE and a very NEAT piece of graphical work, expecially the Orrery.

    I always thank them at meet & greet for the content when added. And I know I thanked them for these cause I also apologized for crashing Legends. Santa Claus really wanted that telescope!!! 

    I love having my chars names on items and they just look fabulous at The North Pole. As for the Orrery, I have only claimed one so far but intend to do that later on. Right now I am just way too busy. But it is awesome too. 

    (I know this is off topic, but I just had to reply to this comment) 

  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited February 2019
    Ivenor said:

     I haven't read ANYWHERE a thanks for the last year Astronomy items, that were FREE and a very NEAT piece of graphical work, expecially the Orrery.

    I always thank them at meet & greet for the content when added. And I know I thanked them for these cause I also apologized for crashing Legends. Santa Claus really wanted that telescope!!! 

    I love having my chars names on items and they just look fabulous at The North Pole. As for the Orrery, I have only claimed one so far but intend to do that later on. Right now I am just way too busy. But it is awesome too. 

    (I know this is off topic, but I just had to reply to this comment) 

    You, my fair Lady, are, IME, one of the exceptions in the Land of the GIMME-GIMME!!! (Tips his hat).  :)
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    I love the jewelry box... 

    to make it easier to find the talisman I want for each of my crafting... I dyed each jewelry box the color of the BOD and placed in the area of the crafting... And imbuing I placed in my blacksmith area... And when someone asks for a alchemy talisman, I go straight to it & can tell them in a few seconds that I have what they need...

    As for the separate Mods on jewelry, I do have a separate JB for mana regen. 
    Until they do add a search, maybe it would be easier if you made a JB just for your items that do sell... maybe put one on top of it, that shows what you have inside.... 

    I've been thinking about doing one just for LRC & placing a LRC piece on top... And when I mouse over it, I would instantly know that's my lrc box...

    I don't use EC that often cause it hurts my eyes. And I never could get Pinco's to work. So instead I come up with other ways to be creative with the JB's...

    I love having the JB. It has saved me so much space & love having them where I can find them.
    Personally, I use the JB as a bathroom cabinet, on which I keep a sponge & and a towel:

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