Enhancing Woodland Armor
in Bugs
Around 6 months ago I enhanced a legendary woodland gorget with 3 hit point regen using a forged tool or artifacts. The gorget was enhanced with yew and the gorget went from 3 hit point regen to 4 hit point regen.
This evening I did the same thing to a tunic but instead of going from 3 hit point regen it went down to one. I tested it on low magic woodland gloves that had 2 hit point regen and using yew wood, it went down to one hit point regen after enhancing.
This has to be fixed quickly before players ruin more armor and a fix should be made to correct the damage.
This is the piece that went from 3 hpr to one hpr. As you can see, it is a very rare piece or at least it was. I hope they can fix it. Thanks Allen for the pic

Apologies for the game’s needless complexity.
A footnote exists on uoguide but not the official wiki, @Mariah
(worth noting that life leech also does not stack)
Warning Enhancing for life leech/hit point regeneration properties will overwrite, not add to, any pre-existing property on the item.
as if by magic