Parry Balance Discussion
We would like to continue the balance discussion about the Parry skill in the current PvP meta. Below are the two solutions that are currently on the table:
- The parry chance for PvP attackers will be reduced by 15%-25%* for defenders that use refinements or have spell skills (Magery, Necromancy, Mysticism, or Spellweaving) that are greater than or equal to 70.0
- Players using spell skills (Magery, Necromancy, Mysticism, or Spellweaving) will have their faster casting cap reduced by 1 to 2 points* when their parry skill is greater than or equal to 70.0
The goal for these changes are to provide a balance between hybrid templates vs mage/dex templates and emphasize the differences in template selection. Publish 104 will also allow players to view their last parry chance.
We look forward to your feedback on the proposed changes. If you have any additional suggestions regarding the parry skill we are open to ideas.
- The parry chance for PvP attackers will be reduced by 15%-25%* for defenders that have over 720.0 total skill points. Determine how much wiggle room for skill points above 720.
- Set a hard modified skill cap and leave the Parry skill alone.
This discussion has been closed.
Seeing how the discord pvp changes had had inadvertent changes to the pvm, I would prefer if they just left it alone to be honest because if these changes affect my sampire in any way that is related to pvm I and anybody else who enjoys being a samp may just be quite upset and do something else. As for pvp I could give two craps about that pvp is so broken in this game and there is so many people using illegal programs that unless you have been playing uo nonstop for 20 years or you join them and use programs that remove field graphics or remove trees or other objects weather dynamic or static you basically watch them run around nonstop casting spells without rubberbanding and watch your health bar drop to zero while watching the client tell me You cannot cast that yet.
It will make the parry mastery near useless, because who will make a parry120 char with wrest without and spell? A wrest dexxer?
Any mage(poison, necro, bushido) can defeat a parrymage without problems, the only builds that have problems against a parrymage is archer and some dexxer builds.
Even good archers can deal against a parrymage, a lot of guys here running unlimited mana (300 combat) hiting comp at 1.25 even cursed,clusmy.
I still think the point that need fix, is the combo of parry+specific scenarios like parry bushido mage, parry mystic mage.
Isn't a better idea in place of set (if over 70 skill = penal) set if ((parry + spell) > 240 then apply the nerf), don't make sense nerf puremages just because some players have a ton of gold to make suits with 100+ skillpoints in jewels
Evasion should be nerfed/removed from pvp
90 dex will change nothing. Should require 125-150 dex to parry
Keep parry in but instead of parrying all damage you take x amount of damage based on real parry skill and dex (sure throw in real tactics andd weapon skill. Exclude anatomy/eval and wrestling from it)
There is no loss to refining more resists while sacrificing dci, because you're actually harder to hit with 25/30 dci 120 parry 80 dex vs 45 dci 120 parry 80 dex. Refinements should be more accessible to newer players or should only work in PvM.
If I would have to pick between those two options then I would pick the bottom one, But I still think there are better options.
Lastly and off topic: why don't we use statics forum? It has been around for 20 years and has built a huge community throughout then. I just found out about these forums today. Seems counter productive to have two forums for players. Just my two cents.
How much is parry reduced if you have refinements/over 70 in scenario A?
What is your fc capped at in scenario B?
It feels like you guys have not thought this through as per usual.
Also- if you are going to reduce something for a mage for having refinements- what gets reduced on a pure dexer? Kinda seems weird that one temp can have it with no disadvantage and another can't.
Spell-hit / Weapon-hit / Hit + spell interruption - Dexer vs Scribe-parry-mage (17% CF)
Anticipated results : All pvp templates have a weakness. No impact to traditional classes.
If you can't and PvM is affected then my feeling is if a player choses to spend the skill and dext. points on Parry than why shouldn't he/she get the benefit.
The amount of extra skill points you can pick up from items or refinements is different issue and should at least be looked at with out capping skills effects.
Best solution. agreed.
1.) Make it a longer cast
2.) Double the cool down
3.) decrease the evasion chance
4.) change evasion so that it just applies normal parry chances to magic dmg for the window
Why not change parry into a damage reduction formula, and change evasion to not work if magery, mysticism, or spellweaving at greater than 70(with or without skill increase).
(spells casting school mage,Myst,spellweaving -70)
95 dex
1% Damage Evasion per 10 points parry
3% Damage Absorbtion per 10 point parry.
so at 120 Parry + 95 dex you have a 12% chance to evade(parry) the attack completely and have a 36% absorption. Which means an Armor Ignore would do 22-23 damage.
Makes no sense. No "pure" skills are useful anymore as stand alone skills.
This game is about balance. You can have high offensive chars that can kill fast but have a lot of limitations/ you can have high defensive chars that are impossible to kill but cant kill anyone/ and you can have hybrid temps that have a mix of both.
Dexers do not have it rough with splintering wep. They hit parry mages a lot and only need to string together a good 4 or so hits with splinter to kill someone. The only class that I think has the short end of the stick right now is archers.
I would love to see you go up against good dexers one v one without parry. You would get eaten alive.
Evasion is overpowered. That is why literally everyone uses it when group fighting. The 12 second cool down on 8 seconds of evading 60% of spells? That is a joke.
The only thing I can agree with you on is the refinements.
Evasion especially.
4/6- remove curse is by far the biggest issue. Low mana cost, fast cast, and removing EVERYTHING is a huge issue.
That is a really bad idea.