"too busy doing something" after resurrection
in Bugs
This is from Malag-aste (others have reported similar issues):
Since the last publish, I am now unable to double click my corpse for up to a min or more after getting rezed as the timer believes I'm suit switching from my death robe to my normal suit. (I don't use suit switching macro...the timer shouldn’t see a deathrobe as a "suit.) It also doesn't allow me to loot any corpses or anything during that time as I get the message “You are too busy doing something at this time.”

It's always the same crowd that is complaining and that is always the same that are getting pinned down.
This needs to be reverse! No one is using that feature while PvP. NO ONE! A lot of players said that. 1 sec to change a piece, loosing the stats even if you replace it with the SAME stats ...
If this isn't fixed by the end of December, I'm pulling out my 2 accounts and will put it in savings lol
We are talking about EC bugs and functionality here. Adding the dress/undress macro for CC is good news. But slowing down EC is a PvP change that hinders a lot of us to accommodate the few squeaky wheels.
How about fixing old bugs instead of making new ones. It's called baby steps devs. Go fix CC and stop screwing up EC. Don't try to do both and end up with a half-ass fix to the squeaking few. There are so many EC functionality bugs that actually needs worked on, how about attending to those instead of adding more to the list.
And before you guys say... e-mail me a list of those bugs, how about I did e-mail a bunch when you guys were asking for them but none of them were done. Like the client crashes, blank backpacks, half blank back packs, backpacks getting stuck halfway, invisible items getting stuck in players mouse cursor.
At this point you guys should seriously list random client crashes as an EC function and not a bug.
This made me laugh. Thank you.