Pub 101 Feedback



  • "An issue which caused some puzzleboxes to be unable to be looted has been resolved."

    These Puzzle Boxes still can't be looted. Too high to reach ?

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    edited September 2018
    Lobster said:
    Does Luck affect any of the new contents in Khaldun ?
     - Points or chance to get "of the Cult" arties from mobs.  Yes, substantially.  
     - Chance for premium/rare rewards in Hidden and Puzzle Chest. No.
     - Khal Ankur loot (backpack & corpse drops for items generated as random loot, yes), costumes (No.), pack drop arties (yes, in global loot calculations), and if there's any other rare rewards. No.

  • Thank you for quick reply Kyronix.

    Halloween points no longer carry over. This is a nice change. Fair new start for everyone.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    The bandage belt it still needs anther bust like 10 hpi and regen on it or something 
    as it is it’s just a backpack item still 
  • Bug Feedback:

    I confirmed that "Pendant of Kahl Ankur" will be registered as "Weaken" in the spellbook of Magery.

  • Thank you for changing the castle and keep contest design prices. Us players appreciate that.
  • The mask needs the 50% EP !!

    1. It doesn't make sense at all to me that just one specific property, Enhance Potion, makes a huge difference in value of a jewel in the first place. The mask, with the 50% EP, is actually a really good idea to change the situation. It will raise the value of ALL jewels that have good pvp mods but just don't have EP. This means people will have a lot more chances to make gold with their loot jewels which then means people will have more and fresh new motivation for hunting and farming again. So the result you'll see is huge positive impact on players' motivation for hunting, also on the market because of expected increased sales of no EP jewels. To maximize the positive impact, the mask needs 50% EP

    2. Ths mask is a head slot item. Head slot has the most useful choices of Artifacts among all suit slots. Even with the mask with 50% EP, other choices will still be as useful since they all have their own unique powerful mods,  +20 Skills on Mark of Trav, HLD glasses, FC1 on Halo, 30 HCI/HP on Orc Chief, etc. The 50% EP doesn't make it "OP" at all.

    3. You should call a new item/spell/ability OP only when it breaks balance between templates and makes gameplay boring for everyone or when it gives certain people unfair advantage. Remember Holy Fist before nerf ? It was OP and it was bad because it's very powerful and many pvpers started using the same Fister template and suit. As a result it hurt the variety and diversity of templates and made PvP boring, that's why it's OP and should be nerfed. On the contrary, the mask rather helps more PvP templates to happen by allowing no EP jewels with skill bonuses to be used in a PvP suit. This is why it's not OP and also why 50% is better than 35%.

    My suggestions:
    1. The mask should be released with the original mods (50% EP)
    2. Give First Aid Belt +20 Healing and +20 Veterinary Skill Bonus instead of +2 HPR and 10% Bandage Healing Bonus. "Bandage Healing Bonus", this is kinda unfamiliar mod and I don't know exactly how this is used in the calculations for bandage healing. Giving it as a skill bonus makes the benefit of the belt look simpler and clearer and makes the belt more desirable, also makes another artifact that helps template variety with solid skill bonuses on it.
    3. Make the mask 75 points reward (or even 100) and make the belt 50 points reward OR adjust points from Khaldun mobs since the points and the drop chance for the "of the Cult" items seems still very generous. You get 20-40 turn in items per run if you solo the entire spawn, could even get 50 in just one run if using high luck suit I guess. I got about 10 items in wave 1 and 2 each and about 5 items in wave 3 and 4 each, so it's easier and more efficient killing wave 1/2 mobs to collect points and makes it less rewarding to fight wave 3/4 tougher mobs. Give more points to wave 3/4 mobs and a bit less points to wave 1/2 mobs.
    4. Points no longer roll over, this is a needed change, I support it. Many are expressing thier anger and disappointments, of course they'er angry I understand it, but these are emotions, none of them make arguments that counter your rationale and explanation that totally make sense to me. If it makes things fairer for everyone, it's a good change.

    Ty for your work for the new publish.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Lobster said:
    2. Give First Aid Belt +20 Healing and +20 Veterinary Skill Bonus instead of +2 HPR and 10% Bandage Healing Bonus. "Bandage Healing Bonus", this is kinda unfamiliar mod and I don't know exactly how this is used in the calculations for bandage healing. Giving it as a skill bonus makes the benefit of the belt look simpler and clearer and makes the belt more desirable, also makes another artifact that helps template variety with solid skill bonuses on it.

    Why would you wear that over an obi or tangle?

    It is fine with no stats as long as it works in your backpack.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain said:
    Why would you wear that over an obi or tangle?

    It is fine with no stats as long as it works in your backpack.
    Because it's BETTER if the belt has useful mods on it.
    A blessed container for aids or regs, this has been one of the most popular requests from players but the devs have kept saying no, so I just appreciate they finally made it happen and I'm actually fine with the belt without stat (now why not give us a blessed container for regs too ?)
    But the fact they realized the idea as a wearable belt with bandage bonus on it (and the 2 HPR added later) suggests they wanted it to be used as a wearable item for apron slot as well. But then these 2 mods are just not enough in order to make the belt a viable choice as an apron slot item.  It doesn't hurt to have more artifact choices for apron slot. It gives more options for suit and template building. You can still use crimmy/tangle/obi if these are better choices for you.
    +20 heal/vet is not only useful but also fit the "first aid" concept because you can carry it and wear it when you want to res a player/pet but your heal/vet skill is not enough.

    Again I'm fine with the belt being merely a blessed container for aids. But I still say It'd be better and wouldn't hurt anything if the belt have powerful mods on it, it will sure give people(including myself) more reasons to collect the halloween points.
  • cobbcobb Posts: 172
    Yes it' still weak with the added 2 hpr.  I would suggest adding some additional stat. Some Dex would be good.

    Also I don't think it is good game design to introduce a wearable into the game if nobody is actually going to wear it.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    I don’t think the belt needs any mods, it will still be very desirable because everyone will want it just to carry blessed bandages, you don’t have to wear it. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

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