Poisoning and Spellweaving

I would like poisoning to assist spellweaving spells a bit more. Spellweaving is based on nature and poisons are a big part of nature's attack and defense. Especially, for something like Nature's Fury spell where the bees deal poison damage. Poison skill should add a bonus to the swarm.


  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    Assuming that your character is a mage, you will find poisoning one of the most tedious UO skills to learn.  If you don’t have an alchemist to create the poison you need, you will also find learning the skill to be quite expensive assuming you can find sufficient quantities of poison on vendor search.

    I would recommend confirming that poisoning will actually increase the damage Natue’s Fury insects will do before you spend the time and effort to learn it.  I just did a little research on the internet and cannot find did not anything in any poison, or spellweaving post that mentioned the other skill.  Poison spells a mage casts do more damage if you have the poisoning skill, but I cannot find anything confirming the same for spellweaving.
  • azuldemogoguazuldemogogu Posts: 8
    edited March 21
    Thanks for your reply. You're right there is not much literature on poisoning helping nature fury or really any spellweaving. I have a GM poisoner and while GM poison does give some nice resistance to being poison it seems the skill is a little too selective in what it helps with poison. Like mage's poison and poison field will hit with increased levels, but poison spike and I think there is another necro spell that is poison based that get no benefit from what I could tell. I think as you say the difficulty in getting it should have a little more boon but there are some contradictions with spellweaving because most poison actions lose karma and pixies etc are all karma based. So, it seems poison is viewed mostly as this vile assassin skill back when you had to dp weapons which is why I got it in the first place years and years ago. I think all aspects of poisoning need to be reviewed by the UO team.

    I guess I could compare my nature fury with someone's with similar skill. I just started getting spellweaving so I could make another character and get the same level and see which one throws a stronger fury. 
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