Poisoning and Spellweaving
I would like poisoning to assist spellweaving spells a bit more. Spellweaving is based on nature and poisons are a big part of nature's attack and defense. Especially, for something like Nature's Fury spell where the bees deal poison damage. Poison skill should add a bonus to the swarm.
I would recommend confirming that poisoning will actually increase the damage Natue’s Fury insects will do before you spend the time and effort to learn it. I just did a little research on the internet and cannot find did not anything in any poison, or spellweaving post that mentioned the other skill. Poison spells a mage casts do more damage if you have the poisoning skill, but I cannot find anything confirming the same for spellweaving.
I guess I could compare my nature fury with someone's with similar skill. I just started getting spellweaving so I could make another character and get the same level and see which one throws a stronger fury.