Transmogified Serpent Skin Quiver Into Paladin Fire Cloak
in Bugs
I transmogified my Serpent skin quiver to complete the Fire Paladin Set (with UO Store Armor), both items could be insured but when i transmogified my item into the new Fire Cloak with stats, it lost its availability to be insured (which means i cant use it while doing Champion spawns.
But this is a bug.
Prob has to do with the counterfeit version not being blessed but the game thinks it is when you transmogrify it.
So the bug is:
If you transmogrify the counterfeit quiver. You can not insure or bless the end result.
Have you tried this or is this Speculative? i mean i got a blessed quiver, but dont want to transmog it too and have 2 useless serpentskins
this was the first thing i checked, it drops on corpse as an uninsured non blessed item
I tried with a ordinary Serpentskin quiver, its the Counterfeit property as stated above that is the problem. (or atleast if the source object got blessed it will carry over, not sure if the paladin destination transmogs is ever able to be insured though)