Transmogified Serpent Skin Quiver Into Paladin Fire Cloak

SSevenTwentySSevenTwenty Posts: 4
I transmogified my Serpent skin quiver to complete the Fire Paladin Set (with UO Store Armor), both items could be insured but when i transmogified my item into the new Fire Cloak with stats, it lost its availability to be insured (which means i cant use it while doing Champion spawns.


  • Also anyone else done this and had the same outcome, or is it a problem that only i have?
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,715
    others have had same issue
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    You have to use the non counterfeit version.  

    But this is a bug.

    Prob has to do with the counterfeit version not being blessed but the game thinks it is when you transmogrify it.

    So the bug is:

    If you transmogrify the counterfeit quiver. You can not insure or bless the end result.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • FelipoviskFelipovisk Posts: 11
    Pawain said:
    You have to use the non counterfeit version.  

    But this is a bug.

    Prob has to do with the counterfeit version not being blessed but the game thinks it is when you transmogrify it.

    So the bug is:

    If you transmogrify the counterfeit quiver. You can not insure or bless the end result.

    But the end result is a hidden blessed item? I have the same problem
  • Then probably it will be resolved if we get lucky! <span>:smile:</span> sadly all items made probably will still be '
    Pawain said:
    You have to use the non counterfeit version.  

    But this is a bug.

    Prob has to do with the counterfeit version not being blessed but the game thinks it is when you transmogrify it.

    So the bug is:

    If you transmogrify the counterfeit quiver. You can not insure or bless the end result.

    Have you tried this or is this Speculative? i mean i got a blessed quiver, but dont want to transmog it too and have 2 useless serpentskins
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Can I ask that you 'die' somewhere safe and confirm that doing so causes the quiver to drop to the back pack and not be with your character when resurrected by a wandering healer or shrine?
  • SSevenTwentySSevenTwenty Posts: 4
    Mariah said:
    Can I ask that you 'die' somewhere safe and confirm that doing so causes the quiver to drop to the back pack and not be with your character when resurrected by a wandering healer or shrine?

    this was the first thing i checked, it drops on corpse as an uninsured non blessed item
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