what is the point of giving away free items?

psychopsycho Posts: 375
edited February 25 in General Discussions

The new champ spawn, in Ter Mur.  Besically every char that attends get a reward.
For how long the spawn been active, 5hour? 4?

Have you not learned what happend with the Evil manifistation rewards, they are cheap to dirt cheap, whats the point? we dont need 99999 items not being used and just sitting on VS. And if you do want 99999 to sit on VS, then VS needs improvements beacuse its very hard to search.

I do get the point that cheap is good for new/returning players, but then mix it with some rare also.
If this is an event for new/returning players to get some gear, well then you forgot about the vets playing.

Also the pages, will this end like the evil manifistation ended, with like 300-350 pages of scrolls? for a book that contains 10pages

Its too frequent drops, quantity isnt always best. 5 hours play.

Cant wait for this to continue the next 30 days,  or will it be 2months?

Thank you



  • TimTim Posts: 841
    If you don't want them there is this great invention called a trash barrel.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,494
    I seem to have read a theory that if the drops are so plentiful they have little to no value, then there is less incentive for the event to be scripted by 'bots'?  
  • psychopsycho Posts: 375
    edited February 25

    I agree with your idea Petra, however the scripters will then do other content, which isnt any better.

    I just think the drop distribution and rarity is wrong, thats all.
    But fine, I dont see myself doing the content after this day

    Box is 93 items,  and I even skipped a boss or two today due to eating. I dont script, any serious scripter would have 10x of this.  And content is not on non-US-shards yet.

    I though the purpose of content is to have some event over time, a month or two month, but this seem to be done in day 1. Not complaining, just pointing out this fact, Id do different.

    But what do I know, they might add new items going forward

    box.png 116.8K
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,393
    I would fundamentally disagree with what you seem to be saying which is to make drops less / harder to get.  Especially if you've seen the mess on ATL at all today with the 100 (or more) accounts all there spamming stuff; it's worse than an EM event with the lag. The best I can do is "all kill" and let the pet figure it out because I'm barely able to cast a spell. 

    I get where you are coming from...I also like to powergame the start of new content and get everything I can (ie setting a timer for 30min and hitting every spawn). That said, there are some people that are just going to casually play and only have one account so they might only get 2-3 drops a day. There are 6 luck belts variants / 4 cloaks / 4 shields / 4 hammers / 4 forks for a grand total of 22 "unique" drops. Getting 2-3 a day (randomly) would still take 10-11 days and that's if there aren't many duplicates. If anyone is like me, they want multiples of the weapons for when one wears down. 

    Long story short, I think this content being month long is a good amount of time for the casual gamer and even for power gamers it will be good for them to get all their stuff done early. Now if the content goes 2 months; I think that's a bit excessive.

    For those that are looking for that "hard to get" item then the shadow blooms in those 2 1100 hues would be right up your alley. 
  • KingKing Posts: 143
    I agree, and you cant even cut the Cloak to make some cloth, this would change everything, as many people like he colors and would make skirts, shirt, hats, I mean, I understand you restrict EM items to be cut but why this?
    with 1k+ cloaks around, they really expect people to transmog?

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025
    King said:
    I agree, and you cant even cut the Cloak to make some cloth, this would change everything, as many people like he colors and would make skirts, shirt, hats, I mean, I understand you restrict EM items to be cut but why this?
    with 1k+ cloaks around, they really expect people to transmog?

    Why can't we do this? This is exactly the kind of thing that lends itself to more people with more interest. What's it going to hurt? I don't understand the road blocks thrown up to being able to do the things we used to do like this.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    any serious scripter would have 10x of this.
    There are no serious scripters doing this however. It is not worth their time - in that sense, the event has dealt with that problem - as Petra says. By making the drops easy, it is not worth them doing it.

    About the value, why should things not be plentiful, they seem to vanish fast afterwards, why not drop the value of the economy. Why is it a problem if things become 20m, instead of 1plat. It is not a bad thing if more casual players can get items.

    I get some of the points, Atlantic whine a lot, they are in easy mode, there is absolutely no lag there today, on 1 character I've nailed it there, it has been no challenge.

    Maybe there does need to be something for the hardcore guys, and lets face it you are hardcore Psycho. To get that volume of drops, you must have played 3 characters, and I know you probably did not script them. You are there all day, every hour of the day, the game really cannot be there just to benefit players such as yourself, who can put the time, effort, and characters in.

    I think events should have different levels, and styles, and these rewards are not hardcore, and require less effort, that is fine.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    LilyGrace said:
    King said:
    I agree, and you cant even cut the Cloak to make some cloth, this would change everything, as many people like he colors and would make skirts, shirt, hats, I mean, I understand you restrict EM items to be cut but why this?
    with 1k+ cloaks around, they really expect people to transmog?

    Why can't we do this? This is exactly the kind of thing that lends itself to more people with more interest. What's it going to hurt? I don't understand the road blocks thrown up to being able to do the things we used to do like this.
    I agree with this, and also for the plants to be clipped for clippings to make natural plant dyes.

    But on the other hand, the 3rd part of these events, the champ spawn, has always been a much shorter time frame, lesser rewards, and easier.

    It's been a long session, and to be fair, the mechanics of the event are working perfectly.

  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    So let's examine psycho's image.  32 drops in 5 hours.  Fastest each champ spawn can cycle is 35 minutes.  That's 8.57 times in 5 hours.  Let's call it 8, that means that you are doing the champ spawn (or at least the final boss) with 4 characters.  There is no need for that.

    Broadsword cannot balance events around people running 4+ characters. Broadsword cannot balance events around people being there all day every day, as Cookie puts it.  I mean sure, they could change rewards to being a once a day thing, but then people would complain about that too. Be careful what you wish for.

    To expand on some of the comments wanting more from this event. Players are never content, they are always expecting more no matter what is given to them.  This is by far the most complex champ spawn to date.  New mechanics, more than 1 drop from the boss and participation rewards that are more plentiful so more players can get them.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,690
    edited February 26
    Oh so this is a Whaa wha I get too many drops when I run 4 characters at events.

    I feel so sad for the abused OP.

    Also, the OP does not help much with the spawn or they would have more plants. Just wait for the Boss, bring 4 guys to kill it, go complain that there are too many drops.  Sounds like someone is greedy.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited February 26
    Violet said:
    Broadsword cannot balance events around people running 4+ characters. Broadsword cannot balance events around people being there all day every day, as Cookie puts it.
    By using Hardcap they 100% could

    Violet said:
    I mean sure, they could change rewards to being a once a day thing, but then people would complain about that too. Be careful what you wish for.
    no, I mean hardcap the daily reward per characters like X guarantee champ drop a day, after you lower their luck if they don't swap characters.. hardcore people has more than enough character to cycle through during the day.

    PS: all the narrative about making limited edition heresy more accessible for returning or new players.. is VERY hypocritical.. not to say plainly bad and very wrong..

    The only and I said ONLY, good design would be if ALL the past heresy would return at each event.. you would simply need to bump the numbers required to acquire those by ~10-25% (if u pay 50 point make it 55 to 63 point for the future events.. a price to pay for missing out, type of stuff.
    If no point.. make it a lower drop rates..

    Cuz at the end of the day.. no matter how many you are injecting into the economy.. if there is only a small % of botters (or the unicorn; that last remaining legit hardcore player still playing on UO legit 16 hours a day on 4 different account (at the same time -.-) under BS; aka bullsh*t) to control most of it.. u don't change the problems.. it still exists.. now if u make it rain on more players (wich will never happen.. UO won't ever be popular again under a studio like BS; it would be TOTALLY different)

    But yeah.. giving MORE to the same tiny player base won't change anything.. on the long term.. other than making main heretic content UO has to offer less appealing/less farmed..

    Returning and new players don't want more of nothing.. they want what they CAN'T get, that was mainstream one of the worst way I've ever seen (a bribe to park subbed bots on certain event area)

    Violet said:
    To expand on some of the comments wanting more from this event. Players are never content, they are always expecting more no matter what is given to them.
    Say what ever u want.. making it rain.. like 3 differents items with 4 variations? equal more of nothing.

    vs making it rain on ALL the past rewards (with an inflation fee for missing it the first time?) equal more of everything...

    If there is no point system let them recycle them for inflated past event items.. prob solve everyone is happy..

    But yeah.. recycle art for "new" weapon and make it rain as "new" rewards.. is soooo bad.. let's copy pasta and make those 3 items rain on the players.. arn't you guys happy?

    PS: i agree players should be able to hunt for some rare stuff; specially during a MAIN event content (like the actual event items could be consider the "rare" stuff; anyway, they will always come back at some point they won't be rare anymore; over time).. u could even manipulate that extra fee depending on the actual market/ the demand for the past items.. the more it's claimed the more it cost.

    Y'all acting like there was no solution to a real simple problem they created themselves. I could find you 5 more ideas, right now.. that would do better than what they actually doing.

    Bots problems? make the event less appealing, on top of being re-use art, for everyone after a week.. *thumbs up*

    So many decent solution possible..  :|
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited February 26
    Pawain said:
    Also, the OP does not help much with the spawn or they would have more plants. Just wait for the Boss, bring 4 guys to kill it, go complain that there are too many drops.  Sounds like someone is greedy.
    sound like braindead design to me.. the most obvious fix (cuz i don't consider bots) would be to build a pool of points during the champ for a loot on the champion.. à la gauntlet..

    What u call greedy I call that wise.. considering the design.. he's playing the game.. he optimize it.. and he already win on day 1 and by day 7 he'll be over with.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,027
    edited February 26
    Almost everything has been given away for free recently, where have you been? These ToTs that run for 3 months are stupid.
    The stat inflation has gone insane in the last few years. I honestly have no idea what these devs are thinking. They release these best in slot gear for several months at a time and ignore how heavily it gets botted. Meanwhile, destroying almost every tradeskill or reason to have them in the process. Everything that has been released as a ToT reward is best in slot and almost every piece is <=175m. Really pandering to the people that 'quit' or 'returning players' lmfao yea all those returning/new players these days....
    One of the best pieces, balron bone armor, were 15m when they dropped the second time. Recent ToT gear 50m for legs, cheaper for the second run of vambraces, and cheap SSI epaulette/tabard. There's nothing to strive towards, nothing to work towards and save up to buy anymore. Everyone has it and everyone is selling it. I can afk for 2 years and just come back spend a little bit of gold and buy shit from botters. Really takes the wind right out of my sails to have any willpower to log in and play the game legitimately to earn stuff . What's the point, it's day 1 of 30/60/90? Doesn't matter, the weapons are 3m each on VS already lmao.

    At this point I'd advocate for account bound but it's getting to a point where there isn't even much of a point doing that anymore. 
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited February 26
    username said:
    One of the best pieces, balron bone armor, were 15m
    I paid 85 millions x2 on Legends for my two balron armor, when I came back in ­~june-july (the event was still active but i refuse to buy High cheat so...)
    Couldn't find a feudal cloak, or the sexy melee gorget, nor any of the older event items on Legends.. except the serpent quivers.. wich I paid 125m for it (for my tamer)

    I still have a very long list of heresy that is not possible for me to acquired on legends.. the invasion event was a nice step in the right direction.. but seeing how the GM and BS cover for the frame skipper and bots.. I give up on after 8-9 days.. i'm not pro cheat.. and there is no end game in those condition for me.. plus i'd need to wait YEARSSS before the "right" heresy come back on the heresy loot table.

    hvn't played since early dec personally.. their MAIN event.. the state of it.. killed all the motivation.. this is a shame on MULTIPLE LEVEL.

    PS: ALL the heresy needs to come back at EVERY single events with an inflating grind for the past one.
    If u believe those ninja earring at 50 points was good design.. and a "gift" from the dev.. you are part of the problem, imo.. personally i was super happy about it.. but this is bad design. real bad.. they should always come back and cost more n more (time to grind) every time they does.. to a certain limit.

    Making it rain for those 3 different "new" items with 4 variations.. is lazy and bad. the new stuff should be rarer and u know what I think about Best In Slots on a sandbox.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,690
    Ya its so terrible that players cant profit on things that are dropping right now.   :'(
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited February 26
    What about streamlining?? on day 1 of the past invasion a single sanctum artefact was selling for more.. wtf is wrong with u?

    How can u even defend that.. re-using skin was already a WTF.. but c'mon now.. this is one of the 4 major rewards?  :D

    Edit: y'all being punish cuz the dev heard way too many crying about cheat engine during the invasion.. this must be it.. no way they would look that goof after re-using art for no good reason.. it has to be a punishment.  :*
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435

    KroDuK said:
    sound like braindead design to me.. the most obvious fix (cuz i don't consider bots) would be to build a pool of points during the champ for a loot on the champion.. à la gauntlet..
    There have been three different implementations of loot at these champ spawns.

    1. Top attacker at the boss, meaning only the highest damage dealers would get credit.  This allowed people to come in just for the boss and "steal" credit from those that worked the spawn.  Those that worked the spawn complained so it was changed to #2.

    2. You had to work the spawn (build points) to get looting rights on the boss.  The problems with this system:
         - People would work the spawn only for participation rewards and then leave the boss.
         - People who arrived too late could not accumulate enough points to get boss drops.
    What happened was a bunch of bosses no one wanted to kill because they would get no rewards and those bosses would sit all day until server up.

    If I had to guess, I would say #2 might no longer be really feasible due to the sheer number of people working the spawn on some servers.  It's a possibility no one would get enough points to get a boss drop.

    3. The current system: Most participants appear get rewards so no one can complain about anyone stealing credit.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited February 26
    Violet said:

    1. Top attacker at the boss, meaning only the highest damage dealers would get credit.  This allowed people to come in just for the boss and "steal" credit from those that worked the spawn.  Those that worked the spawn complained so it was changed to #2.
    bra.. this is a trammel only community event.. off the bat i'm like WHHAAAATTT?
    for the MoE I could understand profiting off a nicher build.. but WORKING A SPAWN.. c'mon now!

    Violet said:
    2. You had to work the spawn (build points) to get looting rights on the boss.  The problems with this system:
         - People would work the spawn only for participation rewards and then leave the boss.
         - People who arrived too late could not accumulate enough points to get boss drops.
    What happened was a bunch of bosses no one wanted to kill because they would get no rewards and those bosses would sit all day until server up.
    easy fix.. the point system should be a luck system with hardcap.. the downtime between each shouldn't be a thing/problem also.. u cannot slowdown the content with a 35min break between two spawn..

    Violet said:

    3. The current system: Most participants appear get rewards so no one can complain about anyone stealing credit.
    exactly.. they pretty much give up.. everything for everyone.. arn't u guys happy?

    Edit: I still belive for an event as this one... there should be a NPC with recycle option for event items.. to acquired ANY of the older events (with the crap u collect during the spawn).. and that the new heresy should be RARE on those champ (to a certain point)
    anyway it will comeback next event on the recycle list for a higher price/grind.

    I really feel everyone getting punish cuz of them bots.. while pretexting it'S to help noob or returning players.. very hypocritical.. i don't take anyone saying that seriously.. it can't be serious.. has to be a troll.

    Personally i'm seeing tons of solution.. before giving up.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited February 26
    I find your comments about the Dev team becoming abusive.

    You are a newer returning player who is missing a lot of context of what has happened since you last left forever ago and you think you have all the answers to everything and the only way you choose to engage these forums and the Devs is by constantly throwing insults at them.   A little civility goes a long way in making sure your points or suggestions are heard or considered.

    There is no point engaging with you further.

  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited February 26
    Specially when u cannot say i'm wrong.. We know how it work.. you walking off refusing to admit I am correct after losing every single of your point while acting morally superior.

    As i said.. the ACTUAL PROBLEM discuss here.. is something they CREATING THEMSELVES 4 yrs ago?
    If u try to play politic.. get your fact straight.. I agree with the first sentence (they doing more and more mistakes, imo.. like recycling weapon, adding confusion and totally giving up, while being silent on the war on third party).. but the rest.. is laughable and manipulative.. aka very hypocritical.. big L to you


    Here if it helps, meditate on that: "is haughty to the proud but kindly to the humble; he despises the strong, but is gentle with the weak"
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,690
    edited February 26
    KroDuK said:

    How can u even defend that.. re-using skin was already a WTF.. but c'mon now.. this is one of the 4 major rewards?  :D

    Would be nice if you actually played UO.  All the rewards have different skins belts have diff colors.
    16 new look items.
    Each weapon type has a different skin.

    These dynamic spawns are the same.  Participation rewards and a Boss drop.

    This is the first time there has been more than one type of Boss drop.  There are 16 items to collect for this Boss drop.

    Have you done a Dynamic Spawn in UO?  Answer, Nope.

    What exactly do you see solutions for other than your own made up problems?

    This spawn is the best one that we have had, more types of Boss drops, a new mechanic to turn the Bosses on.  First time there have been 2 bosses.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited February 26
    Pawain said:
    Have you done a Dynamic Spawn in UO?  Answer, Nope.
    I've done more than u will ever do.  ;)

    Pawain said:
    What exactly do you see solutions for other than your own made up problems?
    True.. you win.. UO couldn't be a top 10 most played MMO even in 2025.. it's on me! my bad, everything works perfectly! You are right.. this is an AWESOME event.. the community deserve nothing better.. true!

    Thank you for showing me the light, Paiwan.

    Edit: just in case.. UO should be at least, as popular as an Albion Online for example.. but we are to the point of re-using the same weapon giving them new name with 4 variations and distriibuting them like more of nothing cuz of them bots.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited February 26
    Pawain said:
    Oh so this is a Whaa wha I get too many drops when I run 4 characters at events.

    I feel so sad for the abused OP.

    Also, the OP does not help much with the spawn or they would have more plants. Just wait for the Boss, bring 4 guys to kill it, go complain that there are too many drops.  Sounds like someone is greedy.
    To be fair, on Atlantic, in peak time, getting the plants is quite hard - whilst I've never failed to get a drop off the bosses, I regularly fail to get a plant.
    When it started, the first few spawns I had no problems getting plants.
    Then as it got crowded, there was no way you could get one, even if you were there killing spawn.
    I did get some plants, I don't even want them of course, they sell for 200k on Atlantic, that is cool for me. :)
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    username said:
    There's nothing to strive towards, nothing to work towards and save up to buy anymore. Everyone has it and everyone is selling it. I can afk for 2 years and just come back spend a little bit of gold and buy shit from botters. 

    At this point I'd advocate for account bound but it's getting to a point where there isn't even much of a point doing that anymore. 
    There's nothing to strive towards, nothing to work towards and save up to buy anymore

    2 days ago, I bought the Original Bracers of Alchemical Devastation for 8p.
    Myself and my sons attended every single EM Event the year before to collect the entire EM suit and sell that for 8p to manage that.
    I have been after the original Bracers since the game began, and they will be put onto my pvper and used.
    I now have 3 original items - sash and bracers on my pvper, and cloak on my rogue.

    Point being, there are things to strive towards, and it is different for every single player, but you have to set your own targets, there are so many to choose from.

    On my pvper, I've been trying to build a fully blessed, fully repairable suit, forever.
    On my sw pvm mage, I'm going for sdi.
    On my tamer it's luck.
    On my rogue, it's as many rogue skills as he can possibly get, etc.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,140
    Violet said:
    So let's examine psycho's image.  32 drops in 5 hours.  Fastest each champ spawn can cycle is 35 minutes.  That's 8.57 times in 5 hours.  Let's call it 8, that means that you are doing the champ spawn (or at least the final boss) with 4 characters.  There is no need for that.

    Broadsword cannot balance events around people running 4+ characters. Broadsword cannot balance events around people being there all day every day, as Cookie puts it.  I mean sure, they could change rewards to being a once a day thing, but then people would complain about that too. Be careful what you wish for.

    To expand on some of the comments wanting more from this event. Players are never content, they are always expecting more no matter what is given to them.  This is by far the most complex champ spawn to date.  New mechanics, more than 1 drop from the boss and participation rewards that are more plentiful so more players can get them.

    I totally agree.

    Events can only be Designed and tailored around casual players, not power gamers who can use multiple characters at once for a large part of the day.

    And, as Petra_Fyde pointed out, drops more readily available while being good to casual players who can get their own, become a deterrant for scripters and botters who then have less reasons to script and bot to get loads of drops.

    Bottom line is, to my opinion, that more frequent drops are a win-win situation for the game.

  • mismis Posts: 251
    Violet said:
    So let's examine psycho's image.  32 drops in 5 hours.  Fastest each champ spawn can cycle is 35 minutes.  That's 8.57 times in 5 hours.  Let's call it 8, that means that you are doing the champ spawn (or at least the final boss) with 4 characters.  There is no need for that.

    Broadsword cannot balance events around people running 4+ characters. Broadsword cannot balance events around people being there all day every day, as Cookie puts it.  I mean sure, they could change rewards to being a once a day thing, but then people would complain about that too. Be careful what you wish for.

    To expand on some of the comments wanting more from this event. Players are never content, they are always expecting more no matter what is given to them.  This is by far the most complex champ spawn to date.  New mechanics, more than 1 drop from the boss and participation rewards that are more plentiful so more players can get them.

    well calculated, he uses 4 characters.

    in the previous event, I saw how his main character had 3 characters following the main character in follower mode.

    in the vesper area, the outside area past the bridge where the tailor, when he was absent, left a character that went up and down following him 3 bots, casting spells dispel evil and shooting arrows.

    Fire tactician (his character) and 3 bots, it was funny and pitiful at the same time to see this kind of actions, as he went up and down the same tiles (10-15 approx) counted all the time to get drops.

    So, in 5 hours if he got that, it was as you say, from the same method.

    The truth is that publishing that photo and knowing what he does, is not only a vanity, but a shame.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,140
    username said:
    Almost everything has been given away for free recently, where have you been? These ToTs that run for 3 months are stupid.
    The stat inflation has gone insane in the last few years. I honestly have no idea what these devs are thinking. They release these best in slot gear for several months at a time and ignore how heavily it gets botted. Meanwhile, destroying almost every tradeskill or reason to have them in the process. Everything that has been released as a ToT reward is best in slot and almost every piece is <=175m. Really pandering to the people that 'quit' or 'returning players' lmfao yea all those returning/new players these days....
    One of the best pieces, balron bone armor, were 15m when they dropped the second time. Recent ToT gear 50m for legs, cheaper for the second run of vambraces, and cheap SSI epaulette/tabard. There's nothing to strive towards, nothing to work towards and save up to buy anymore. Everyone has it and everyone is selling it. I can afk for 2 years and just come back spend a little bit of gold and buy shit from botters. Really takes the wind right out of my sails to have any willpower to log in and play the game legitimately to earn stuff . What's the point, it's day 1 of 30/60/90? Doesn't matter, the weapons are 3m each on VS already lmao.

    At this point I'd advocate for account bound but it's getting to a point where there isn't even much of a point doing that anymore. 

    Do players participate to these Events to get items for their characters or do they participate to these Event to get loads of these items to then sell them for gold and then sell gold for real money?

    If players participate to these Events to get items for their character well, then it is very good that they drop frequently so players can equip their characters as they need/want.

    And it is also good that items drop frequently so that their sale value is not ridicolously high and thus it becomes pointless or at least less logical to spend time to get them and try to sell them to make just a little gold... it becomes a deterrant towards scripting and botting, to my viewing.

    So, more readily available drops are overall a good thing, to my opinion.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited February 26
    less grind; more of nothing.. this is exactly what I meant.. cuz of them bots and third party users.

    What a great finale!.. that third act is inferior to the first one, imo... by A LOT.. just the confusion added with those "new" weapon was already a big nono.

    Thank you popps, very good post.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • psychopsycho Posts: 375
    edited February 26

    Im done with the new boss, I went back to the previous content.  Trying to find a shard that still has taming enabled.  The new boss wasnt interesting, the drops not interesting. Good weapons and shield for a character yes, but I dont need 100 of them. Im done with it. Shame it was in the roadmap as as the 3rd event.

    As for other topics in the thread I think you miss identify my chars Mis.
    As for 4 characters, I could do alot more if I wanted to, but what is the point? I dont agree with your math.

    Disappointing content means people log of or play freeshards instead, for all of us, thats no good.
    I get the idea behind making paladin content - and weapons/shields, but atleast make us work for it, and not free gift that could be applied to a NPC selling at Luna. If UO want to live another 25 years it need to make content that lasts for a very long time, this champ spawn wont.

  • VenomVenom Posts: 106
    By definition, it's not free if you must participate.

    As others pointed out, we've had 3 different pathways (with some nuance) to directly receive rewards during this tiered event. There have been tweaks along the way.

    Also, it does appear you're running multiple accounts and playing what seems roughly 5 hours in one day. The multiple accounts aside, a lot of players can't spend 5 hours in UO on many weeks -- let alone a day. If a player has an hour to play on a night, they can maybe pull off two spawns if they logged at the "right" time.

    Despite doing over a hundred MoEs, I never got a single rift. Not the best, but there is a path to getting one -- trading gold/items.

    Despite using probably 4-6 totems, I never got a single purple mare, nor one I really liked that was 2-slot. There are pathways to that, and I know an increased chance doesn't equate to a sure thing. I think the devs have responded with what I don't think they had originally announced of having temporary mounts from the UO Store that are special hues. Possibly the two are unrelated, but it sort of seems they may be.
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