[Eclipsed Dawn] An unexpected twist, the return of evil.
Streets of Nujel'm

Everything seems to be back to normal, finally everything went well and peace returned to Sosaria.
It's time to go back to teaching at the Lycaeum, let's go Lasher. -said mistica-
It's time to go back to teaching at the Lycaeum, let's go Lasher. -said mistica-
Well young arcane apprentices, first we will cast the spell of Illorae, second we will bless ourselves, third we will cast the spell of Olorisstra, fourth... -said mistica-
The clouds turn dark and a rumbling lightning sound is heard in the distance.
Mistica runs outside.

Look Lasher!, there is an energy that envelops the mountains of Ice Island and lightning strikes the mountains. -exclaimed mistica-
What do we do? -asked Lasher-
Let's go see the albino squirrel, run! -exclaimed mistica-
In an area of Malas

Dear albino squirrel, an energy envelops over the mountains of Ice Island and lightning strikes over its mountains, do you know something? -asked mistica-
Yes, it is the misguided wizard, as you saw him earlier in the mountains of Covetous, he changed his place to Deceit, it seems that he managed to learn the arcane evil spell, so new evil manifestations will soon arrive.
Warn the inhabitants of Sosaria that evil will soon be back... -answered the albino squirrel-
Warn the inhabitants of Sosaria that evil will soon be back... -answered the albino squirrel-
Meanwhile, deep in the mountains of Ice Island, the misguided wizard prepares to summon some evil arcana.

Coming soon
Eclipsed Dawn – The struggle and strife have reached a
tipping point. The final battle will determine the fate of Britannia
and her people. Will you heed the call?
Note: This role-playing introduction of the event is not official, but a particular way as a fan.