[Role] Introduction to the event Eclipsed Dawn

mismis Posts: 251
edited December 2024 in General Discussions
In the depths of Covetous...

Lasher, Lasher! -whispered Mistica-

I'm not going to have anything to do with the unicorn from Ilshenar's pond -replied Lasher, turning his thoughts around-

Not now Lasher! Forget that, it was a joke I played on you and keep your voice down! -said Mistica whispering-

What's wrong? -Lasher asked whispering-

Mistica look through the keyhole...

It's him! The wizard I saw in the Lycaeum and he is pronouncing some words, but I don't quite understand them -whispering answered Mistica-

The strange wizard was saying spells and you could hear him saying 'Nyr... nyli... hae... nia...'.

The spells sound familiar but they are intertwined, we must leave, it's dangerous -whispered Mistica-

Back to the Arcane Magic Shop

No! No! No! -shouted Mistica-

Someone forced the lock of the room and took books of arcane magic -said Mistica-

Look at the crystal ball, it will reveal who it was -said Lasher-

Mistica look into the crystal ball and see what happened.

It was the wizard we saw in the depths of Covetous! -exclaimed Mistica-

What do we do now? -asked Lasher-

We are going to visit a creature I know, she can help us -answered Mistica-

Is it a unicorn? -asked Lasher-

No, and I'm not in the mood for jokes, this is serious, let's go Lasher! -answered Mistica-

mistica and Lasher traveled to Candelabra Point

This is the creature I told you about -said Mistica-

I thought it was bigger -whispered Lasher jokingly-

Laasheerr -said Mistica looking seriously at Lasher-

Okay, I'll shut up now -said Lasher-

Dear albino squirrel, I need your help, there is a strange wizard who is invoking evil manifestations and invasions in the villages and we have found him in the depths of Covetous casting arcane spells, he stole my arcane books and I need to ask you some questions -said Mistica worriedly-

Sure, what can I do for you dear friend -said the albino squirrel-

Have you seen anything strange lately? And I don't mean the invasions and the manifestations of evil -asked Mistica-

An evil man was around here killing creatures, he was taking hair, blood and other parts of their bodies, he was wearing a black robe -answered the albino squirrel-

That's him! -exclaimed Mistica-

He was in the depths of Covetous weaving these spells -said Mistica- and Mistica recited part of the spells she heard.

The albino squirrel became serious and frightened.

It is an evil arcane magic, of massive damage and of great dimension, covering a great amount of space from what I deduce, and the other part is not clear to me, but it seems that he wants to invoke an evil arcane being that long ago caused much chaos and destruction in Sosaria -said the albino squirrel-

We are in danger, we must warn of what is going to happen, we will need the help of the Warriors of Destiny, the old companions of the Avatar -said Mistica-

Thank you albina squirrel -said Mistica-

Mistica bows to the albino squirrel and Lasher nods his head in the same way.

The albino squirrel bows back with her head and wags her tail.

Let's go Trinsic, Lasher -said Mistica-

Mistica and Lasher arrive in Trinsic and inquire in the village and are told that Dupre is in the tavern.

Lasher stay here, I'll be right back -said Mistica-

Mistica sees Dupre in the background and walks towards him.

What a beautiful elf has visited us in Trinsic, come here beautiful, sit next to me! -said Dupre drunkenly-

An Ex Por -says Mistica-

Dupre is paralyzed.

Mistica stands next to Dupre.

I didn't come here to flirt, are you Dupre? -said Mistica-

Dupre makes mute sounds.

An Mani -said Mistica-

Dupre takes damage and the paralysis effect disappears.

Ah! -exclaimed Dupre-

Thank goodness it was a compliment, I don't want to imagine what you would do if I told you something worse -said Dupre laughing-

Yes, I'm Dupre, who are you? -said Dupre-

I'm Mistica, I came here because I need you to gather the Warriors of Destiny -said Mistica-

Why? Besides, what you ask is not so simple, Shamino got married and lives in Skara Brae, Iolo is very busy as a music teacher in Britain, (...) -said Dupre-

mistica interrupts him.

We have no choice -said Mistica-

What's the matter? -asked Dupre-

Mistica tells him beforehand about the strange wizard from the depths of Covetous.

I have been with the albino squirrel and she told me that this strange wizard besides wanting to do massive damage, he is trying to summon an evil arcane that caused a lot of chaos and destruction in Sosaria in the past -answered Mistica-

Please, we need your help, gather the Companions of the Avatar, do it for the Avatar, he would do it if he were here -Mistica pleaded-

For a moment, Dupre was moved by the memory of the Avatar.

All right, I'll do it, we'll go after that evil arcane and that strange wizard -said Dupre-

Mistica hugged Dupre

Dupre blushed

Thank you, we'll see you in battle, I'll help you at dawn -said Mistica-


Coming February 2025

Eclipsed Dawn – The struggle and strife have reached a tipping point.  The final battle will determine the fate of Britannia and her people.  Will you heed the call?


Note: This role-playing introduction of the event is not official, but a particular way as a fan.

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  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited December 2024
    The Eclipse Dawn is us invading their dimension using those Manifestation Portal deco items for the final battle!


    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
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