Pub 101 Feedback

KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
edited September 2018 in Test Center
For feedback on Publish 101


  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    edited August 2018
    Can we please get customizable castle and keep lots on all shards 
  • I have been looking forward to the new castle and keep designs since I first found out about the contest, hoping for something a little more functional. If you must implement the designs of the winning houses, which are anything but functional, please also give us a classic keep and a classic castle, with essentially the same design, but less wasted space. Bigger central room, no courtyard. Easier access to the outer parts of the castle. A castle should LOOK like a castle, not an elf house. I just want enough room in the central room to lay out some storage and the 7 year vet reward tools, and dye tubs, so I can have a workshop, AND some room to move.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Skett said:
    Can we please get customizable castle and keep lots on all shards 

    Nothing else needs to be said.  Most people are really disappointed in the result of this competition, read the feedback on stratics and here.  

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Skett said:
    Can we please get customizable castle and keep lots on all shards 
    There's an enormous performance tradeoff when the server has to stream every object in a house multi (which is what happens in a custom house) as opposed to loading it from the client that you already have downloaded (which is what happens in the pre-fab houses).  Because of this custom castle and keep plots are not likely to be seen outside of TC.
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    A couple suggestions:

    -Update the tool to support the larger plot size.  An example is the tool will not recognize a supported floor larger than 19 tiles which limits the size of open plan designs.

    -Add a little structure to the contest. Ideas include some basic building guidelines and a theme.

    -Seperate contests for castles and keeps to compare designs in a more apples to apples fashion.

    -Winners need to be picked based on design, not the popularity (or voting inducement) of the designer.  An unbiased panal of judges scoring anonymously submitted designs against the above mentioned theme and guidelines is my suggestion.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    The castle contest is concluded. Publish 101 is not. Khaldun still has additions proposed in the publish notes.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Is there any way that you can police the Castle and Keep plots to ensure that they are being used?  I own 3 Castles and on TC all 3 of those spots (Fel and Tram) were just empty castle plots and going to the other facet the same thing was there so 6 spots sat there unused.  I also noticed a lot of spots in Malas were also unused.  I also reported that I was able to place 2 Keep plots with one char and both were normal even when checked with a different account.  Neither house was condemned.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    Merus said:
    A couple suggestions:

    -Add a little structure to the contest. Ideas include some basic building guidelines and a theme.

    -Seperate contests for castles and keeps to compare designs in a more apples to apples fashion.

    -Winners need to be picked based on design, not the popularity (or voting inducement) of the designer.... 

    Maybe the dev team could come up with a short list of stuff that would make nice pre-fab housing and be complimentary to what already exists in UO. That way a more professional opinion could take the first pass on what gets added (rather than the....particularities?....of the player base) and then we could vote on what "makes the cut".

    Focusing the contest on a single plot size or a single theme each publish sounds like a good way to go as well.

  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 376
    I would have liked to seen some improvement in the Tool itself.  The wall choices for the original castle style (granite) were very limited and do not reflect what is even in the current castles (tower wall pieces).  I also would have liked to see the addition of the other granite (DC, SI, Val etc) as choices for creating the castles.  As someone mentioned earlier the voting system was not very effective as you could only vote for 1 entry and not be able to vote for a Keep and a Castle.  There were way too many entries to vote for, there should have been a panel of judges (Devs, EMs) that narrowed the list down based on some kind of quality control.  Basically there wasn't very much communication on what would be acceptable and  what isn't.  Including adding crafted stone work to your entry wasn't allowed until just a few days before the contest ended.  I know that a lot of the castle roofs would have looked a lot better if either we could have used stone work or the tool had been changed to add the walls and pavers that are currently available to use.  A lot of people like L shaped staircases and either had to put in Unusable ones or add  a teleporter next to them to get you to the next level since you couldn't add a crafted block or paver to them.
  • Recommendations for future castle and keep contests:

    1. Use a panel of judges to choose 20 of the best, most complete designs. Then allow players to vote on those 20.

    2. Assign a theme or design concept based on what the devs want on the tool.

    3. Make vote counts anonymous until winners are chosen.

    4. Give each person a vote for a castle and a keep or limit it to castles or keeps in each contest.

    That's all I got. Most other suggestions will limit the contest too much. I think it's unfair to only allow castle or keep owners to vote on designs because a winning player may buy one in the future. Also, I believe each paid account should be able to vote and it count. They pay that much to play the game they love and help keep it alive, they deserve the votes.

    Let's all calm down folks and help them design future contests better instead of complaining and threatening to throw in the towel. Not only will that not get you what you want, it will make the thing you love worse. Be civil, give constructive feedback, and enjoy the contest that they don't even have to do for us.

    Thanks, UO team. Loved this contest!
  • TeapotTeapot Posts: 58
    I am assuming the real reason this thread was made was for the new publish notes listed in the release notes page.  Are these active yet on TC1 @Kyronix ? Went on to check out event vendor and did not see anything. 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    Can you post a link to the notes 
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Teapot said:
    I am assuming the real reason this thread was made was for the new publish notes listed in the release notes page.  Are these active yet on TC1 @ Kyronix ? Went on to check out event vendor and did not see anything. 
    Nothing will be active until you see a post on the frontpage indicating TC1 has been updated.
  • I just read those publish notes and it looks like it's going to be freaking amazing. I loved reading every part of those publish notes. That publish is going to keep me busy for months! Thanks UO team for such stellar content :)
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435

    The patch notes look AMAZING!  I cannot wait to test it on TC! :D

  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 376
    The Mask without any Stamina increase will not be used by dexxers.  You should change the HP increase to Stamina increase since there is a cap of 25 on HP increase which is easily reachable.  Does the Bandage Belt have to be worn to have the healing bonus?  If so I doubt many will replace their Tangle or Crimmy with it.
  • cobbcobb Posts: 172
    edited August 2018
    i have some concern about the Mask of Khal Ankur and the Meteor Breath ability in pvp. 

    • 5 minute recharge time when worn, reset when unequipped
    Does that mean if you unequip and equip again, you can bypass the 5 min recharge time? If so, that would be really bad.  By using the insta suit switching feature of the EC, you can easily unequip/equip the mask. So it would basically allow the char to cast meteor swarm nonstop without using any mana or even needing magery 
  • My guess is that if you take it off b4 it recharges then it's reset back to 5 minutes and you have to wear it for 5 minutes to recharge.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    ZekeTerra said:
    My guess is that if you take it off b4 it recharges then it's reset back to 5 minutes and you have to wear it for 5 minutes to recharge.
    This exactly. 
  • Not sure what's going on but on TC1 in the dungeon, I was not doing any damage using Undead slayer 100% or using Cons Wep nor was I taking any damage.  This near the entrance.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    ZekeTerra said:
    Not sure what's going on but on TC1 in the dungeon, I was not doing any damage using Undead slayer 100% or using Cons Wep nor was I taking any damage.  This near the entrance.
    Read the glacial book on the floor at the entrance of khaldun.

    @Kyronix ;

    The book you left at the outside entrance is great, however, the people that use the brit commons gate and get ported directly into Khaldun will not see the book.

    Suggestion: move the gate or move the book. (moving the gate might help more than moving the book.)
  • Info 21th Anni Gifts: The Orrery can be activated and deactivated by double clicking < is not working, can't found a menu to set it on or off. I also want an animated one :)
    Telescope works fine, but you should also put the manual instructions (blue book in the blue tent at moonglow telescope) with the gift.

    Plz don't cause again a floot of items - if someone have plenty accounts that's too much per char - better would be per account.This will fill again storage that many of us have not anymore. And it would be great if you could also find a solution to get missing items later by doing a special quest or as a rare drop to a special monster if someone only have one account. Thanks for listening :)   

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    When is TC getting wiped
  • devettsdevetts Posts: 6
    edited September 2018
    madmanuk said:
    I have been looking forward to the new castle and keep designs since I first found out about the contest, hoping for something a little more functional. If you must implement the designs of the winning houses, which are anything but functional, please also give us a classic keep and a classic castle, with essentially the same design, but less wasted space. Bigger central room, no courtyard. Easier access to the outer parts of the castle. A castle should LOOK like a castle, not an elf house. I just want enough room in the central room to lay out some storage and the 7 year vet reward tools, and dye tubs, so I can have a workshop, AND some room to move.

    This cannot be overstated enough, that's it's nearly unacceptable to NOT have Keeps and Castles with nearly the same outer design as now, except for 3/4 stories and absolute minimization of wasted space.  There seems to be no plausible reason NOT to do it.  If server space is such an issue for allowing everyone customized homes, which I completely understand...get rid of all the wasted space and add a couple of floors.  End of problem.  For Keeps this is an no-brainer...I sort of understand having a court yard for a castle.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna Why didn't you wipe TC so others could have a chance at a plot.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited September 2018

    Did more testing after we sorted out that tasty treat thing, saw a couple notable issues:

    Tasty treats are a pain in the arse with the shortish duration of them.  While the buff bar does show your pet is Caddellite Infused,  you cannot see the timer remaining nor can you refresh it before it runs out, says it's already under that effect.  In normal content I would say this isn't too much of an issue, however, with this content it presents itself as a problem, particularly when it comes to wave 2+.  Tasty treat ran out while @Khyro 's pet was killing 3 shadow fiends.  Pet wasnt killing them and feeding it was an issue due to the shadow fiend's abilities .   

    Second issue: is the immunity of people not under the effect of Caddellite intended?  In the time we were doing the spawn tonight there were multiple instances of peoples immune to damage leading trains of mobs through us and of course their train almost always consisted of shadow fiends and viscera.

    Wave 4 is hit or miss, when we did it previously, we had a lot of lower ranks and it went quickly.  This time we had about 10 Captains around us when the spawn changed that got aggroed.  This took us forever to clear out.  

    Im guessing the final mob and his three generals being immune is to not spoil the fun?  (or are we missing something?)
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Bilbo said:
    @ Kyronix @ Bleak @ Mesanna Why didn't you wipe TC so others could have a chance at a plot.
    TC will be wiped when the Publish 102 contest is ready to commence.  We are in the midst of testing Publish 101 and will not be wiping TC1 before then.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Violet said:
    @ Kyronix

    Did more testing after we sorted out that tasty treat thing, saw a couple notable issues:

    Tasty treats are a pain in the arse with the shortish duration of them.  While the buff bar does show your pet is Caddellite Infused,  you cannot see the timer remaining nor can you refresh it before it runs out, says it's already under that effect.  In normal content I would say this isn't too much of an issue, however, with this content it presents itself as a problem, particularly when it comes to wave 2+.  Tasty treat ran out while @ Khyro 's pet was killing 3 shadow fiends.  Pet wasnt killing them and feeding it was an issue due to the shadow fiend's abilities .   

    We will look at adjusting the duration of the tasty treat to crafting requirements ratio. 

    Second issue: is the immunity of people not under the effect of Caddellite intended?  In the time we were doing the spawn tonight there were multiple instances of peoples immune to damage leading trains of mobs through us and of course their train almost always consisted of shadow fiends and viscera.

    Are you suggesting players are immune to damage as well?  That is definitely not intended and something we will look into.  

    Wave 4 is hit or miss, when we did it previously, we had a lot of lower ranks and it went quickly.  This time we had about 10 Captains around us when the spawn changed that got aggroed.  This took us forever to clear out.  

    Right now the spawn levels for those mobs is random between Rank scout and captain.  We can look at weighting this - what was the makeup of the party? Just you and Khro?

    Im guessing the final mob and his three generals being immune is to not spoil the fun?  (or are we missing something?)

    The generals should be vulnerable, having to be killed before the boss can be killed.  It's like the treasure guardians on chests and the guardian mobs down in Blackthorns.  Were you not able to attack the generals?

    Thanks very much for testing! See comments in line above!
  • I used the gate so went directly into the dungeon so I didn't see the book.  Will check it out later.  Thanks
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