Publish 118.1 Feedback

FenriswolfFenriswolf Posts: 134
edited November 2024 in General Discussions
1. Boss is too easy to spawn - based on 1 point for lvl1 chest and 5 for Trove he only takes around 35-40 points to summon?
2. Boss is too easy to kill and too weak. He isnt scary at all, and drops like a sack of potatoes
3. Shadowhound spawn was ok to begin with, but the hotfix effectively made them worthless. It went from them being semi rare to them being way too easy to get. I just kill them now as i could tame hundreds of them. They should have been a rare chance at chests, not basically two of them every chest
4. Griefing possibilities around the new coloured pets was too easy, in future there has to be a way of protecting or reducing the ability to do this somehow.
5. The work a Treasure Hunter puts in, for then a load of bots and leeches to then come in and kill the boss wasnt worth their time. Giving them auto loot rights is good, but they still have to get to the boss in the first place to "claim" the reward. Just giving them something as part of the process would have been better, or giving them an increased chance of a decent drop off the boss, not constantly getting a lantern with your own name of it 10 times! Maybe put in a points system where the Thunter gets 1 point for a lvl1 map and 5 for a Trove map, and then they can spend their points at a vendor, in a similar vein to the pirate hats etc. Then there is more incentive to actually dig up chests and you are guaranteed to get what you want with some effort. This whole design is to give the most benefit to the people putting in no effort currently
6. Because the boss is so easy to spawn and easy to kill, the new Artifacts are two a penny. So they become semi worthless even though they are powerful as everyone has them. Boss should have been harder to spawn and his drops less frequent. The only thing that seems to be rare are the rifts and the Censers
7. The new Deco is pointless and worthless. Its just a load of similarly coloured items taking up storage space and practically worthless as no one is interested in it? I could easily fill my entire house with deco from the chests and all of it combined wouldn't be worth the same as ONE DECENT DROP from the boss. So ive effectively spent weeks spawning a boss for a load of people who did nothing but sit at Luna bank waiting for an announcement and then get lucky once, killing the boss. 600 items of deco is probably worth the same as one decent Artifact from the boss
8. Getting the big lightning conduit to spawn admittedly is pretty cool. Probably the only decent thing about the boss


  • psychopsycho Posts: 370
    edited November 2024

    Thank you for your feedback, I will add my views of the content so that if the event is spawned again at a later point, it will hopefully be improved.  I will highliht the points in bold text to make it easier to get overview, if you dont want to read all.

    First of all the rewards are very common now,  already after 10days I had alot of every drop there was of the boss x10, I play fair and spendt hours upon hours of digging maps, I think of those first 10days you can remove 3 full days from my life just digging maps. Now thats dedication for you. Not everyone can put in that much playtime, however for those that did the rewards were so common.  Now after what 21days? I can tell they are even more common, and they dont sell on vendors anywhere. The content been overdone, and instead of improving it it should have gotten removed IMO.

    Treasurehunters are not getting paid enough. Doing treasuremaps summoning the boss all day only for the blue horde to rush in at boss getting the same rewards are just meh. I get it the last fix gave treasurehunters a better chance of drop, but I think most people logged their Thunter when boss was summoned and logged on a proper pvm char instead which quite often already got a drop because it was fit for fight, not Thunt. Some people seem to think this is a kill-boss-only event where they can stay at Luna waiting for boss to magically appear. its not, but the majority does it.

    The magical rift drop I dont get.  Let me summarize it with over 250 bags of drop in my house none of them got the magical rift. Just today as an example I did 3 bosses, all lanterns and title deeds, a friend attend one single boss gets 2 magical rifts and 1 tabbard from one single boss (using 3chars). whoah amazing. And who do you think dug all the maps to summon all 3 bosses?  that would be me.  Thats not fair, but I get it, RNG and stuff.

    The shadow hounds and nightmares I dont mind.  For many its interesting and cool to tame those, Ive never prioritixed it, not interesting to me.  However I do recognize some pop up scripts killing nightmares and alert them when a special collor appear, over and over at several locations, several servers, scripters working hard.  That sounds fair right.

    The new deco items are for specially interested fans.  The deco items wont be used in any of my houses, but its something new and collorfull etc, but nah not my houses, and I dont see any point collecting sets of them.

    Suggestion: Make the deco, mysterious fragments and the drop rewards usefull for hand in points at a new NPC, that way treasurehunters get a decent reward for their hard work digging maps. At the same time others are not excluded as they can both get points to NPC in the new part II and dig their own maps getting old items for the NPC. Fair for all. Adding them to cleanup points list is reasonable, but also pointless use of rewards. Some of these deco items came as drop from boss, must be worth more than 10cleanup points right..

    I hope the content do get improved if used next year, and I hope the rewards are not reused as its so vast amount of items out there now, its hardly good for anyone. What am I supposed to do with 150 title deeds from this event? There exist many title deeds from other contents also, and you can only have one title enabled at same time.

    Thank you
  • TheoTheo Posts: 224
    The super solution to the nightmare spawn would be for a higher chance of colored mares but you only activate the color once you tame it.  So you tame - then see the color.  So you actually have to tame and yes you could grief kill but then you might be spending your time grief killing nothing.   The totem should allow you to create a personal spawn anywhere. Place totem. Select colored pet.  The totem is the spawn point. Then you could do it away from griefers.  
  • I like to think that the deco items will have some use in the future of the event arc. I do personally enjoy some of them and will be using some of them in my house decor. The graphics and prefix / suffix can be cool for themed deco. I have not tested anything yet to see if they can be dyed but I could see myself personally wanting to change some colors on some things to more closely match prefix and suffix names.
  • Fenriswolf said:
    3. Shadowhound spawn was ok to begin with, but the hotfix effectively made them worthless. It went from them being semi rare to them being way too easy to get. I just kill them now as i could tame hundreds of them. They should have been a rare chance at chests, not basically two of them every chest
    5. The work a Treasure Hunter puts in, for then a load of bots and leeches to then come in and kill the boss wasnt worth their time. Giving them auto loot rights is good, but they still have to get to the boss in the first place to "claim" the reward. Just giving them something as part of the process would have been better, or giving them an increased chance of a decent drop off the boss, not constantly getting a lantern with your own name of it 10 times! Maybe put in a points system where the Thunter gets 1 point for a lvl1 map and 5 for a Trove map, and then they can spend their points at a vendor, in a similar vein to the pirate hats etc. Then there is more incentive to actually dig up chests and you are guaranteed to get what you want with some effort. This whole design is to give the most benefit to the people putting in no effort currently
    You can't have 3, and mention bots in 5. One or the other, pal. Shadow Hound's shouldn't be exclusive to the people running troves at 3 in the morning.
    My pronouns are: Cry/Me/A/River
  • ActionEllyActionElly Posts: 176
    edited November 2024
    The entire Halloween event has been a total bust for me, sorry. I'm not complaining just going to be honest.

    The first day I was able to get drops from boss, after that so many people from other shards I couldn't get rights to it. Also, never seen the hounds spawn.

    I've diligently killed tons of Grimms and haven't got any mask drops.

    I bought 12 totems and only got 2 black voids and 1 red, the spots are always taken and when I did get a spot someone tamed the red rare one (not super rare).

    If we use totems the mounts that spawn should only be tamed by the owner of the totem or a choice of such. =/

    Anyway, I was so excited for the event but it just didn't work out for me.
  • You can't have 3, and mention bots in 5. One or the other, pal. Shadow Hound's shouldn't be exclusive to the people running troves at 3 in the morning.
    i tamed some within normal times, had 8 before the "hotfix" and not at 3 in the morning. They should have just come up with a method of keeping them relatively rare, not worthless as they are now. But even then, they are a niche pet and not that useful, bit like coloured mares
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    @ActionElly I agree the grimm drop rate is over the top rare. ive killed hundreds, spent days killing them not 1 mask . The grimms dont spawn fast enough and if anyone else is doing them forget it.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited November 2024
    Playing on a treasure hunter after the fixes.
    I think they have got the balance right for treasure hunters now, in terms of loot rights etc.
    It feels nice to be playing on the T Hunter, the event feels balanced for me.

    I didn't get started until late, so my guildies went through the pain sessions :D

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