Salty actions.
Recalled in as a player was finishing up taming mares and a red spawned for the person spawning an totem. Now another guy appeared from his lair and started to attack the mare and ending its short life, I asked why he/she/it/them/those behaved in such a manor and the answer was quick "wouldn't let me take the spot and I was killed in Fel by someone" now he done this to a poor fellow in trammel. This happened on Europa shard and the picture displays the player being salty.
Why sell a service for money that fail to work?
Why sell a service for money that fail to work?

Trammel is nothing to do with me, I've always said it was a bad idea.
In Felucca, I can deal with people like him.
I do feel sorry that he went all passive aggressive on you.
The service being sold is an item that increases the chance that rare hue monsters will spawn. Not that they will be able to be tamed or not killed. Only the increased likelihood of spawning with a rare hue is being sold. What happens after it spawns really is a matter of player driven politics and morals.
If so, why would you be bothered by it?
They don't need to buy it, I'll give it to them.
I have not seen anyone at the nightmare spawn in Kirin pass. I think the paragons keep them away.
You seem to be the only person complaining about this. Are u even getting deco nightmares?
You dislike it because they won’t let you kill the rare spawn? Edit (kill the spawn right away, for clarity.)
the spawn rates aren’t the same and the mechanics are different. That’s why you can’t equate the two.
in the case you have the same ability to tame and get the same thing.
the only logical reason I can think of is piggybacking off of someone else’s totem and kill their spawn to get the one you want.
Feel free to enlighten me.
edit fixing typos
As noted, it’s still anyones mare if they can tame it. If you’re just there to kill it, then why are you even there?
or are you just saying you should be able to freely grief them?
The move is fine. There’s really no exclusivity here. I think you picked a hill to die on and unfortunately are still at the bottom.
Only a tamer can use them. They are pure deco because I make pets that can kill stuff. A magery Mare does not kill stuff very fast.
180M is what I just saw a 2 slot Red one trying to be sold for on Atl. That would be an ok deco horse. Id rather buy an EM pig tho.
I just cant stand in the same spot and kill stuff long enough to get any new color. I tried 1 totem and had enough. I cant even collect tokens and open one that has a rare color. So, rare things are what other players get, not me.
Yes the purples are selling for a lot. Especially 2 slot ones. If I got one, I might sell it, just to buy deco for my houses.
I actually thought they made this change a long time ago because players were getting harassed when they came out for Hiryus and Nightmares.
Now that they will work on Cus, Ya the person doing the harvesting should reap the rewards.
Let the bourgeois do what bourgeois does..
Personally i'm like;
let's speak about those potion that double your point during event.. "convenience store" for a better "QoL" .. wait who care.. let's talk about those bots farm instead
Edit: the game is P2W since AoS and ebay exist.. if u consider skin as a P2W, i'm not.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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