Can't copy Charater to Test Center
For the last few weeks I have not been able to copy my character (tamer) to the Test Center. (or any character on this account) When I try, I get a message that I currently have a Character Transfer in progress, which I do not. I reported this in game 2 weeks ago and was sent an email that this issue was "escalated" , but of course, with no resolution. Is anyone else having this issue, or know how to resolve? I feel I'm being ignored, or they have no idea how to fix this.
Message me with the ticket number and I will look into it.
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)