Beta test week 8 feedback.
in New Legacy
I haven't read the notes yet.
I'm a vip at a really cool theme park for a while. I get to go to the front of lines. All went well.
Have fun without me.
I'm a vip at a really cool theme park for a while. I get to go to the front of lines. All went well.
Have fun without me.

Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
Go test t hunting for me. I'm not into that. See yall in game tomorrow.
Now that Bosses can drop standard Invulnerability armor, i suggest they add Set Bonuses to the Boss Artifact Sets to make them more unique. Crimson Wyrmscale could get Fire Eater set bonus, Dragonbane Set could give Kinetic Eater, Arctic gear could get Cold Resonance, Wraithbinder could get 5% Mana Drain (same as Wraith Form Mana Drain), etc.
Treasure Hunting:
In addition to my bug report, I have a couple of questions and ideas. After a couple of dozen maps completed, I still haven’t found any unique loot in the chests, except for T5 (vanq/invul) items in the chests. And this is the problem that I get T4 items (pwer/fort) even with stash maps.In the first 4 phases of the game before the release of vanq/invul items there will be no point in doing anything else in the context of time (then t1-t2 maps).
I assume that at least the gold reward should be significant, because at the first levels it will take a lot of people to close the T5 map and they will share 3k gold among themselves? Or will the level of maps be tied to content phases?
I see no reason why a map decoder item requires 100 Inscription to create.
Lockpicking and removing traps - yes, let them be tied to a high level of crafting, but the decode should be available already at 50 skill since the first tier(s) of maps can be opened using improvised methods(lockpick, unlock spell) and even if you decoded the T5 maps, you will not be able to open it until you have a master key and remove traps, so in this regard we will get a balance between decoding low maps and high ones, and in addition to all this, the reward for these maps is not so strong considering how much time is spent on searching and opening a map to require 100 skill for a T1 map.
To balance decoder item it could be created with only 1 charge if crafted with 50skill and then + 1-2 charges for every 10% skill above up to 10.
Items and crafting:
A little about the system of dropping random Invul/vanq items from bosses, I don’t think this is a good idea, it’s clear that someone will get the bases that another person needs and will have the opportunity to sell/buy them and this stimulates the market and players to communicate, but with such variety some bases will either be very rare or simply not available.Still, I think that we need to return to the option of strong artifacts from bosses in order to move away from the general meta to some base and give crafters the opportunity to make items at a level below the current phase, but make crafting random and dependent on colored material so that the item base were not so easy to produce, also return the enchance properties of colored metals to get at least a portion of 10-20-30% elemental damage for greater variety and depth of crafting.
Possible future content and old Sossaria:
Once again, running through a large territory of old Sosaria in an attempt to find or remember old places for farming, I realized that the world is half empty, in the literal sense, half of the territories of the world are forests and fields that are now definitely empty because of the new home system (and no, I like the new house system, it’s just the fact that the world has become empty). Yes, once upon a time, simply running around on a horse across the open spaces was already content, but now it looks lifeless and not relevant to the time.
Treasure maps brought some life back to unused areas, but that's all, maybe it's worth giving these areas more life, maybe adding ruins to spawn mummies, liches or other monsters. Maybe it’s worth making maps for extracting resources much, much more accessible and making sure that the points of their extraction are spread over these unused territories and not just like a spot, but like new small mines or unusual trees.
And because of all these thoughts, I came to the conclusion that Malas is more suitable in size and format for seasonality and its main Doom dungeon for me is a more iconic place in the history and world of Ultima Online.
Maybe if everything goes well and we get to season 2, we won’t start it again in Sosaria, but move to Malas for the whole season and devote the whole season to this place, just an idea.
Release and beta:
I know that you have prepared a roadmap for us and maybe it’s too late, but we need at least one wipe on the beta server, we need to see what the start of a fresh server will look like when a lot of people rush to the first monsters on tasks, we wouldn’t want to do it again spend 2 hours trying to kill the first quest monsters, and if for me, as a crazy fan of the new server, this will be tolerable, then less loyal players will leave the game already in the first city (something has already happened).P.S.Sorry for the many words, I tried to be as constructive and realistic as possible, thank you if you read it!
P.P.S. Also my old idea for fire horns update if you mind to read.
@Kyronix @Mesanna @Bleak @Parallax
Starting town of Ocllo. First character created, a mage, did fine with the quests. However, the second time I created a mage there were less players in Ocllo. She was actually the only player in Occlo most of the time. Unable to finish the quest where she was to guard the tomb, never had enough mana to complete.
This was not a problem at first because there were several other players to help with the spawn. Once players left Ocllo it is very hard for a new character to complete alone.
Then, would it be possible to add locations using the sexton for the job board quests? A few places are hard to find, and I see in chat many others are having the same problem.
The newer changes to skill gain meant that I was gaining med as I trained, which helped a lot.
That was mentioned in Dev Diaries, week 6
I also got a book which gave info on locations, something else that was added more recently. I remember reading about that, but I can't find where that was!
So some of the concerns here have already been addressed.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Crimson Wyrmscale
2 pieces=+10% Fire eater / 4 pieces=10% Fire Eater / HP increase + damage reduction, 6 pieces= 10%Fire Eater + Damage reduction from Dragon Type
Artic Gear
Ice Type
Spider Type
Acid Type
max 30% Eater
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Maybe another suggestion. I did not know or think about these work arounds, what happened to me each time I tried to give up and just leave, but there is no way out. I ended up deleting the character and creating a crafter instead.
On one of the mage quests you are thrown out of the building when you die. Maybe that can be added to this particular quest? Or give the suggestion, like Victim described. Attack and drag the spawn in circles.
Now I am not concerned for me, I will do as Victim of Siege suggested and described, however I'm thinking more about any new player. A player can find themselves in Ocllo alone and no way to call for assistance.
when killing monsters ( not just a boss) instead of them droping high end armor or wepons the monsters drop something that requires you to collect several of then a crafter could use that material to make high end armor and wepons. PS. if a crafter should repair your armor or wepon at no charge be sure to give the crafter a nice TIP....Uffda
This is true, not just for me but for several others I associate with. Several of us use our mage simply to supply our crafter. Also noticed posters asking for the resource pack to be account bound, I believe this is so the mage and crafter can share.
I realize the DEVs can't please everyone, NL is a different flavor than prodo. Crafters may find that prodo is more to their liking as to crafting. Not a bad thing.
Being Beta, the DEVs ask for our feedback. Eventually we, the UO players will have several choices to choose our play style. Prodo, Siege, New Legacy.
Personally I like all three.