Beta test week 8 feedback.



  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 867
    LilyGrace said:
    ZekeTerra said:
    I would prefer Magery on my crafter than Swords (in fact all my Production shard crafters have it).  You can heal,, cure, invis, recall, gate, res, mind blast, summon:  Blade Spirits, EV's, Demons and elementals to help you defend yourself or kill mobs to skin.
    Well, now that you mention it, so would I. My crafters on prodo shards have magery as well. I asked around a bit as to why we had to have swords instead. I did get one reply but I’ve forgotten now what the explanation was. Probably because it made no sense to me and still doesn’t. 

    Why can’t crafters have magery?
    If I had to guess I would say that it would make crafters too independent. If given magery then they will only need the other classes as customers. It seems like they want each class to need at least one other class for something.

    That doesn't really make sense to me though because they've already made it so crafters can't depend on anyone but themselves to gather resources because we can't have another character gather resources to pass along to crafters.

    If crafters had magery they'd still have to buy reagents, there's no LRC gear. Any crafter other than a scribe would have to depend on a scribe to get their spellbooks and recall scrolls to drop into books.

    Why make crafters have to use melee to defend ourselves when gathering resources but give us healing skill? And if we want to mine in an area that's not safe from low level monsters you'll have to run there because you have to hop off your horse to mine. I'm not looking to go mining and have horses killed all the time.

    I dunno, I think it's out of whack. I don't see a good reason not to have crafters be able to pick up magery right from jump.

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 3,969
    LilyGrace said:
    LilyGrace said:
    ZekeTerra said:
    I would prefer Magery on my crafter than Swords (in fact all my Production shard crafters have it).  You can heal,, cure, invis, recall, gate, res, mind blast, summon:  Blade Spirits, EV's, Demons and elementals to help you defend yourself or kill mobs to skin.
    Well, now that you mention it, so would I. My crafters on prodo shards have magery as well. I asked around a bit as to why we had to have swords instead. I did get one reply but I’ve forgotten now what the explanation was. Probably because it made no sense to me and still doesn’t. 

    Why can’t crafters have magery?
    If I had to guess I would say that it would make crafters too independent. If given magery then they will only need the other classes as customers. It seems like they want each class to need at least one other class for something.

    That doesn't really make sense to me though because they've already made it so crafters can't depend on anyone but themselves to gather resources because we can't have another character gather resources to pass along to crafters.

    If crafters had magery they'd still have to buy reagents, there's no LRC gear. Any crafter other than a scribe would have to depend on a scribe to get their spellbooks and recall scrolls to drop into books.

    Why make crafters have to use melee to defend ourselves when gathering resources but give us healing skill? And if we want to mine in an area that's not safe from low level monsters you'll have to run there because you have to hop off your horse to mine. I'm not looking to go mining and have horses killed all the time.

    I dunno, I think it's out of whack. I don't see a good reason not to have crafters be able to pick up magery right from jump.

    Again if the divergent path was working this wouldn't be an issue.  maybe ignoring the feedback and allowing trolling  isn't a great idea 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 867
    And again, I'm saying I'd like to pick magery from the start with a crafter rather than diverting to it later.
  • LilyGrace I do agree with you but they only seem to want mages to be able to recall around freely.
  • I had my Tamer/Mage standing at the dig site location, and would send gates to the Billboard for my Crafter to go through when doing the quests where i had to dig up lost equipment. That helped a lot when doing my Crafter's initial Narrative Path questline.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 867
    Yeah, Gyngersnap, I hear you. I didn't get that far in character development, PSFTW.   :P
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 867
    I guess I'll just keep skipping these defend quests. 4 red gates a few seconds apart, each with two trolls and a bear popping out and I'm at 70 fencing skill wearing noob gear that offers precious little protection and a noob weapon that swings slow as molasses?

    Speaking of noob gear, why doesn't the armor that you're gifted get any better as you advance in skill? That seems silly.
  • NecronomNecronom Posts: 52
    edited September 25
    LilyGrace said:
    <snip snip>
    Speaking of noob gear, why doesn't the armor that you're gifted get any better as you advance in skill? That seems silly.

    Yes, I have the same question concerning non-craft class leveling gear. There's no difference between all of these levels of gear from Initiate to GM. Granted, I may not be doing tougher content seeing as how I'm doing job board stuff over and over. I guess it's just free stuff, but if there is no difference, why have all of this stuff given out each time? It's just stuff people will just throw on the ground. It's not like someone will scrutinize your gear if they want to party with you to see what level you are.... will they?

    Perhaps have stats added each level. Maybe HCI, SSI, DCI. I find it annoying missing all the time with my archer.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    edited September 26
    Armor will not advance until players put filled bods on the thing in the lyceum.

    Quest reward armor will be one level below the shards level.

    We made it to GM with armor and weapons with no stats in week one beta.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KalseyKalsey Posts: 40
    Hope I can describe my situation clearly.

    Played Beta the past 8 weeks and made two mages to GM.  This time what I think happened was my character died just as she finished the Secret Room quest, the one with the trap door.  She was in Deceit.  

    Took some time to find a healer and go purchase more regs, couldn't get back to her dead body without healing for regs.  Had a couple different players assisting me.  Problem was, quest was 'incomplete' and telling me to go SE.  Thought maybe the quest line broke, couldn't figure out where SE was to be?    So I travel SE of Moonglow to previous quest where I used the "an quas fallax".  Nothing.  Back up to Deceit, however the quest kept telling me to go SE as I was going UP to Deceit.  By now was totally confused and frustrated.  But I did do it all a second and third time.

    Previously I suggested a simply request to give us sexton directions, so we would know where we were suppose to be.  

    I noticed the ant lion is now giving half the gold, so now it takes a new player twice as long to get regs, and yes they can be picked up from the ground, one at a time.

    Crafters cannot have magery.  OK  Guess my solution is to create another mage and take her to 70, not going through that hell again.  Game is suppose to be enjoyable.  But then my crafter cannot share resources with the mage.  

    A simple solution would have been to give more clear directions as to where a player should be when doing a quest.  Or let our crafters have mage, we need some way to make gold.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 867
    edited September 26
    Pawain said:
    Armor will not advance until players put filled bods on the thing in the lyceum.

    Quest reward armor will be one level below the shards level.

    We made it to GM with armor and weapons with no stats in week one beta.  
    I have no clue what the heck you’re talking about. 
  • At the start, it is just your basic armor. Crafters can advance something at the Lyceum(sp) and it advanced the quality of loot drops. When they complete a stage loot will start dropping for the next stage. For example, guarding would go to Hardening. If I understand it right.
  • KalseyKalsey Posts: 40
    At the start, it is just your basic armor. Crafters can advance something at the Lyceum(sp) and it advanced the quality of loot drops. When they complete a stage loot will start dropping for the next stage. For example, guarding would go to Hardening. If I understand it right.

    I'm calling on all crafters to join a Union.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 867
    Oooh, I had no idea @Gyngersnap. Thanks for explaining. 
  • LilyGrace said:
    Pawain said:
    Armor will not advance until players put filled bods on the thing in the lyceum.

    Quest reward armor will be one level below the shards level.

    We made it to GM with armor and weapons with no stats in week one beta.  
    I have no clue what the heck you’re talking about. 

    There's a building at the Lycaeum called the "Congiarium". Global loot tier is tied to what level the Congiarium is at. Crafters can level up the Congiarium by donating filled BODs to it. Each time the Congiarium levels up, the three crafters that contributed the most for that level, each get to pick one Imbuing option to unlock. The imbuing options range from Super Slayers, to Hit Effects and Hit Area Effects that can be applied to weapons by a GM crafter using a resource called Congius (limit of 1 imbue per weapon).

    At the base Congiarium level, the loot tier that can drop is Surpassingly Accurate/Might/Guarding. At Lvl 2 Congiarium, it's Eminently Accurate/Force/Hardening. At Lvl 3 Congiarium, it's Exceedingly Accurate/Power/Fortification. At Lvl 4 Congiarium, it's Supremely Accurate/Vanquishing/Invulnerability. Note: Only Boss Artifacts, items on Boss corpses, or the occasional crafted Spellbook can be of this last tier.
  • KalseyKalsey Posts: 40
    More feedback I hope the DEVs will read.  I went into NL this time with no back up second accounts to supply gold, regs, armor, and other items to help my main.  

    For new players I think this time around was much harder.  My feedback is related to mage and craters only.  Lowering the loot from spawn simply made it twice as hard for a noob.  They do not have the armor, mana, spells, or gold.    

    This Mage did not go with quest line to gain.

    Orge    Lightning  1 Mandrake Root  1 Sulfurous Ash           Cost 20g
                At that level it took an average of 12 cast to kill  12x20=  240.00                                                        Loot Average 73 gold
      Loss of (167) Avg 

    At 50 Mage, Fizz app 6 times.


    Mage at 70 following the quest line in Ocllo

    Orge   Lightning   1 Mandrake Root   1  sulfurous Ash      Cost 20g
                At this level it took an average of 6 cast to kill  6X20=  120.00
                Loot Average 73 gold
    Loss of (47)  Avg
    At 70 zero Fizz

    I'm looking at this with the hope New Legacy will bring in new players.  Giving them an easier start to enjoy this game.  Being able to transfer a character off to prodo after the seasons end is good for bringing in new players.  Assuming they can keep their skills and a few items.

    Hope feedback helps.

  • KalseyKalsey Posts: 40
    Feedback on crafters.

    Two changes I believe would help greatly.  

    Resource pack account bound.
    Allow some magery.

    I don't know what is all planned for crafters,   Curious how a crafter is to support themselves.  They won't be out there in PVM, way too weak.  BODs do not give gold, and once most of the players have deco and crafted items there is no need to purchase more.  As for armor won't they be competing with spawn drops?

    Note to anyone, check out the beautiful Yew area with the snow.  Some spots are simply very cozy looking, especially at night.  Look around for the camp sites, nice job with graphics. 

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,438
    My thought on crafters was we would buy ( or hunt on another character) items having 25/25 durability from hunter's vendors, 'restore' them to full durability and then sell for a higher price on our own vendors?
    Or are you thinking that named drops from bosses will be the only items anyone wears or uses?
  • KalseyKalsey Posts: 40
    My thought on crafters was we would buy ( or hunt on another character) items having 25/25 durability from hunter's vendors, 'restore' them to full durability and then sell for a higher price on our own vendors?
    Or are you thinking that named drops from bosses will be the only items anyone wears or uses?

    No, I am not thinking that drops from bosses will be the only items anyone wears!  Why did you feel the need to ask that question!

    I simply gave feedback, which is what this thread is intended to do.  
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,438
    no, I wasn't attacking your post! Simply asking a question. If bosses drops are so common that everyone can get them, then my buy/upgrade/sell idea won't work
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