BOD need some fix
in New Legacy
I will write a few things about Bulk Order Deeds that I think need to be corrected.
Inscription Bulk
The 20 large bulk orders in the Spellbook and Runebook are not complete.
When a small deed is coonbined to a large deed, the small bulk inside disappears the moment the second deed is inserted.
The large order deed remains, but not the 2 small order deed.
Tailor Bulk
The large order deed of whips worth as same as it's small deed.
for example large order of 10 worth only 10 point.
Blacksmith Bulk
There are odd Japanese transcription for new items.
ringmail helm, chainmail gloves, chainmail arms have translate to "arcane leather armor" in Japanese.
I will report any others I find.
I am Japanese. I use translation software, so please forgive me if it is difficult to understand.
By the way, the large bulk is also affected as it is.
I hope this makes sense.
Yes it is. but the NPC don't take the Large order bulk of 20. (15 is ok. It's also possible that it's because of the bulk I got last week.).
Bank points are the BOD value times .1.
So it would take 20 400 point BODs to get an 800 point item.
Bank points are the turn in points / 5 for large BODs.
It would take pseudo 4000 turn in points or bank 10 largest BODs.
The more difficult it is to get a thing, the more expensive it is, I don’t see a problem with that.
So you're wrong on every point.
Which is not relevant to a Reward costing more than the highest value BOD.
You can combine bank points, you can't combine turn in points with your bank.
I never said bank points were not cumulative, That was your misreading, not my post.
You can not turn in that BOD for 425 points and also add your bank points to that.
You can either buy a reward with your bank points or with a BOD. If you turn in that 425 point BOD and buy a 100 point item, those remaining points are gone.
If you bank that 425 point BOD for 85 points you would get 85 added to your bank points.
So I was wrong about the Bank Point %. Smalls are worth .02 points when banked.
Larges are worth .2 When banked.
You would have to bank 9.4 of those BODs to get 800 points.
Or you could bank 800 of those 50 points BODS for 1 point each.
I don't think you are familiar with BOD mechanics.
None of the BOD rewards cost more than the largest BOD value on prodo shards, Why would they do something different, in this case a very bad idea, on NL.
If you have 60 banked points and turn in a 100 point BOD, you can only buy something for 100 Points.
BOD turn in points can not be combined with Banked Points.
Does this show you that your banked points can not add to a BOD that you turn in.
I only get to buy a 250 point reward, it does not add my 181 banked points to the total.
Like I said The points do not combine, you eith buy with banked points or a BOD.
Everything but the % I said was correct.
No BOD reward should cost more than the Highest BOD.
Ill stick by that, no reward should cost 5 Large BODS or more in this case.
I feel that a reward should not exceed the maximum value of a BOD for that category.
That would be a horrible thing. IMO.
Filling out 9 or 10 large BODs for a reward is not a good idea.
If something costs 800 points they need to make a Large BOD worth 800 points.
But I guess this is because I mainly role crafter character and it's not a big problem for mages.
The development team also said that alchemy and inscription are accessory skills for mages.
I'd speculate that there is possibility a way for guilds to combine BODs and get items that are suitable for a guild house.
If my banking points exceed 500, the NPC guildmaster will force me to spend the additional bulk of points I have put in.
If they are going to add Alchemy bulk rewards that can only be obtained by using bank points, please also raise the maximum number of its bank points.
I'm sure @Garret has a solution.