Ultima Online: New Legacy Feedback



  • MudgeMudge Posts: 16
    edited July 2024

  • MudgeMudge Posts: 16
    Ok apparently this was a bug with protection which is now working when i logged back on, which was odd but will let that go as several odd things 

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025

    No @ popps in old UO we either logged on our Warrior or we stayed on our Crafter and bought/traded for goods we needed such as leather.  Mining and Lumberjack were part of the Crafting family and leather gathering was left up to Tamers and Warriors.  It was a simple system back then.  Crafters made Armor and Weapons to sell or Trade to the Warriors and Tamers and in return Warriors and Tamers got us needed goods.
    Frodo, I haven't tried any crafting yet other than making bandages if you want to call that crafting. I collected wool, used the loom, bought a sewing kits and found bandages under miscellaneous. Took me a bit to figure that out.

    In NL if a fighter gathers hides is there any tool the fighter can use that turns hides into leather that can be handed off to the crafter? Or are the hides stuck in the resource window?
  • looploop Posts: 482
    SkuLover said:

    Overall i'm enjoying it. Most of the complaints I saw were people saying that the game is 'on rails'. Seemingly not willing to try it out and in the end not realizing that the game is only on 'hard rails' until you hit GM. Its a nice way to gain skill that doesn't involve doing the same exact thing over and over and over and over...
    Maybe it gets better at GM, but it’s frustrating that there are literally moments where you can’t advance your character at all and must wait it out.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    LilyGrace said:

    No @ popps in old UO we either logged on our Warrior or we stayed on our Crafter and bought/traded for goods we needed such as leather.  Mining and Lumberjack were part of the Crafting family and leather gathering was left up to Tamers and Warriors.  It was a simple system back then.  Crafters made Armor and Weapons to sell or Trade to the Warriors and Tamers and in return Warriors and Tamers got us needed goods.
    Frodo, I haven't tried any crafting yet other than making bandages if you want to call that crafting. I collected wool, used the loom, bought a sewing kits and found bandages under miscellaneous. Took me a bit to figure that out.

    In NL if a fighter gathers hides is there any tool the fighter can use that turns hides into leather that can be handed off to the crafter? Or are the hides stuck in the resource window?
    I have no clue as I can not do Tailor or Carpenter until I finish Smith.  Right now I am stuck at 190 total skill because they want me to run through Shame on a bkacksmith char and try not to die LOL
  • PitrPitr Posts: 194
    Sleep Deprived and not caring... thank you for the FUN!
    (will add my perspective later when my brain is rested)
  • SkuLoverSkuLover Posts: 10
    loop said:
    SkuLover said:

    Overall i'm enjoying it. Most of the complaints I saw were people saying that the game is 'on rails'. Seemingly not willing to try it out and in the end not realizing that the game is only on 'hard rails' until you hit GM. Its a nice way to gain skill that doesn't involve doing the same exact thing over and over and over and over...
    Maybe it gets better at GM, but it’s frustrating that there are literally moments where you can’t advance your character at all and must wait it out.

    I'm not sure what path you're taking but if you're referencing the 'Daily Objectives' tasks and the 20 minute cooldown. You can go to another starter town and do the tasks on their board. If its crafting related I have no clue and if there is a long wait that's a bummer. 

  • Del805Del805 Posts: 27


    I got through the quest line in about 8 hours. 

    Leveling was easy once I stopped going to the Wagon Quest. 

    Spiders Quest was a bit rough and had some issues with the frost spider caves in massive amounts due to Fairfield's webs and them spawning at an unmanageable rate. 

    Like every other game, Jobs should have a tracking arrow based on what Job you are currently on. People were spamming Gen Chat lost over and over and were just confused.

    As the main storyline, Spawn was difficult because it required an AOE spell. Meteor swarm damage shrinks the more targets it hits. I suggest removing that or maybe doing the opposite effect. 

    I did inscribe bods. When I went to turn in my runebooks for the bod, my main runebook, which had runes in it, was taken. 


    I took my house down and was not refunded the amount it cost to put it up. 

    I also managed to murder a few people making their main quest in a PVP zone. 
  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 601

    I am not sure what they had in mind when they thought this up but IMHO this is NOT even close to old UO.  This is nothing like anybody asked for when we all asked for a Retro Shard.  I do not mind quests to HELP train my skills but that is the only way you get any gains and you can only train one crafting skill at a time. We waited how many years for this, sorry not worth it.  Also the people you helped picked that quest from a list, I picked to do BODs.  You want to do Crafting related quests fine but requiring me torun through a dungeon is NOT crafting related.

    Yeah I'm kind of at a loss as to why they think fixed character archetypes and on-rails questing were what anyone wanted from UO.
  • looploop Posts: 482
    SkuLover said:
    loop said:
    SkuLover said:

    Overall i'm enjoying it. Most of the complaints I saw were people saying that the game is 'on rails'. Seemingly not willing to try it out and in the end not realizing that the game is only on 'hard rails' until you hit GM. Its a nice way to gain skill that doesn't involve doing the same exact thing over and over and over and over...
    Maybe it gets better at GM, but it’s frustrating that there are literally moments where you can’t advance your character at all and must wait it out.

    I'm not sure what path you're taking but if you're referencing the 'Daily Objectives' tasks and the 20 minute cooldown. You can go to another starter town and do the tasks on their board. If it’s crafting related I have no clue and if there is a long wait that's a bummer. 

    Thanks, yeah it was just combat quests — didn’t realize hopping towns would permit me to move forward.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    edited July 2024
    I don't think it is on the rails as much as it's reputations is getting.

    You have a few hours of on the rails content and then you get to go do your thing and dabble in dailies.

    And, honestly, for a new player... it's much better than grinding on undead in Old Haven and Ettins/Earth Eles for a week or two.
  • As has been mentioned, the quest to kill zombies in Trinsic Passage needs to be fixed. I ran out of time to kill 8 because they weren't spawning fast enough for the several players in there, and many were spawning in some kind of dark hole that you couldn't reach.
  • Del805Del805 Posts: 27
    edited July 2024

    I am not sure what they had in mind when they thought this up but IMHO this is NOT even close to old UO.  This is nothing like anybody asked for when we all asked for a Retro Shard.  I do not mind quests to HELP train my skills but that is the only way you get any gains and you can only train one crafting skill at a time. We waited how many years for this, sorry not worth it.  Also the people you helped picked that quest from a list, I picked to do BODs.  You want to do Crafting related quests fine but requiring me torun through a dungeon is NOT crafting related.

    Yeah I'm kind of at a loss as to why they think fixed character archetypes and on-rails questing were what anyone wanted from UO.
    I think you are missing the point. I finished the main quest line in 8 hours and have not needed to train a character since then. I am hunting and doing as I please, like normal UO. 

    Most people who train their skills use a macro to train them. You do it once, and then you are done. Now, you can roam around with no stipulations. 

    Also one of the most frustrating things about UO is getting reg money and this pretty much lets you play a mage from day 1. 

  • Also, there should be some kind of feedback on skill gain after completing a quest. The last 3 or 4 quests I've completed, I've not seen a change in skills and not seen any feedback on how much I gained. So how am I supposed to feel I've accomplished anything? That was the joy of UO, seeing those skill gains, even a tenth of point, build up as you progressed.
  • Del805Del805 Posts: 27
    Also, there should be some kind of feedback on skill gain after completing a quest. The last 3 or 4 quests I've completed, I've not seen a change in skills and not seen any feedback on how much I gained. So how am I supposed to feel I've accomplished anything? That was the joy of UO, seeing those skill gains, even a tenth of point, build up as you progressed.
    you do that after u beat ur main questline

  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Yea, those dopamine hits are definitely lacking.
  • OK, I just happened to click on the blacksmith skill trainer and got a menu for advancing swords skills. That's where I used the points from the quests to advance the skills. Not very clear, since I kept getting a message after completing a quest to visit a skill trainer associated with my skills. And that would be a smith for swords? Not very clear.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    OK, I just happened to click on the blacksmith skill trainer and got a menu for advancing swords skills. That's where I used the points from the quests to advance the skills. Not very clear, since I kept getting a message after completing a quest to visit a skill trainer associated with my skills. And that would be a smith for swords? Not very clear.
    But why as a Blacksmith would you increase your sword skill?  You are a blacksmith so the skills you need to increase is Blacksmith and Mining.  You are a Crafter not a Warrior and as a Warrior the only skill you can increase is Swordsmanship and nothing else Warrior related.  Also the GM Blacksmith tells you to come back when you reach 70 in Blacksmith and Mining and that is when you get a quest to go into Shame, LOL
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    k, all crafters learn swordsmanship (though you can change skill later) There is no colored leather, so wander around Moonglow, Skara Farms or outside Trinsic killing cows, goats etc.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    Pawain said:
    @ Kyronix Like I said earlier. This info is misleading.  This is from Trinsic and the Brigands are outside Trinsic.  Players who read it keep asking how to get to Ice Island to do it.  Luckily most don't read.

    There is more than one brigand camp, there is one south of Trinsic, but there is also one on the east side of Ice Island, not to mention the older camp on the road towards Yew. - to get to ice island take the moongate to Moonglow then the ferry from Moonglow docks.
  • looploop Posts: 482
    edited July 2024
    Shouldn’t it be referred to as Dagger Isle anyway? Ice Island is just what players might call it. The ferry master refers to it as Dagger Isle.
  • SkuLoverSkuLover Posts: 10
    edited July 2024
    Mariah said:
    Pawain said:
    @ Kyronix Like I said earlier. This info is misleading.  This is from Trinsic and the Brigands are outside Trinsic.  Players who read it keep asking how to get to Ice Island to do it.  Luckily most don't read.

    There is more than one brigand camp, there is one south of Trinsic, but there is also one on the east side of Ice Island, not to mention the older camp on the road towards Yew. - to get to ice island take the moongate to Moonglow then the ferry from Moonglow docks.
    The problem is the text says Ice Island but the board says the location is the Trinsic brigand camp. The Trinsic brigand camp is the correct one to go to in order to complete this quest. 

  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    The ferry also refers to Ice Island as Dagger Island.
  • KelKel Posts: 42
    Some overall thoughts:
    • I know NL is supposed to be a seasonal server that offers the ability to jump in quick. However, in one weekend of moderate playing I was able to GM two characters and GM + Taming another. 

      This seems a bit too fast, especially if I'd be completely done and bored with this server in a weeks time (progression wise). 

      However, if the progression was slower the current repetitive nature of the quests becomes even more painfully unbearable. Not sure how to win here, but it needs help.

    • As others have said, the quests are painfully repetitive. I feel we need a way to complete more quests but have them be varied. Purely for fun and variety, it may have made more sense for a job board that assigns random quests in random areas around the world to assist with the open world feel and variety vs now which feels like questing on rails.

      Expanding city quests (more active quests in given area, 5-10 vs 3) may help this to some extent, but will still, ultimately, feel like questing on rails. 

    • Magic item drops are fun, but I haven't seen much variety in the magic item drops. Easy mobs drop good items. Hard mobs drop good items. Champ orc boss drops good items. I can get weapons just as good from a normal orc as an orc champ. The progression doesn't seem very clear here. I feel no incentive to go kill anything in the open world.

    • I feel like, upon accepting a quest, the quest window for said quest should pop up. I find myself opening it manually for many quests.

    • It's easy to accidentally click too many times and accept quests you don't necessarily want at that moment. Defend quests come to mind. It would be a nice addition to be able to cancel/quit a quest that you accidentally accepted as opposed to having to wait an hour to fail it to remove it from your log.

    • Wayfinder system needs to be fleshed out more. An arrow that points the user in the direction of the quest would be a good addition. Grind quests don't seem to have a working wayfinder like the class quests do.

    • Quest switchover overlap times may need to be increased. There were a few times where I accepted a Trinsic kill quest, made my way to the cave and no more mobs for said quest were spawning--the new mobs were. 

    • Quest mob spawns, Trinsic passage especially, need some addressing for obvious reasons.

    • Web kill quests are a grief fest. It makes sense for the webs to spawn enemies, but the result is probably unintended.

    • Some users have noted this, but the naming in flavor text vs the naming in actual locations differ and can be confusing.

    • Some users have noted this but Visit quest triggering is broken and seems to work at random.

    • Personal experience with the taming questline: I reached 80 in about 30 minutes--this was way too fast.

    • Quest loot, warrior especially, has a progression issue. By the time I received my first plate set I had looted armor that was significantly better than the quest rewards, rendering it DOA. Similar issue with the quest weapons. They were much worse than what I had already looted. The only warrior set that was remotely competitive was the final set.

    • Questing kill areas needs to be expanded a little. It's fairly buggy to have mobs spawn, kill it where it spawned, and receive no credit because you're 1 or 2 tiles outside of the zone.

    • Open-world risk feels too low. I don't necessarily think the answer is full open-world PVP, but the risk level as it is feels stale and boring after a while. 

    • Defend quests are buggy and need help. More than once if someone had come mid defense quest it would reset said quest and I would not receive proper credit upon time completion. However, the players who came in and reset it would receive proper completion.

    • Constant quest timer warning when killing anything... I think this speaks for itself.

    • This might be on me, or it's not fleshed out yet, but at no point did I see a reason to confer with a crafter for anything. 

    • Vendor item purchase prices seem low for some things. For example, mob drops 70g, and a magic weapon. Magic weapon sells for 1g. The balance doesn't seem right.

    Overall, I really like what NL has to offer and I feel like it could be really great if properly fleshed out. 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Mariah said:
    k, all crafters learn swordsmanship (though you can change skill later) There is no colored leather, so wander around Moonglow, Skara Farms or outside Trinsic killing cows, goats etc.
    Please explain WHY a Blacksmith needs Swordsmanship or for that matter Tailor and Carpentry.  What happened to Warriors/Tamers getting supplies for Crafters that needed killing.  Smiths mined, Carpenters chopped wood and Tailors bought cloth/flax from NPCs and leather from Warriors/Tamers and yes I started when UO was Fel only and you could safely do these things north of Brit in the Guard Zone.  How is a Blacksmith suppose to survive in Shame Dungeon with just 50 swords, stupid.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    I was able to get to GM skills on my warrior and kill the big orc. Built a tiny home.  Only needed to use 3 macros.  I used the quest given weapons and armor, which is pretty bad.

    Overall it was fun.  Some minor fixes that others have mentioned need done.  Ya it's repetitive,  but gaining skills on prodo shards is way more repetitive and way more than 3 days.

    You only have to do 15 of those a month to keep your house.  

    I am hoping the live NL will have events and more interaction from the devs to keep us entertained. The quests are not the whole game.

    I hate items with crap stats but as long as I can kill stuff, I'm OK with the junk items.  I like to build suits.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Del805Del805 Posts: 27
    Pawain said:
    I was able to get to GM skills on my warrior and kill the big orc. Built a tiny home.  Only needed to use 3 macros.  I used the quest given weapons and armor, which is pretty bad.

    Overall it was fun.  Some minor fixes that others have mentioned need done.  Ya it's repetitive,  but gaining skills on prodo shards is way more repetitive and way more than 3 days.

    You only have to do 15 of those a month to keep your house.  

    I am hoping the live NL will have events and more interaction from the devs to keep us entertained. The quests are not the whole game.

    I hate items with crap stats but as long as I can kill stuff, I'm OK with the junk items.  I like to build suits.
    I think there were people just testing stuff out. The magical properties and the areas we could fight in were limited. It was pretty much just a deceit and ice dungeon. So there were restrictions which is common on betas. 
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,025
    Kel said:
    Some overall thoughts:
    • I know NL is supposed to be a seasonal server that offers the ability to jump in quick. However, in one weekend of moderate playing I was able to GM two characters and GM + Taming another. 

      This seems a bit too fast, especially if I'd be completely done and bored with this server in a weeks time (progression wise). 

      However, if the progression was slower the current repetitive nature of the quests becomes even more painfully unbearable. Not sure how to win here, but it needs help.

    • As others have said, the quests are painfully repetitive. I feel we need a way to complete more quests but have them be varied. Purely for fun and variety, it may have made more sense for a job board that assigns random quests in random areas around the world to assist with the open world feel and variety vs now which feels like questing on rails.

      Expanding city quests (more active quests in given area, 5-10 vs 3) may help this to some extent, but will still, ultimately, feel like questing on rails. 

    • Magic item drops are fun, but I haven't seen much variety in the magic item drops. Easy mobs drop good items. Hard mobs drop good items. Champ orc boss drops good items. I can get weapons just as good from a normal orc as an orc champ. The progression doesn't seem very clear here. I feel no incentive to go kill anything in the open world.

    • I feel like, upon accepting a quest, the quest window for said quest should pop up. I find myself opening it manually for many quests.

    • It's easy to accidentally click too many times and accept quests you don't necessarily want at that moment. Defend quests come to mind. It would be a nice addition to be able to cancel/quit a quest that you accidentally accepted as opposed to having to wait an hour to fail it to remove it from your log.

    • Wayfinder system needs to be fleshed out more. An arrow that points the user in the direction of the quest would be a good addition. Grind quests don't seem to have a working wayfinder like the class quests do.

    • Quest switchover overlap times may need to be increased. There were a few times where I accepted a Trinsic kill quest, made my way to the cave and no more mobs for said quest were spawning--the new mobs were. 

    • Quest mob spawns, Trinsic passage especially, need some addressing for obvious reasons.

    • Web kill quests are a grief fest. It makes sense for the webs to spawn enemies, but the result is probably unintended.

    • Some users have noted this, but the naming in flavor text vs the naming in actual locations differ and can be confusing.

    • Some users have noted this but Visit quest triggering is broken and seems to work at random.

    • Personal experience with the taming questline: I reached 80 in about 30 minutes--this was way too fast.

    • Quest loot, warrior especially, has a progression issue. By the time I received my first plate set I had looted armor that was significantly better than the quest rewards, rendering it DOA. Similar issue with the quest weapons. They were much worse than what I had already looted. The only warrior set that was remotely competitive was the final set.

    • Questing kill areas needs to be expanded a little. It's fairly buggy to have mobs spawn, kill it where it spawned, and receive no credit because you're 1 or 2 tiles outside of the zone.

    • Open-world risk feels too low. I don't necessarily think the answer is full open-world PVP, but the risk level as it is feels stale and boring after a while. 

    • Defend quests are buggy and need help. More than once if someone had come mid defense quest it would reset said quest and I would not receive proper credit upon time completion. However, the players who came in and reset it would receive proper completion.

    • Constant quest timer warning when killing anything... I think this speaks for itself.

    • This might be on me, or it's not fleshed out yet, but at no point did I see a reason to confer with a crafter for anything. 

    • Vendor item purchase prices seem low for some things. For example, mob drops 70g, and a magic weapon. Magic weapon sells for 1g. The balance doesn't seem right.

    Overall, I really like what NL has to offer and I feel like it could be really great if properly fleshed out. 
    A wonderfully thoughtful post. Hope you don’t mind me piggybacking off your efforts. 

    On the subject of how repetitive the quests for skill gain become. 100% wish there were a more random feel. At the very least I hope it’s in the works to add many more quests for each character class. We need a lot more locations to run off to with purpose. 

    Trinsic kill quest in the tunnels to Delucia was a total bummer. Being sent to kill sheep but having it switch over to spiders was bummer enough. But then to find the few sheep left were stuck behind rocks or down in ditches, making line of sight impossible, made the quest impossible to finish. And if that wasn’t bad enough, as I started to bail, climbing back out of the passage, I was hit with a bug I’ve experienced before, that when nights triggered turned my screen completely black.

    i don’t mean, Gosh! It’s hard to see! I mean as solid black as your player screen can get. Try to navigate out of those tunnels with your eyes shut! lol good luck! And I do not have Dark Nights selected.

    I kind of like the system message offering its “you’re getting warmer” responses, rather than an arrow that would point toward your quest’s locale. But I’d like there to be a way to spur the message to show. If hitting the Kill / Defend etc grumps are what should prompt it, as some suggested, it doesn’t always work. Seems oddly random as to when it pops.

    I’m hoping there’s already a number of things planned down the road that will have fighters looking for help from crafters. And vice versa. One thing that sprang to mind, in the time I had to play, was regarding those runes that drop as a reward that have a few recall charges. I’d happily pay a crafter for being able to recharge those. 

    Or instead of being rechargeable, add them as a craftable item. Where you recall from when you use it (sort of like when you use the maps to get to vendors and can return to previous location) becomes an anchor. The destination is etched on it by the crafter (like marking a regular rune). 

    On the subject or gathering resources, I’m speaking from complete ignorance here because I’ve done 0 crafting or resource gathering beyond sheering some sheep, using a loom, and making some bandages. But I’m with Frodo, I don’t want to NEED a fighter / crafter. But I’d like the option of creating one if that’s to my liking.

    In other words, if I want to create a miner that can fight lower end spawn I’d like to be able to do so. I’d also like to be able to have a fighter that can kill mobs for hides and hand the leather off to crafters. I’m in the dark here on this. I haven’t played enough or talked to enough players to know if, as things stand now, either of those things is possible since skill gain, as far as I know, is all done through questing that results in predetermined templates. And gathering resources is tied to that resource window that I’ve forgotten the name of.

    Anyway, I had fun. I hope some naysayers will give it another shot. But if it’s totally not your thing, I get that too. And I hope devs have enough bandwidth to offer truly new things, and fix old things, on production shards, in addition to improving, launching and expanding NL. As far as offering a feel of old school UO? Nah, NL doesn’t feel like that at all to me, at least not thus far.

    I want to thank the devs and beta testers for their efforts.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    @Kyronix ; I decided to start a mage late last night.  I got to the point where I needed to defend the crypt.  I could not do it with just me and fireballs and magic arrows.  I tried 3 times.  I noticed that if I died there, I would not be able to get out.  And no NOOBs there can res.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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