The war on unapproved 3rd party



  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 990
    Try playing legit for 10+ years while more and more people are using clients that do the majority of tasks for you,  you won't find any sympathy from me.

    people are going to die one vs one to the dumbest templates for months if this goes through,
    egos are going to get crushed, because they were artificially boosted to begin with. -can't wait.

    a higher Resolution, sure.    I agree with that, but it also doesn't bother me playing UO at a lower resolution. I've done it for ~26 years now,  it's not going to make or break the game for me regardless.     -but it's making all the wittle babies sh*t their diapers, and it's hilarious. 
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!
    ICQ# 478 633 659
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,153
    Already seeing post on Facebook asking why they can't login!
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 990
    someday I'll make an EJ throw-away account and test it, hopefully I'll have a reliable source before it comes to that though (I'm lazy when it comes to testing things that shouldn't need testing in the first place)
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!
    ICQ# 478 633 659
  • OreoglOreogl Posts: 386
    CovenantX said:
    someday I'll make an EJ throw-away account and test it, hopefully I'll have a reliable source before it comes to that though (I'm lazy when it comes to testing things that shouldn't need testing in the first place)
    Judging by Grimbeards posts it’s already working as intended.

  • SitromisSitromis Posts: 17

    Transparency. It's not something online communities strive for, nor can claim to be proficient at. I read this thread and suspect 80% of those posting have been in UO long enough to have discovered a great many exploits, easter-eggs and most certainly house a collection of 3rd party programs; either those approved or unapproved; targeting quality of life improvements (e.g. repetitive actions that should simply be re-coded) or something a bit more nefarious that help them destroy even the most battle-hardened PvP'rs. 

    That said, transparency isn't just something that should be brought to light for the playing community. This is something we should also expect from Broadsword; that being a list of exactly what is and/or what is not approved for use. It should be part of the EULA and there should be no room for ambiguous interpretation. I expect that from any of the organization mentioned here, and I expect that from Broadsword as well.

    I will say, a small design team can be a limiting factor but fully endorse anti-cheat efforts that impact communities or multi-play environments. I was there for Bossland and the war Blizzard waged on them; I've met one of the mathematical engineers who help craft the Warden system; these systems, when designed properly, work very well - but like ALL code, require care and feeding in the form of tweaks, upgrades and maintenance. The said "catastrophe" that was prophesized sounds a bit dramatic and perhaps spoken like someone worried that there toys are about to be taken away. 

    This mage welcomes the change of weave (read, "code") and acknowledges his place within it as a practitioner (read, "user") ... encouraging others to do the same.

  • NikonUSNikonUS Posts: 28
    I am sure they can talk with Hotride and make the "O" client legal, with no scripting. just use the interface, macros, FPS, containers and everything good about.
  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 293
    Adapting it would probably take their one programmer another two years.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    edited July 24
    Adapting it would probably take their one programmer another two years.

    Maybe just Maybe they do not want to automate UO.  It sounds like the PvP community does not want to.

    I would be shocked if the devs even mention using that client in their meetings, much less us using to enter UO.

    Sounds like you need to move to a game that plays itself.  Or buy an aquarium.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 293
    edited July 24
    Pawain said:

    Maybe just Maybe they do not want to automate UO.  It sounds like the PvP community does not want to.

    I would be shocked if the devs even mention using that client in their meetings, much less us using to enter UO.

    Sounds like you need to move to a game that plays itself.  Or buy an aquarium.

    Or maybe the developers need a first-party client that isn't a complete embarrassment to look at. In any case I can't imagine why I'd be interested in the precious little opinion of one of those tedious people who bends over backwards to try and take some kind of high ground on a video game forum. At least you didn't just bump the thread with a stupid smiley face.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    edited July 25
    Pawain said:

    Maybe just Maybe they do not want to automate UO.  It sounds like the PvP community does not want to.

    I would be shocked if the devs even mention using that client in their meetings, much less us using to enter UO.

    Sounds like you need to move to a game that plays itself.  Or buy an aquarium.

    Or maybe the developers need a first-party client that isn't a complete embarrassment to look at. In any case I can't imagine why I'd be interested in the precious little opinion of one of those tedious people who bends over backwards to try and take some kind of high ground on a video game forum. At least you didn't just bump the thread with a stupid smiley face.
    So, what have you contributed other than whining and dissing and complaining?  :)

    I guess I am unique here, I play games with content I like.  There are thousands of games out there. Maybe you can find one you like, or make your own since you know so much about it.  Let us know when its out.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MacroPlanetMacroPlanet Posts: 105
    Metrican said:
    I use Pincos UI with EC. It's not that bad but as was said, classic client is a low res slide show. Start there. I guess that was too hard for you to figure out.
    Honestly all I'm looking for is a slightly updated version of CC. Allow us to make the game window larger and to let the game run at 60fps.

    That's it.
  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 293
    Pawain said:

    I guess I am unique here, I play games with content I like.  There are thousands of games out there. Maybe you can find one you like, or make your own since you know so much about it.  Let us know when its out.

    If you're this desperate to feel a sense of moral superiority, maybe find an outlet that makes you look less pathetic.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 520Moderator
    If this conversation continues with personal attacks, it will no longer be useful.
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,080
    Rorschach said:
    If this conversation continues with personal attacks, it will no longer be useful.
    That Victim guy really stinks, and talk about a lack of understanding . . . 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,153
    edited July 27
    "No it's not a scare tactic as they've already pulled the trigger in the last patch and broke Orion and ClassicUO by changing the format of some files. If they cared/knew how many people would be alienated by that they probably wouldn't have done it. With the timing of that announcement it's hard to see any other conclusion other than they're "at war" with the clients.

    So there might not bans but because no one can use the clients to be banned now (apart from using old files but that won't last forever)"

    QUOTE from a uo discord 

    Shots are fired

  • HonestAlyHonestAly Posts: 3
    CovenantX said:
    Aside from recording an incredibly long macro, there's no way to 'unattended macro' in UOAssist.

    You never heard of UO-Autoloop?  It would run UOAssist macros over and over again.  With a RPA tool you can set up something to click on the macro play button too.  
  • deaditedeadite Posts: 16
    The devs need to look at what happened with OSRS and Runelite and make a similar decision.

    They are going to absolutely kill New Legacy's chances otherwise. This game has absolutely no chance to grow unless the client situation is fixed. First party, third party, who cares. Just fix it.
  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 293
    edited July 27
    A whole new generation of players going "Why is the play field three inches across?" and logging out to play something else. It's one thing to just give up on client updates forever, it's another to expect people to use them.

    If I set my PC resolution to 1280x720 and the play field to 800x600 I get something sort of tolerable but with waaay too much black space, and that's as good as it gets. Ridiculous.
  • DeadThing5DeadThing5 Posts: 6
    The official clients definitely need updating, especially if you're going to leave those clients as the only option to play. Yeah, third party client have tools that "legit player" would not approve of, and can be used in an exploitive way, they also run and function orders of magnitude better than the official clients. I would be perfectly happy with a client that ran well, even if it couldn't do anything more than could be done in the client in 1999. Oh and large container gumps. and Interface scaling, our eyes are getting old, we need bigger gfx. Many, many people who aren't cheating are going to be alienated by this because they're going to be forced to use piles of hot garbage to continue playing the game. Even if some people are living with the official clients just fine, that doesn't change the fact that they're living with piles of hot garbage. There is no reason for the official clients to be so awful in 2024, and if the player community solves the problem for you, shame on you for vilifying their efforts in the hopes of legitimizing your own broken clients. 

    FYI setting the play area to 1200x800 and playing in windowed mode at 1920x1280 gives a decent size screen, and that doesn't solve any of the other problems. They experience is still garbage. I really can't stress this enough: the official clients are AWFUL, and we have other clients out there that prove that they don't have to be. 
  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 293
    FYI setting the play area to 1200x800 and playing in windowed mode at 1920x1280 gives a decent size screen, and that doesn't solve any of the other problems.
    I've tried that but I find it makes all the UI elements like the backpack, minimap, etc. unacceptably small for me. And yeah I don't understand why the frame rate is so bad. It wasn't always like this.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 990
    edited July 28
    HonestAly said:
    CovenantX said:
    Aside from recording an incredibly long macro, there's no way to 'unattended macro' in UOAssist.

    You never heard of UO-Autoloop?  It would run UOAssist macros over and over again.  With a RPA tool you can set up something to click on the macro play button too.  
      Yes, I've used it before, (It was very useful when everyone was running in Windows XP, probably not for the reason you think ;) ,) that is also a separate program though, it's like one step above jamming something in your keyboard to hold a button down...your point?      UOLoop is similar but works both with or without UOA.

      -Direct to pack drops would really be the only thing you'd be able to farm if you intended to do it 100% afk...  -but I'm pretty open on my stances about direct-to-pack drops specifically due to that reason.

    After all. that's most likely the only reason Blackthorn dungeon mobs were removed.  it was completely afk-able without a script, you didn't even need a 'loop' program going because the constant spawning of mobs & auto-defend would keep you logged in and prevent idleness.
    no way to loot filtered items from corpses unattended, using only 'approved' clients/programs.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!
    ICQ# 478 633 659
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,153
    The offending clients have been patched and are back in business time to fire another volley....
  • lux113lux113 Posts: 6
    Ok Listen.. PLEASE.

    I pretty much ONLY even play UO now BECAUSE of classic UO.  And no, for none of the "bad reasons", I'm completely uninterested in any of that, I've got like 5 macros that are for silly things like making wool, or simply selecting my pickaxe.  Very unimpressive stuff that can be done most likely with the macros in the uo client itself.  My characters have are almost all maxed at 100 or 120.. I have basically 0 need for unattended macroing.

    So what do I use ClassicUO for and why did it make the game bearable?

    - First and foremost - I can stretch that tiny little player window to fill my monitor.  Come on guys - this is 2024, you seriously can't add that to the classic client?  This makes the game playable.

    - Tiny tweaks like doors open automatically.  - it's the small things that really help the game and make it fun.

    - A bigger and better world map.

    - better display of my stats and customizable.

    - Honestly, that's mostly it -- and the top one, being able to make the play screen as large as you want is absolutely most important.  It's crucial.

    Dude, this game is barely alive as it is Devs.  You did some weird failed attempt at a new server, and then attack the handful of existing customers that you have simply because I use a program to make my fricken screen bigger.  

    And if you guys think "oh sure, he says that, but I'm sure he's using it to cheat."  Absolutely 100% no, why?  For what reason?  I like playing the game, crafting, and as far as ore and wood and things -- heck, at this point i just buy them from ultimacodes anyway :) lol.. i don't need to macro anything, and I don't do anything unattended.

    This is extremely upsetting.  Two accounts that yes, I'll probably never play again and that sucks, I love UO, it was nice to be back, but without the fixes to the client ClassicUO provides it's just obnoxious.  Ah well, time to grow up and stop playing this ancient game anyway I suppose.
  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 293
    A lot of these guys don't realize that they're paying to play the absolute worst version of the client. Like it's not even close. Once you see the CC artwork actually moving around on a properly sized screen with a fluid framerate, the retail CC is just shameful to look at.
  • lux113lux113 Posts: 6
    Oh and by the way -

    I can't even come up with a way that people "cheating" in this game today is nagatively affecting me.  Never been attacked or anything of this sort, maybe it's causing some prices to rise?  So what.. I have so much gold none of that is even relevant.  Seriously guys, this may have been a concern in 1995.. but we all have like decades old accounts that are thoroughly developed.  I play solo, I fight solo and the rest of the time I'm crafting the house...  

    Cheating is not and has never been a concern for me.

    You have all these people saying "oh, thanks finally you're fixing that." Honestly, people always do this, they are just "white knighting" the devs, basically demonstrating that they are good players and not those 'bad guys' like me that want to increase the size of my playing screen.

    Anyway, thanks for the fix. 
  • lux113lux113 Posts: 6
    Ok, for the record It had been so long since I used the normal client I didn't know that there was a bigger player window size in the settings than I was using.

    Anyway, just thought I'd admit it.

    That just leaves all the smaller problems.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    lux113 said:
    Ok, for the record It had been so long since I used the normal client I didn't know that there was a bigger player window size in the settings than I was using.

    Anyway, just thought I'd admit it.

    That just leaves all the smaller problems.
    Don't believe the haters, UO is updating and changing constantly.   Those screen size choices have been there for years.  There is probably a thousand other things in UO that you don't know.

    Be pleasant and ask questions.  Many are here to help you.  Have fun.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,417
    lux113 said:
    Ok, for the record It had been so long since I used the normal client I didn't know that there was a bigger player window size in the settings than I was using.

    Anyway, just thought I'd admit it.

    That just leaves all the smaller problems.
    I think @Mariah has a write-up in the Wiki about the clients.
  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 293
    edited July 29
    Pawain said:
    lux113 said:
    Ok, for the record It had been so long since I used the normal client I didn't know that there was a bigger player window size in the settings than I was using.

    Anyway, just thought I'd admit it.

    That just leaves all the smaller problems.
    Don't believe the haters, UO is updating and changing constantly.   Those screen size choices have been there for years.  There is probably a thousand other things in UO that you don't know.

    Be pleasant and ask questions.  Many are here to help you.  Have fun.

    In retail UO I can either set my resolution relatively high with a 1280x720 gameplay window and enjoy sorting through two-inch wide backpacks while my eyes cross, or set both lower and have half the screen occupied by black space,

    Meanwhile on a freeshard client you can just click and drag the gameplay window to any size you want, adjust the size of individual UI elements to whatever you want, and enjoy CC graphics with a smooth fluid frame rate. You can even filter incoming text to get rid of things like spell words or other peoples poison messages, or just whatever spam you don't feel like seeing.

    You're literally simping for the worst and most primitive version of UO that exists. The retail clients are abandonware garbage and the developers should be ashamed to peddle them as commercial products at this point. You should be demanding that they go grab one of the open source freeshard clients from github, rip out all the scripting elements, and host it for us as an official client.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    Pawain said:
    lux113 said:
    Ok, for the record It had been so long since I used the normal client I didn't know that there was a bigger player window size in the settings than I was using.

    Anyway, just thought I'd admit it.

    That just leaves all the smaller problems.
    Don't believe the haters, UO is updating and changing constantly.   Those screen size choices have been there for years.  There is probably a thousand other things in UO that you don't know.

    Be pleasant and ask questions.  Many are here to help you.  Have fun.

    In retail UO I can either set my resolution relatively high with a 1280x720 gameplay window and enjoy sorting through two-inch wide backpacks while my eyes cross, or set both lower and have half the screen occupied by black space,

    Meanwhile on a freeshard client you can just click and drag the gameplay window to any size you want, adjust the size of individual UI elements to whatever you want, and enjoy CC graphics with a smooth fluid frame rate. You can even filter incoming text to get rid of things like spell words or other peoples poison messages, or just whatever spam you don't feel like seeing.

    You're literally simping for the worst and most primitive version of UO that exists. The retail clients are abandonware garbage and the developers should be ashamed to peddle them as commercial products at this point. You should be demanding that they go grab one of the open source freeshard clients from github, rip out all the scripting elements, and host it for us as an official client.
    Yet u still are here playing.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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